The Boss Project(68)

“You good?”

I nodded and smiled. “Very.”

Merrick clenched his jaw as he continued, looking into my eyes in a way that made me feel bare—and it had nothing to do with being naked.

“You feel…fuck, so good,” he muttered.

My eyes closed as I felt the familiar wave taking form once again.

“Open your eyes, Evie. I want to…” He thrust deeper. “Fuck. I want…to watch you come.”

When our eyes met again, I felt the intensity of our connection deep in my chest. We were giving each other so much more than our bodies—what I was feeling came from the soul.

Merrick’s thrusts quickened. He lifted one of my thighs, causing him to sink even deeper into my body—hitting just the right spot.


“That’s it, sweetheart. Wrap your legs around my back.” He tightened his hold and fucked me hard and fast. His hips ground down, pinning me to the mattress, and it took all my strength to match his thrusts. “I’m so deep inside you… You’re so fucking tight…”

I felt desperate, my nails digging into his pumping ass as my climax started to build once again. We were slicked with sweat, our bodies slapping into each other, playing the most erotic tune I’d ever heard.

My orgasm hit faster than ever before, and with so much intensity it felt like it might blow me to smithereens. I cried out Merrick’s name while his eyes blazed so hot, the green of his irises turned dark gray.

When I finally started to loosen my grip on his ass, it was his turn. Merrick bucked one, twice, and on the third time he planted himself to the root with a roar. The veins in his neck bulged, and every muscle in his body tightened as he released inside me. Even through the condom, I could feel spurts of hot cum.

Rather than rolling off or collapsing on top like most men do, Merrick kept going. His mouth slid over my shoulders and neck, licking and kissing while we caught our breath.

“Wow,” I finally managed. “Now I understand why you thought we needed more than two condoms.” I smiled goofily. “You’re good at that.”

Merrick chuckled. “My ego would like to take all the credit, but that was us, sweetheart. It’s been there from the very start.”

I knew he was right. There’d been a spark of something since the first time I’d stepped into his office. That day I would’ve bet that something was friction from the clash of our personalities. To be honest, a little of that might still exist, but our connection had gone somewhere I’d never imagined it would.

I cupped his cheek. “You were very unexpected.”

He turned his head into my hand and kissed my palm. “Sometimes the best things come along that way.”



“Have you ever used your barter system for sexual favors?” Merrick was propped up on one elbow, tracing the outline of my areola.

I laughed. “Can’t say that I have.”

“Good answer. I can’t wait to be the first.”

“How do you know you have something I want?” I teased. “I don’t barter with just anyone, you know.”

He leaned down and brushed his lips with mine, keeping them there while he spoke. “Change your flight. I’ll spend the entire day showing you I have something you want.”

I made a pout face. “I wish I could. But I have appointments bright and early tomorrow.”

He made the sound a buzzer makes when you give a wrong answer. Bzzzzt. Then pinched my nipple.

“Owww!” I laughed. “That’s not a toy.”

“I disagree. But it wouldn’t be an issue if you gave the right answer, now would it?”

I ran my fingers through Merrick’s hair. “I wish I could stay. But it’s important to me that people learn to trust me, and keeping appointments is the first step toward that.”

He frowned.

I cupped his cheek. “You’re adorable when you sulk. But I think it’s even more important for me to keep my schedule now that we…you know.”


“I probably would have used a nicer word, but yeah.”

He went back to tracing my areola. “There’s no nicer word than fuck. You can use it when you’re pissed off, happy, or to describe my new favorite hobby. Tell me another word in the English language that is so diverse.”

“Okay, but…this does complicate things. If, you know, this becomes more than a one-time thing.”

Merrick’s finger froze. “What do you mean?”

“Well, last night just sort of happened. We didn’t talk about it, so…” I shrugged. “I don’t know. It doesn’t have to be more than it was.”

“Are you saying that’s what you want?”

I shook my head. “No, I just…didn’t want to make you feel like there were any expectations or anything.”

His mouth flattened to a grim line. “I expect it wasn’t a one-night stand. I’m not the one who’s been running from this, Evie.”

I looked away. “I guess I’m just trying to say I don’t expect anything of you.”

Merrick was quiet for a long time. “Evie, look at me.”

Vi Keeland's Books