Supernatural Academy: Year One (Supernatural Academy #1)(26)

She gave me a little shove, and I sucked in a few deep breaths for courage before walking toward the gathering of students. I turned back once; Larissa waved, and Ilia fist pumped.

I felt a little better.

The teacher entered the room then. “Welcome,” he shouted across the large area, moving closer. “Welcome to your first day of basic magic.”

When he reached us, I was surprised by how young and handsome he was. Looking no older than late twenties, he had broad shoulders and a trim waist. His full head of thick auburn hair was neatly trimmed on the sides.

“I’m Abraham, a sorcerer and Star Wars fanatic,” he started conversationally. I was amused to hear such a human reference in a magic class, but it made me feel a little less like a weird outsider. “I’ll be teaching this class for your first year. We’re going to approach this with the idea that none of you know a single thing about practical magic and that you only just came into your powers last week. That way, no base skill will be missed, and no one will go out into the world—or into year two—unprepared.”

The butterflies faded more as I hovered near the back of the students. There was about fifty from what I could see, which hopefully meant I could hang around the edges and not be noticed until I got my blocked energy figured out.

Abraham clapped his hands and I leaned forward to see him better. Lights started to swirl between his palms, the same sort of soft light from above. “This is energy,” he said, moving his hands back and forth. “Magic is just a manipulation of energy, directing it where you need, and making it work for you. When you’re first starting to harness your energy inside, it requires discipline and the use of words spoken out loud. But as your skills and confidence grow, you’ll be able to direct that energy with little more than a thought.”

The light exploded from between his palms, expanding across our heads like a curtain of fairy lights. My pulse picked up as I waited for his next move.

“All magic users have energy inside that can be used for spells,” Abraham continued. “Sometimes, though, the magic you want to achieve will take more energy than you have, and you’ll need to tap into a ley line—something you’ll cover much later in your training. For now, let’s start exploring the energy inside.”

He waved his hands. “Spread out. Give yourselves some room,” he shouted.

Once we were all situated, he started to walk between us. “The first thing is to recognize the magic. Find the foreign warmth swirling in your center. For some of you, it will already be as familiar as the beat of your heart, but for others this might be your first time truly exploring that part of yourself.”

Some of the students sat, and when Abraham didn’t reprimand them, I did the same. It felt like I could focus better down here. Closing my eyes, I breathed in and out deeply, trying to calm my mind and search inside. I wasn’t holding out much hope, considering my blocked energy situation, but the heat thing had happened once before. Maybe I could find it again.

“Feel anything?” a nearby voice whispered, and I popped one eye open to find a guy a few feet from me with a mop of black curls and dark blue eyes.

I shook my head. “Nope. So far I got nothing. You?”

He shrugged. “I’m not holding out any hope. I barely even register on the power scale. I’m pretty much the embarrassment of the family.”

“Shit, sorry,” I said, giving him a rueful smile. “I have no family if that makes you feel any better about your situation.”

He winced. “Ah, yeah. I suppose it does.” He laughed then. “Maybe we can just be powerless outcasts together.”

I shrugged. “As long as they don’t take away my bed and free food, I don’t care about having no power.”

Mostly the truth. It might have been nice to be good at something for a change.

He wiggled a little closer before holding a hand out to me. “Simon,” he said.

I shook it quickly. “Maddi.”

His eyes widened then. “Oh, you’re the one who was raised human, right?”

I raised an eyebrow and his cheeks got a little red. “There have been some rumors floating around. Your situation is pretty unusual.”

With a shake of my head, I laughed. “Yeah, I’m aware. So much for blending in.”

We shut up then because Abraham was back in our section. I closed my eyes to search for my power again.

“Maddison James?” My eyes flew open to find Abraham standing at my right side. “How’s your first day going so far?”

I blinked, forcing a smile. “Uh, good, I guess. I mean, I still don’t have access to my power or anything, but for a first class this one isn’t sucking.”

His grin grew. “Would you mind if I tried a few things to see if I can sense or unlock some of your energy?”

I hesitated, wondering if I should mind. “That depends on what sort of things,” I finally said, getting slowly to my feet; I would never give any person unhindered power over me.

“Nothing inappropriate, I assure you,” Abraham said, his face softening. He wasn’t classically handsome, not someone you would see in movies or as a model, but his features were kind. Comforting, almost. “I just need to touch you, on your shoulder or arm. Bare skin works best, but it would still work over your sleeve.”

He was trying to reassure me … and it worked. I took a step closer and held my hand out to him. He wrapped his warm palm over mine, and I jolted at the buzz of static electricity between us. It zipped across my hand and up my arm.

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