Supernatural Academy: Year One (Supernatural Academy #1)(74)

Larissa reached out and grabbed my hand. “I think I’m addicted to having friends now. I never realized how lonely I was before you showed up. You and Ilia. I love you both.”

Aw, my little vamp and her emotions always hit me in the feels.

“I also never knew what I was missing out on,” I agreed, reaching out to squeeze her hand. “Knowing I have you guys in my corner … it means everything. I would cut a bitch for you. Girl power, my friend. This is girl power.”

She laughed, her eyes watering. “Girl power.”

“What about me?” Calen said, dropping into the seat beside me and reaching out to snag some of my food.

“You can’t be part of girl power,” I told him, not so politely snatching my stroganoff back.

“Why not?” he said, sounding completely affronted.

I raised my eyebrows. “Uh, let me think of the reasons. One: too much dick. Two: Two too many balls. Three: Not enough awesome.”

“So much dick,” he agreed. “You have no idea how much dick. Wanna find out?”

I punched him in the shoulder, and then resumed my celebration dinner. Calen ordered for himself and leaned back to look between Larissa and me. “You know there’s a big party on tonight, right? I expect you both to be there, dressed in your finest, skimpiest clothing.”

“A school-based party?” I wondered, because I hadn’t heard anything.

Calen threw his head back and laughed. “Gods no. This one is underground, of course. That’s where all the good stuff happens.”

I turned to Larissa. “What do you think? Will there be any weird shit there?”

She laughed, flashing all of those perfect white teeth and just the hint of fang. “Like what?”

I shrugged. “Sacrifices to the gods. Double, double, toil and trouble spells?”

She screwed her face up, having no idea what I was talking about.

“You’ll be fine,” Calen interrupted. “I’ll keep you safe.”

“Very reassuring,” I told him drily. “You’re usually ass-up drunk before I’ve even had my first drink.”

He opened his mouth, but then shut it again, because I was right. “You’re still coming,” he finally said.

I just shrugged. “We might make an appearance.”

Later that night, when we were back in my room, Larissa was hyped. “Oh my gods, Maddi! This is insane! I’ve never been to one of the underground parties here. It’s usually reserved for the popular.” Her eyes went really wide. “Holy shit. I’m popular now. I mean, I’m not really popular, more like popular by association because you’re hooked up with the five hottest dudes at school.” She sucked in a few deep breaths, resting her hands on her knees.

I shook my head as laughter burst from me. “It’s going to be fine. They’re just supes like you and me, all of us living this same life.”

She shook her head. “Not even remotely the same life. They live like gods, and the rest of us are the peasants scurrying around in the mud. But … I see your point.”

I refrained from rolling my eyes at her. “So, what does one wear to these secret supe shindigs?” I asked, impressed with my alliteration.

Larissa bounced toward my wardrobe, rifling through the dresses. She pulled out a deep rich purple one, which was actually one of my favorite pieces I’d bought. I’d never expected to wear it though, because it was basically backless.

“This!” Larissa said, examining it as she held it out in front of her. “This one for sure.”

I searched through my underwear to find something that would work. I had nothing—the only way to wear this dress was braless. I pulled on a thong and slipped the dress over my head before spending a few minutes situating my boobs.

“Holy fuck,” Larissa breathed, looking me over. “You look amazing. Maybe too amazing. You’re going to get in trouble in that outfit.”

I crossed to the mirror and stared at my reflection. The dress fit me perfectly, skimming across my upper thighs; my boobs were more supported than I’d expected, with a small gold chain underneath them, and my entire back, almost to my ass, was on display.

“Ahh, I really want to wear it,” I said, turning again, “but I also don’t want to get in trouble.”

Larissa’s expression grew determined. “You know what, screw ’em. That’s what Ilia would say. I’m always more cautious, but she would love that you’re wearing that number. Don’t change.”

Even though I wasn’t sure, I decided to channel Ilia as well. I felt sexy, and occasionally it was nice for a girl to rock her curves out in the world.

Larissa found a skimpy white bandage dress in my stuff that showcased her flawless skin and perfect figure—she was much slimmer than me. “That looks way better on you than me,” I said. “Keep it.”

She hugged me. “Thanks, Mads.”

We finished our hair and makeup, ready to head out at about 10:00 P.M. I’d left my hair down in wide curls, the pink looking darker against my dress. My eye makeup was lighter than for the last dance, but I still went with the dark eyes again; I wanted the sexy vibe to go with my dress.

“How do we find out where this party is?” I asked her, wondering if she knew.

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