The Blessed Curse (The Elder Blood Chronicles, #4)(94)

“Open your eyes, Zoey,” Seth whispered as he released her arms.

She moved at once, whirling on him with more anger than she had ever felt in her life. “You bastard!” she railed as her fist connected solidly with his face. Tears were streaming down her cheeks and she knew her voice was hysterical, but she didn’t care. Seth stood impassively as she struck him again and again until her anger receded to a low throb of despair. Her curses faded to broken sobs and she bowed her head as she backed away from him.

“You really shouldn’t make her angry again, Seth. She is meaner than Momma when she is upset,” Legacy observed from behind her.

Shock silenced her tears at once and she turned slowly to look down at the small boy. He had backed away from the chair and was watching her with wide violet eyes. If her curse had affected him at all there was no sign. He looked just as healthy as he had before he touched her hand.

“You have to face your fears to conquer them. Congratulations, Zoey you just controlled your power for the first time,” Seth said quietly.

She turned slowly to stare at him and shook her head slowly. “I hate you so much right now,” she whispered. “You had no way of knowing I wouldn’t hurt him, and you know how much he means to me. You forced me to violence and I have never acted in violen ce before in my life. Violence begets violence Seth, and I despise it.”

His expression changed at once with her last words and Seth took a slow step back from her. “Where did you hear those words?” he asked in a tone of voice she had never heard him use before. It wasn’t fear lacing his words, it was uncertainty. She had unsettled him with the words, though she didn’t know why.

“My guardian in Arovan. He taught me that violence never solves anything and he was right. I live my life by what he showed me and you just made me turn from everything I believe in,” Zoelyn replied coldly. She had no idea what had unnerved him, but she was relishing in it. He deserved to squirm after what he had just put her through.

“What was his name?” Seth asked hesitantly as he took another step back from her.

“Dominic,” Zoelyn answered quietly, her eyes moving past Seth to Finn as he appeared behind the Assassin. It was obvious Seth hadn’t noticed Finn’s arrival yet, but by the expression on Finn’s face, it wouldn’t be long before he did. It was the first time she had ever seen the Lord of Death truly angry, and just the sight of it chilled her blood. Swallowing heavily she took a step back toward Legacy.

“She may not believe in violence, but I most certainly do.” Finn’s voice echoed through the throne room and Seth whirled at once to face him. His fist connected solidly as Seth turned and the Assassin staggered back under the blow. Seth had shown no reaction when she had vented her fury on him, not even bruising on his pale flesh. Blood streamed from a gash in his face now, though, and it didn’t look as though Finn was finished. “I trust you with my son and you gamble with his life,” he snarled as he advanced on Seth once more.

“I didn’t consider it a gamble,” Seth replied calmly. He brushed his fingertips across his cheek and stared at the blood on his hand with a frown. His gaze rose once more to Finn as he closed on him. “You look angry enough to kill me right now, Finn. If you are going to do so would you send your son and Zoelyn away first, please?” he asked quietly and the Lord of Death’s advance stopped at once.

Finn swallowed heavily, his gaze flicking to her and Legacy and a flash of regret showed on his handsome face. “My temper has always been bad,” he offered in apology. His gaze returned to Seth once more and he shook his head slowly. The anger was still there, but Finn was doing his best to control it now. “We aren’t done, but you have shamed me. I won’t rip you apart in front of my son or Zoey.”

“I thank you for that. Watching someone you care for die is a painful memory, and despite their feelings for me right now, both of them consider me a friend,” Seth replied with a bow of his head. “Zoelyn, take Legacy to my quarters. Finn will summon you back when he has finished here,” Seth ordered in a louder voice.

“Daddy, don’t kill him,” Legacy pleaded.

Zoelyn stared at Finn for a long moment then looked to Seth. Her anger with the man evaporated like mist as she realized Finn was still angry enough to kill, and Seth looked more than ready to accept the punishment. He hadn’t even raised a hand to defend himself when Finn attacked him. He had simply taken the blow with the same calmness he had accepted her own punishment. “Please Finn. It was a horrible lesson, but he was just trying to help me.” The words were out of her mouth before she realized what she was saying.

“Zoey, please take Legacy to my rooms. The Lord of Death will deliver the judgment he sees fit, regardless of your words,” Seth repeated without turning to look at her. His eyes were on Finn alone as he calmly folded his arms across his chest. Blood still trickled down from the cut on his cheek, but there wasn’t a trace of fear or regret on his face.

“C’mon Legacy,” Zoelyn murmured as she pulled her gloves back on and took the child’s hand. She cast another glance back at Seth and Finn as she left the room, but kept her silence.

“Is Daddy going to kill Seth?” Legacy asked as they started toward the stairs.

“I don’t know, Legacy,” Zoelyn admitted. “I hope not,” she added in a softer voice. She had to fight the urge to run back to the throne room, and she knew the wait for the summons would be excruciating. Just a few minutes ago she had wanted to kill Seth herself, and now she was praying to every Divine that he would live. It made no sense at all.

Melissa Myers's Books