The Ex Files (Ocean View #1)(16)

“‘Your love life will soon be happy and harmonious.’” He looks at me with a smile. “Wow, you work quick, huh?” I laugh.

“Okay, so now you have to kiss it and fold it into a heart, making a wish.”

“Then what?”

“Well… it’s supposed to come true. I don’t know. It’s just a fun superstition.”

“Well, you kiss mine. Your lipstick is much prettier,” he says with a smile. “I’ll do yours. Show me how.” Shaking my head, I want to argue, but the one glass of wine with the light salad has me feeling unnaturally light and airy. Or maybe it’s the company. I snatch the paper from him, pressing a kiss to it and seeing the faint mark from the long-lasting red lipstick I put on before I got here.

“Okay, so you take it like this, then fold it like this and this…” I look up and smile at him playing along, folding my fortune the same way I’m showing him. Then tuck it in and…” I lift the tiny heart. “Voila! You have a fortune cookie wish.” He smiles back at me, snatching the red and white paper from me before pocketing it.

“You’re fun, Cassie.” He says this before standing, getting his jacket on, and leading me out of the restaurant to continue our night.

“I’m not going in there.”


“I’m not going in there.” We’re standing outside the art museum a few blocks from the Thai restaurant, the night air already cutting through my jacket. We’re about five blocks from the ocean, and the wind is always freezing on this side of town.

“This is the activity we’re doing.”


“What do you mean, ‘nope.’ That’s not how this works. I plan dinner and the activity. You go.”

“You’ve never been on a date with me.” When he says this, he’s not looking at me with my hands on my hips and ready to argue. He seems the type to enjoy it, to argue for the fun of it. He’s digging in his pocket while he reaches for my hand, pulling me away from the museum.


“Not going to some uptight art museum. Not on a first date, not ever.”

“What if the woman I match you up with likes art museums?”

“Did I already pass the exam? You know I’m getting added to your roster?” He’s smiling over his shoulder as I move to catch up with him as he guides me along the crowded streets. It’s dark, but it's easy to see where we're going with the streetlights and lights from restaurants and stores. Towards the boardwalk.

“What? No, I just-”

“Do you like going to art museums?” I can’t lie. Because honestly, most of the time, I find them quite dull, but they tell a lot about a person.

“Not particularly, but that’s not—”

“Sweetheart, if you set me up with a woman who loves art museums and expects to drag my ass to them regularly, you didn’t do your job right.” His fingers are twined with mine as he dials something into his cell.

“This is crazy! Where are you taking me?” But his phone is to his ear, and he doesn’t answer me.

“Hey, man, what’s goin’ on? Are you in Ocean View today? Yeah? No way, for sure, we’ll be there in uh…” He looks around to find a street sign. “Five, maybe ten? Yeah. Hold a spot for us. Nah, got a date.” He laughs that attractive deep chuckle once more. “Go fuck yourself, man. Yeah, see you then.” He swipes to hang up before putting it back into his pocket and dragging me towards an unknown location.

“What is going on!?”

“Going somewhere more fun.”

“This is not how this works!”

“Yeah, well, it’s how I work. And how I work is, I don’t go to museums.”

“But your application said you were cultured and you enjoy art.”

“Already covered this. My sister did that. Who the fuck knows what else she said?”

“This is ridiculous, Luke. I can’t just go to some unknown location with you.” The panic is rising now. Truly, this isn’t a great idea. “Plus, no one will know where I am. This isn’t safe. I have protocols!” It’s not that I don’t trust this man because I do for some bizarre reason. But this is not my plan, and I do not like when things don’t follow my plan. He hears the panic and stops in his tracks at the sound, turning to look at me. Now he’s standing in front of me, hands on my shoulders and reading every thought I’m sure is crossing my face. I can only hope he doesn’t see every thought there, especially ones I wouldn’t want to be broadcasted to him specifically.

“Okay, sweetheart. That makes sense. You text your girl. You tell her you’re going to Tommy’s Tavern on the boardwalk, the entrance off 34th, for trivia night. Tell her we’re meetin’ my friends there, one is my best friend, Chris Jacobs.” I stare at him, and although the plans are changing, I nod, although this train is so far off my well-planned track. I don’t know why. But I dig through my bag and find my phone, doing as he asked and sending Gabrielle a text to tell her the change in my plans. Then we head down to trivia night with Luke’s friends.



Morgan Elizabeth's Books