The Bromance Book Club (Bromance Book Club, #1)(46)

Their bedroom.

He raised his hand to knock, fighting against the resentment that he had to request entry to his own bedroom. She didn’t answer right away, and the second-long delay was just enough to make him sweat.

“Come in,” she finally said.

The door creaked softly. The bedside lamp was the only light source, painting everything in a soft yellow glow. The room smelled like her lotion. Thea sat on the bed, back against the headboard and her computer on her lap. Her hair was wrapped in a twisty towel thing that she always wore after showers, and she’d donned one of his Tshirts as a nightgown. His heart thudded a heavy beat. What would she say if he admitted that all those times he’d sought release on the road with his own hand, he’d been picturing her just like this—warm and soft and unintentionally sexy?

Butter bounded into the room and leapt onto the bed. Little bastard actually smirked as he lay down and settled his head on Thea’s bare legs.

“I’m home,” Gavin said dumbly, his mouth suddenly dry.

She met his gaze over her laptop. “OK.”

“What are you doing?” He nodded at the computer.

“Emailing your mom about what the girls want for Christmas.”

“Right.” Seeing how he mauled her last night, it was ridiculous how nervous he was to ask if he could kiss her now. But this was different. He wasn’t sure why. It just was.

Thea finally let out a long breath and turned her attention back to her computer. Fuck it. Gavin surged forward. The sound of his feet on the carpet brought her eyes back up in what he would pretend was anticipation but was probably more likely surprise.

He waited for Thea to say something, do something. Waited for her to make the first move, to lift her face or reach for him. He begged her silently, with his eyes and his quickened breath, to do it. Because even though it was one of his conditions, it had to be her choice. He wasn’t going to force it on her.

Her nostrils flared slightly, and he could swear that her body swayed just a touch toward his. Her tongue darted out from between her plump lips and licked the bottom one. His gut clenched in response.

“Good night,” he said gruffly. And before he could talk himself out of it, he bent and brushed his lips lightly across hers.

There. Give him a gold fucking star. He’d kissed his wife.

Thea looked up at him with wide eyes. “Good night,” she murmured.

“Want me to tuck you in, or is that something you can handle yourself too?”

Thea’s eyes narrowed for a split second until she realized he was attempting to tease her. She rolled her eyes, but her lips twitched at the corners. He wanted nothing more than to kiss her again and see if he could coax another moan out of her like last night.

But he’d made this bed.

It was his own fault he didn’t get to lie in it.

He settled into the guest room, cracked open his book, and hoped Lord Know-It-All had some wisdom for fixing the mess he’d made.


The puke-opalypse was over.

The girls woke up squirrely, hungry, and begging for pancakes. Thea woke up tense, hot, and hungry for something else. Her dreams had been vivid.

Thea tugged on a pair of leggings and followed the girls downstairs. Gavin’s door was shut, so he was either still asleep or—

Or he was already awake, showered, and making coffee when she entered the kitchen. Wow. OK.

“Daddy!” Amelia raced toward him and threw her arms around his legs.

“Morning, baby girl,” he said, resting a hand on her head. “You all better this morning?”

“I want pancakes,” she said.

“I’m sure we can make that happen.” He looked at Ava. “You want pancakes, squirt?” She nodded and hugged her duck.

Gavin looked over his shoulder and met Thea’s gaze. He lifted the corner of his mouth in a half smile, an apology emanating from his eyes. “Morning,” he said. “Coffee?”

“Um, sure.” She shuffled forward and sat at one of the barstools. A moment later he set a steaming mug in front of her.

“Want me to make the pancakes?” he asked.

“I can do it.” She raised the mug to her lips. He’d doctored it perfectly with vanilla creamer and sugar.

“I know you can,” he said calmly. “But I’m asking if you’d like a day off from it for a change.”

It was a truce. A pancake peace offering. It would be petty to keep arguing, and even though petty was her favorite mood these days, she relented. “OK. Thank you.”

Gavin smiled as if she’d just agreed to let him move back into the bedroom.

“Where’s Liv?” Thea asked as she stood.

“Basement, I guess. Haven’t seen her.”

Thea changed direction and walked to the basement door. She opened it and listened but heard nothing. She crept down the stairs, rounded the corner, and nearly burst out laughing. Liv lay prostrate across the bed, still fully clothed. Her hair spread around her head in a violent swirl.

She started to tiptoe away.

“I’m awake,” Liv muttered.

Thea turned around. “Sorry.”

Liv groaned and rolled onto her back.

“Bad night?”

“People who go to restaurants on Thanksgiving are the worst people in the world. I never want to make another pumpkin pie in my life.”

Lyssa Kay Adams's Books