The Bromance Book Club (Bromance Book Club, #1)(76)

Game time. Thea nodded. “Let me run to the bathroom first.”

Thea grabbed her clutch purse from the floor and gave him a grateful smile when he gripped her elbow to help her stand again.

“Be right back,” she said.

The bathroom was down a long hallway and around the corner. As she left the ballroom, the sound of the band faded until all she could hear was the rapid beat of her own heart.

Which didn’t, however, drown out the voices around the corner.

She stopped and held in a groan. Rachel and her coven were apparently sitting in the waiting area between the offices and the bathrooms. Which left Thea with two options: go down one floor to use another bathroom, or walk past them with a wave and otherwise ignore them. Dammit! She didn’t want to take the time to go all the way to another floor. And what the hell? Why should she have to? Just because Rachel had managed to turn most of the other women against her didn’t mean she had any less right to be there. She and Gavin were still married.

With a deep breath for courage, Thea took a step around the corner.

But Rachel’s next words brought her once again to a halt.

“I can’t believe they had the balls to show up tonight,” Rachel said, her words slurred just enough to reflect the steady flow of alcohol she’d consumed.

“It’s so selfish,” said Mia Lewis, fiancée of outfielder Kevin Krieg. “I’m sorry, but they are officially bad luck.”

Thea’s stomach twisted into a painful cramp. There could be no doubt that they were talking about her and Gavin.

Rachel snorted. “Did you see them kissing?”

“I thought it was sweet,” said another voice. Maybe Mary Phillips? The wife of Brad Phillips, the backup catcher, had always been nice to her. What was she doing with them?

“It was gross,” Rachel sneered. “Like, God. Get a fucking room.”

“Everyone else was kissing,” Mary said.

“Yeah, but it’s them,” Rachel said. “I bet they were both virgins when they met.”

“That is so mean,” Mia said, laughing.

“Can you imagine being married to him?” Rachel asked.

Thea’s hand curled into a fist against her stomach.

“Have you ever tried to have a conversation with him? I bet he even stutters in bed.”

Rage. Hot and red. It flushed Thea’s skin and dimmed her eyesight. A vision flashed through her mind of launching herself at Rachel, knocking her to the ground, and pummeling her in the face. Instead, she stomped around the corner and revealed herself. “How dare you!”

The three women whipped their heads around and had the decency to at least momentarily look guilty for being caught.

Thea surged forward. “Who the hell do you think you are?”

Mary blanched and stepped forward. “Thea, we didn’t— We weren’t talking about you guys.”

Rachel rolled her eyes. “I don’t think she’s going to buy that.”

Fury rolled through her like a thunderstorm. “You can say whatever the hell you want about me. But do not ever disrespect my husband. Gavin has more dignity, integrity, and guts than every man on this team combined, and more than the three of you could ever dream of.”

Mary swallowed hard. “I’m sorry. I’m . . . I’m going to go back to the party.” She raced past Thea with cheeks blazing.

Rachel rolled her eyes. “Look, if you expect me to apologize, you’re going to be waiting a long time.”

“I don’t expect it, and frankly I don’t care. But if I ever hear you disparage my husband again—”

“You’ll what?” Rachel stood, taking advantage of every inch of her tall, lithe form. “You’ll be mad? You’ll go tell your husband? This isn’t high school, sweetie.”

Thea barked out a laugh. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Rachel wobbled drunkenly on her heels again. “How much have you had to drink, Rachel?”

“None of your fucking business.”

As she said it, though, she wobbled again and nearly wiped out. Thea gripped Rachel’s arm and steadied her. Rachel yanked her arm away. “Don’t touch me.”

Thea wouldn’t be surprised if she pretended to spray herself to kill the cooties.

Mia grabbed Rachel’s arm. “Let’s just go.”

Rachel yanked away. “No. Why shouldn’t she know the truth?”

Mia’s eyes darted sideways to a spot behind Thea. “Rachel, come on.”

“Know the truth about what?” Thea snapped. “That you blame me for your own problems?”

Rachel lurched forward. “Jake and I would be fine if we’d made it to the World Series! And the only reason we didn’t is because your husband choked in that last game!”

“Okay, what you’re doing right now is called projection, and it’s sad.”

“I had plans!” she shrieked. “You think I want to live in this hillbilly city forever? Your husband stole the ring right off Jake’s finger and all the endorsement deals that should have come with it!”

Thea sputtered like a rusty tractor engine after a long winter in the barn. But when she finally got into gear, her rage propelled her forward with a kick. “My husband? Let’s talk about your husband and that two-run homer he allowed in the third inning! Or how about that double that gave the Cubs the lead?”

Lyssa Kay Adams's Books