That One Night: A Pucking Around Prequel Novella (15)

She hums her appreciation, her eyes hooding with lust. I play, feeling how wet she is for me. I slide against her with two fingers, my other hand still holding her breast. She takes her hands and places them on mine, one between her legs, one on her perfect tit. She shadows my movements, totally along for the ride. Slowly, she changes her grip on my right hand, dragging it off her breast, up and up. I let her lead until my palm wraps around her throat, my fingers brushing her pulse point. She gives my hand a little squeeze, then shivers with need.

Oh god, I am dead for this girl. There’s no way I’m stopping now. An earthquake could hit, and I’d fuck her in the rubble.

I shove two fingers inside her, loving the sound of her gasp. She’s moving her hips with my hand, riding me. I let that hand at her throat squeeze, and she catches her breath, sharp and sweet. With a groan, I drop my mouth to her ear, biting the lobe. “You like that, baby girl? My hand on your throat, my fingers in your cunt…I’m gonna claim you, make you mine.”

She whimpers, her body melting against me. I give her clit a little friction with my palm and her tight pussy clenches around my fingers.

I kiss her neck, nipping her ear again. “I’ve never fucked a girl bare before. Never in my life.”

“Oh god,” she pleads, squirming on my hand. She’s right fucking there. I’m not taking her pussy until I feel her shatter again.

“Only you,” I tell her, the words shredding my own heart, making it bleed. “There is only you.”

“Fuck,” she whimpers. “Don’t stop. Please—”

Stop? I can’t fucking stop. I’m about to give her everything. Every piece of me. I’m going to come inside a girl’s cunt for the first time in my life. Fuck, I’m already right there. I’ve got cum leaking from my tip. I’m so ready to feel her clenching around my dick the way she’s clenching my fingers. I don’t know how I’ll survive more than a few quick pumps.

God, I need this to last. Need her to want me. Not Jake Compton, starting NHL defenseman. Not Jake Compton the playboy, the millionaire. I need her to want me. Just me.


Her moans pull me back to myself. I squeeze her neck, loving the way she’s riding my hand, using her own to help me give her just the pressure she craves.

“Such a good fucking girl,” I growl in her ear. “Ride my hand like you own it. As soon as you shatter, I’m taking you to that bed and filling you up with my dick.”

“Yes,” she chants, her hand dropping from mine at her neck to cup her own breast, tweaking her nipple. Her pussy is clenching my fingers so tight, she’s ready to explode.

“That’s it, baby,” I say. I think she’s getting off on the dirty talk. Fuck, so am I. “You know you’re aching for more than my fingers. Shatter for me, and you can have my dick anywhere you want it.”

“Ahh—god—” Her body goes still, her ass pressed tight against my thighs, her head slammed against my chest.

I curl my fingers along her “G” spot, pressing her clit with my palm, and whisper in her ear, “You’re a dirty girl, who likes to get fucked. Now, come.”

And fuck me, but she does. She comes all over my hand, her body shaking in my arms as she trembles and moans. It’s all I can do to hold back my own release as she rides my hand, her pussy pulsing around my fingers. She trembles, her body going slack, and I know she’s done.

I drop my hand from her throat first, wrapping it around her waist to keep her upright. Then I slip my fingers from her soaking wet cunt. She’s all but dripping down my hand. I raise my fingers to my mouth, not even bothering to stifle my groan.

The taste of a good pussy on my tongue has the same effect as the first drop of a puck onto the ice. My heart stops in my chest, and my whole body goes into performance mode. It’s time to play. Time to win.

With a growl, I grab her, scooping her into my arms. I march her the four steps back over to the bed. She laughs, head tipped back as she chants, “Oh, thank you. Thank you, gods.”

I lay her down, spreading her legs as she crawls backwards. I’m right fucking there, chasing her. There’s nowhere she can go that I won’t follow. But she doesn’t want the chase. That moment has passed. She wants me. She wants us.

My heart is in my throat, and I feel breathless as I take my dick with one hand, tracing her wet slit with my tip. She feels so good, I shiver. My whole body feels lit up like a Christmas tree. I’m hot, I’m cold, I’m a fucking mess.

Her hands slide up my arms to my shoulders before she’s cupping my cheeks. “Hey,” she murmurs. “Look at me.”

I pull my gaze from where my bare dick is sliding against her clit.

I don’t know what she sees when she looks at me, but her gaze softens, and she pulls me down for a kiss. “I’ll make this so good for you,” she says. “I’m yours. You’ve won me, I’m yours.”

I’ve already won. She’s mine.

Not waiting another second, I notch my dick at her entrance and press in.

Oh god, I’m gonna die.

Don’t get me wrong, sex with a condom is always good. I’m the king at having sex with a condom. But sex without a condom is…there are no words. I’m falling and flying. My dick feels like it’s found its home. She’s so hot and wet, her pussy making room for me. I give a few thrusts, working my way in, and the slide of her wetness down my shaft has me ready to come in seconds. No way am I gonna last.

Emily Rath's Books