Sweet Little Lies (Cat Kinsella #1)(110)
And she has to. She absolutely has to.
Seth walks past, shooting me a funny look which thankfully Parnell doesn’t notice. Parnell’s too busy digesting the fact he’s being lectured to by a twenty-six-year-old DC.
‘Look, Boss, it makes sense,’ I say, trying to sound level-headed. ‘I’ve spent the most time with her, I know what buttons to press. Think about it, I’ve been there for every interaction she’s had and it was me she asked for when she came to the station that day.’
‘To tell you a pack of lies, which could mean she thinks you’re gullible.’
His words sting but to be fair, I’m punching below the belt too, implying he and Renée aren’t nailing this. ‘Or it could mean she finds me easy to talk to, compassionate. But, hey, if she thinks I’m gullible, then great. In trying to trick me, she might end up tricking herself. Anything’s worth a shot, surely?’
He doesn’t answer, just walks back into the room and proposes a fifteen-minute break. I assume it’s so he can call the Crime Scene Manager to talk trajectories and get some definitive proof that Maryanne was pushed down the stairs, but it appears I’m wrong.
And it appears I’m in.
While Gina’s taken to use the bathroom, Parnell calls me in and explains to Whiteley that I’ll be taking Renée’s place. Whiteley gives a detached shrug – one inexpensively dressed police officer is much the same as another to him. Renée, completely devoid of any ego, is equally indifferent.
When Gina comes back into the room, she tries to mirror Whiteley’s ‘whatever’ stance but there’s a tiny shift in her demeanour. Not softer, but less pinched. She obviously sees a friendly face in me. Or maybe a stooge? It doesn’t really matter, though, I can work with either.
‘Hello again.’ She sits down, her posture slightly less rigid than before. ‘Were you out celebrating New Year last night, you look like you might have been?’
Parnell’s eyes flick to the tape. The last thing he wants is some barrister on a six-figure retainer claiming the interview was flawed because one of the officers was hungover. Thankfully I haven’t switched it on yet.
I smile. ‘I’m fine thanks, Gina. Had to rush my make-up this morning, that’s all.’
‘Lucky you. I’m still wearing yesterday’s.’
I grant her one more smile before the tape goes on and I open up the case-file. I take out a number of the post-mortem photos and lay them across the table. Whiteley rests his chin in one hand, casting an expressionless glance over the macabre jigsaw.
‘Are these supposed to shock me?’ says Gina, flatly. ‘I don’t mean to sound callous but I was a doctor for fifteen years before I had the twins, mainly general practice but a little time in A&E too, so I’m afraid I’m really not that squeamish.’
‘It’s different when you know the person, surely?’ I say.
‘No comment.’
Here we go again.
‘It’s different when you caused those injuries?’
A look to the ceiling. ‘No comment.’
‘But then, which of these injuries did you cause, Gina?’ I hold up the head shot, point out the deep laceration across the front of Maryanne’s hairless head. ‘I mean, we’re pretty sure you – or your stairs – caused this, but what about this?’ A chest shot this time, a red-blue bruise, possibly knee-shaped between the ribs. ‘Or how about this?’ Finally, Maryanne’s throat – the fingertip bruising, the superficial slashes.
‘No comment.’
‘Was it Nate?’ I say, picking up the pace. ‘Word is, he’s a bit of a “yes” man, but would he kill for you, Gina. Is he that devoted? Or that dependant on you? You and your father’s money?’
‘Fucking Nate.’
It’s not the swearing that startles me, it’s the pure, unfiltered contempt. I take a second to work out how to use this to our advantage but Parnell’s ahead of me, keen to keep prodding the wound while it’s still gaping raw.
‘You and Maryanne fought,’ he states. ‘She fell or you pushed her and then you panicked. You asked Nate to sort it, didn’t you?’
‘No comment.’
He keeps going. ‘Or maybe you didn’t ask him? Maybe Nate got rid of Maryanne of his own accord?
‘No comment.’
‘Are you scared of Nate, Gina? Of what he’s done?’
She sighs. ‘No comment.’
Same old, same old, but there’s a weariness creeping in.
‘Look,’ I tell her. ‘All we need is one fibre or one skin cell to match the trace we’ve got off Maryanne’s body and Nate’s going away, Gina. It’ll be better for you, for your children, if you talk to us – if the truth comes from you.’
At the mention of her children, she draws a sharp breath and closes her eyes.
I now know exactly how to play this.
I start clearing away the photos. ‘You know, you can follow Mr Whiteley’s advice if you want, but my Inspector’s going to charge you anyway, and then do you know where your “no comments” will get you?’ The threat in my voice forces her eyes open. ‘The Old Bailey – Court One, maybe. Media speculation. Strangers judging you, calling you a monster and a bitch on Twitter. And not just for your part in Maryanne’s death, but for what you did all those years ago, all those babies you sold.’ She blinks hard, more a twitch than a blink. ‘Oh yeah, that will all have to come out. Whenever you do finally get out of prison, I don’t think you’ll need to worry about catering for Christmas drinks again. You’ll be a pariah.’