The Blessed Curse (The Elder Blood Chronicles, #4)(38)

Still the idea that Lord Arovan had offered her the protection of his house and then not even a month later was handing her over to a complete stranger had her nerves so far on edge that she was ready to bolt. “Why am I going with you?” Zoelyn asked cautiously, her gaze flicking to the guard that was already disappearing back down the hallway.

“Because I don’t believe in Undrae by birth as everyone else seems to. Valor explained your plight to me and I think that perhaps I can help you. At the very least I can offer you a home where you won’t get stoned for slipping in a streambed,” Jala explained, as she looked Zoelyn over with a critical eye. Her gaze lingered on the hood of the coat that Zoelyn had pulled up as she always did around strangers. “I can give you a home where you don’t have to hide yourself, either,” Jala added in a softer voice. Jala’s attention was drawn away by a tug at her dress and Zoelyn stared in amazement at the tiny boy that had been standing just behind the High Lady. She hadn’t even noticed the child was present until that moment, but then the two in front of her were an impressive sight and it was hard to look away from either of them. “I know, love, I’m ready to go home, too,” Jala said gently as she picked the child up carefully and wrapped an arm lovingly around him.

“I’m more than ready to be home and out of this armor. It never used to bother me before, but now I can’t wait to get out of it. Too much time on a battlefield I suppose,” Valor sighed as he pushed the door open behind him. His dark blue eyes closed as the night air washed through the hall and he smiled back at Jala. “We need lilacs in Merro. There is nothing that says spring like the smell of lilacs.”

Jala smiled in response and kissed him lightly on the lips as she walked through the doors. Glancing back, Valor raised an eyebrow at Zoelyn who had been watching them in utter silence. “Coming?” he asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Do I have a choice?” Zoelyn asked carefully. They seemed nice, but they were strangers and she didn’t trust so much kindness from anyone, especially strangers.

“At the moment, no. You will soon, though,” Valor replied with a smirk. “What does that mean?” Zoelyn asked in confusion.

“That means if you don’t come along willingly now I will be forced to carry you to the ship which I’d rather not do. It isn’t dignified for either of us. However, once we know each other better, you will be given a choice on staying with us. If you hate our company, once you get to know us, I promise you, Jala will not force you to stay. You aren’t our prisoner right now. Just a slightly unwilling guest,” Valor explained with a grin.

“What exactly is the difference between an unwilling guest and a prisoner?” Zoelyn asked, though she had to admit she was amused by his words.

“Ahh. That all lies in the accommodations and provisions. You see, a prisoner resides in the dungeons and you will receive a room in our house. A prisoner gets bread and water. You will get bread, water, and cheese,” Valor winked at her and she could hear faint laughter from beyond the door.

“Valor, stop teasing her and come on, Shade is waiting on us. Zoelyn, I promise you will get more than bread, water, and cheese,” Jala called back with amusement clear in her voice.

“Well, then, I suppose I’m your unwilling guest. After all, how could I refuse such a generous offer?” Zoelyn sighed and stepped lightly past him and down the stairs. Her eyes wandered to the stables and her chest tightened as she thought of the tall bay mare that she rode to House Arovan. Her horse and she didn’t even know if it was still stabled. They hadn’t let her out of the house to visit the mare once since she had arrived. For all she knew they had sent the animal back to Dominic.

“I recognize that expression and the direction you are looking. Which one is it?” Valor paused beside her as he spoke, his gaze moving to the stables as well.

“I don’t even know if she is there anymore,” Zoelyn replied hesitantly.

“Well, it’s a mare. We have established that much. Want to tell me the rest of the description or would you rather just walk with me to the stable?” Valor pressed.

“I don’t know if she is still mine now,” Zoelyn frowned and glanced back at the house. Valor nodded silently and tapped his fingers on his armored leg as he waited patiently for her to elaborate further. “She was a bay mare fifteen hands at the shoulder at least. Light cavalry in build with white scars on her haunches from claws,” Zoelyn added quietly as she realized he had no intention of leaving without checking the stables.

“Good description. She should be easy to locate. I doubt there are many light built horses with scars in Elijah’s stable. Head on over to the Spell Hawk and I will have a look for her and a chat with the stable master,” He motioned toward the ship with one hand and was already striding away before she had a chance to open her mouth again.

“But I can’t get on a Spell Hawk,” Zoelyn mumbled with a sigh as she turned back to stare at the ship.

“Zoelyn, come on please,” Jala called as she leaned out from the door of the ship and motioned with a delicate hand.

“It’s magic, Lady Merrodin. I can’t touch it,” Zoelyn called back as loudly as she dared. Her eyes scanned the area around them nervously. There had been whispers about her when she had arrived of course, but she didn’t think Lord Arovan had told anyone the complete truth about her condition, and it wasn’t a topic she wanted to yell about.

Melissa Myers's Books