Suspicious Minds (Stranger Things Novels #1)(94)

It had gotten hard to go outside, and she remembered why now. Sitting out here, it would be easy to forget the darkness that hid nearby. She wouldn’t walk in the light, not regularly, until she had her child at her side to walk with her.

True to his word that night—other than stealing her baby—Brenner hadn’t summoned anyone back to his acid tests. She figured he had won, so why push his luck? She hadn’t been able to access the void since that night, no matter how hard she tried. Her abilities, whatever they were, seemed to have gone with her child.

Ken was supposed to come too today for a picnic, but according to Gloria’s call that morning, he was in love and couldn’t make it. He was seeing a former military officer. Who knew? She was happy for him. And he continued to gather intelligence. He’d confirmed Kali remained at the lab and appeared healthy.

They were still committed to taking down Brenner, but Terry insisted she be the face of the effort. She hadn’t gone through this to lose anyone else.

Alice turned out to love Canada. She was working for her cousins and wasn’t interested in coming home yet.

“You look good,” Gloria said, coming around the bench from behind Terry.

“Liar. You do, though.” Her hair had grown a bit and she was wearing it natural and curly. It suited her.

“I’m not the one who looked like a ghost for three months.” Gloria sat beside her. She had a bigger purse than usual, and clutched it in her lap. Terry knew her well enough to interpret her body language.

“Gloria? Why are you anxious?”

“I have something for you. Ken got it.” Gloria glanced in each direction, and once she’d confirmed they were alone, she opened her purse and removed a manila file folder. “His new boyfriend works at the lab.”

“Oh, Ken.” Terry shook her head.

“He’s a good guy,” Gloria said. “He got this for Ken.”

“What is it?”

“Just look.” Gloria gripped her hands in her lap and watched.

Terry didn’t know what to expect, but she took the folder from Gloria and let it fall open on her lap.

A photograph tumbled out. Black and white. Terry snatched it from the ground.

A baby sitting up, maybe about to fall over. Round cheeks, and were those Andrew’s ears? She had little specks of fluff instead of hair.

There was a sheet of paper in the folder and she skimmed its contents…PROJECT INDIGO. Subject 011…Intake: Infant. Custodian…Dr. Martin Brenner. Potential: Extreme.

Terry went back to the photo and stared at her daughter. That was her face. Was she smiling? She would smile. Someday.

A tear slipped down Terry’s cheek. “It’s her. She’s alive. Jane’s alive.”

She would see her daughter again. No one and nothing could stop her.

For all the fierce and inspiring moms,

   especially mine


Every book is created by a host of people, not just a writer alone in a room. I’d like to thank several people for helping bring this one into existence. First up is my fantastic editor at Del Rey, Elizabeth Schaefer, for believing I was the right person to write this book and being an absolute gift to work with, and also the entire publishing team who worked to make this a reality and get it into the hands of readers. And, of course, this book wouldn’t exist without the vision of the Duffer Brothers and Netflix: thank you for allowing me the honor of exploring such an important corner of your universe. Special thanks to Paul Dichter for notes and advice.

I’d also like to thank Carrie Ryan and Megan Miranda, for sharing excitement, wine, discussion of early Stephen King novels, and deadline moaning with me at important moments along the way. To R. D. Hall, for a great piece of art I looked at while writing. And many thanks to Tim Hanley for period comics research at the drop of an email.

Then there are the usuals…My agent, Jenn Laughran. My parents. My husband, Christopher, who helps me cross every finish line, and the dogs and cat, who enable thinking and procrastination in equal measure. And, of course, my genuine and heartfelt thanks to those of you who’ve read this book. Stay strange.

Gwenda Bond's Books