The Devil Gets His Due (The Devils #4)(96)

Thank you to:

My beloved developmental editor, Sali Benbow-Powers, for her brilliant suggestions and for being willing to Vox me at midnight to tell me I need to add a sex scene even though she knows I’ll have a tantrum about it.

The wonderful Entirely Bonkerzz, whose tweaks and suggestions were invaluable.

My beta readers: Michelle Chen, Katie Foster Meyer, Tawanna Williams and Jen Wilson Owens. As always, you’ve made this book so much better than it would have been without you.

To my publicist, the wonderful Nina Grinstead and the entire team at Valentine PR—Christine, Kelley, Kim, Sarah and everyone I’ve forgotten.

To Kelly Golland, for understanding subordinating conjunctions so I don’t have to and Julie Deaton for knowing that “seatbelt”and “goosebumps” need a space between them.

To Kathy Schofield and English Michaels, my labor and delivery experts, for their expertise, and to my amazing dermatologist and her residents (who shall remain nameless in case I messed something up) for letting me grill them.

To Deanna Heaven, for giving me just enough info about hedge fund managers that I could pretend to be one, and convincing me I’d never want to be.

To my PA, Christine Estevez, for keeping me on track.

To my besties—Deanna, Katie and Sallye. FKA The Capital Grill Club, FKA The Bad Ass Middle Aged Assassins. Now dubbed The Cul-de-Sac Crew because I’m determined to make you all move to Florida with me in old age.

And finally, to my daughter Lily, for all the snide commentary during Bridgerton (credit for the comment about Daphne needing cardio goes to her). Lily, as you leave for college, please remember which male contestants I hated on Love is Blind and Love Island and know this: I was serious about killing them in their sleep if you ever bring them home.

Elizabeth O'Roark's Books