Tales & Time (Lost Time Academy #1)(30)

Chapter 18

"This way, Miss Dormiens," Miss Ona instructs after I knocked on her office door, and she came out a few moments later. I was told to come here to claim my prize after dinner, before bed. It is a call to my parents which I desperately need after that talk with Quinton yesterday and the kiss with Sin. Thankfully, Sin hasn't bought it up this morning, and I'm not sure I really want him to. Maybe we both can just understand that we equally needed comfort. I'm not emotionally ready to be in any kind of relationship, I know that. I still need to find my feet here in my new life, and the Tale brothers are keeping a million secrets from me that I want to know. I think they are in trouble, but I don't know much of the new world I’ve found myself in to ask the right questions to get the answers I want. I spent all night going over and over whether I should just call Quinton back and demand he tell me what I want to know. Like how the hell he knows I’m with the Tale brothers. It doesn’t make sense. Humans aren’t meant to know anything about us, and the fact Quin might makes me scared for him. Even if we can’t be together, I want—no need—to know Quin has a good, safe life.

"Do you know the Tale brothers’ parents, Miss Ona?" I ask her as she leads me down the corridor, and I eye her carefully. I’m extremely curious what these teachers have for powers and what fairy tale they are from. Miss Ona is the nicer one of the sisters, but I doubt she would tell me if I just flat out asked her. She almost pauses in her step at my question but continues on down the corridor and around the stairs. I have fleeting memories of the brothers’ parents, because they were never around or at least not enough to be considered real parents. The brothers had a nanny who did everything for them, and their parents were always travelling. They would come back for the brothers’ birthdays and sit silently in the room as they had their parties and opened their presents. I asked my mom about them once, and she simply told me some people are not meant to be parents. That they don't have the maternal side to them that parenting needs. Though now I know they are Tale descendants, I'm wondering if there is a lot more to the story. Maybe I judged them too quickly.

"The brothers’ parents are on the Masters’ council, along with two other powerful families. Ella is another descendant with a parent on the Masters’ council. I do not know them, not many do, but I am aware that they have a difficult job keeping us safe. We are at war, and in this academy lies the most precious treasure at stake in the war," she tells me, glancing back at my face for a second.

"Which is?" I ask.

"The young descendants. Young minds with incredible powers and all that is left to breed the next generation of their enemies. The dark tales’ leader is cruel, heartless and childless. He has made it clear he wants the academy and the students many times. We must keep you safe, do you understand?" she asks me, stopping to make sure she gets my answer.

"Yes," is all I can find myself saying. Why would he want us though? Surely he wants us dead, to kill off the competition more. We walk in silence until we get to the end of the corridor, where it is dustier than the usual places of the academy.

"In here is a phone, and your parents’ number is written down on paper next to it," she instructs, pointing a hand towards the door, and she lowers her hand, turning her head to the side as she looks at me. I’m glad the number is written down, because who knows phone numbers now? "You might be the most powerful student we have ever had, and your line is very much hidden in clouds, so we are unsure how strong you will be. It is important you focus on training and conditioning yourself for war, because it is close. Love and relationships must take a back seat in what is to come. Love cannot protect you from death at the hands of the dark tales, Miss Dormiens."

With those solemn words, she walks away down the corridor, leaving me holding the straps to my bag as I watch her go. I shake my head, pushing her words to the back of my mind to get them out of the way before going to talk to my parents. I know Miss Ona is warning me to stay away from the brothers, to not let love cloud my training and take over. Only, I think the Tale brothers might actually be able to help me. I need knowledge on how to fight on my own, something my parents never taught me growing up. I make a mental note to ask one of them to teach me, as I open the door and walk into the small classroom. The room is empty now, covered in dust and cobwebs except for the one table with a phone and a piece of paper on it, in the middle of the cleared out room. I let the door swing closed behind me as I go to the chair, sitting down and picking up the paper. The phone is old school with big clumpy numbers and an actual dial tone. After I finish putting the numbers in, the phone starts ringing, and I sit back in my seat, praying that someone answers. After a few rings, the phone is picked up.

"Hello, who is it?" my mum says in the same way she always answers the phone. It’s not a nice, welcoming answer, but it’s because mum says her real friends text her, and only scammers call her. It always made me smile to hear her telling off a scam caller as she made herself a cup of tea. I can't help but smile wide enough that my mouth hurts at hearing her voice.

"It's me, mum," I tell her, and she squeals down the phone before shouting for my dad.

"I'm so happy to hear from you. Are you allowed phone calls there then?" she asks, sounding surprised, and the tone changes, making me aware she has me on speaker now.

G. Bailey's Books