Supernatural Academy: Year One (Supernatural Academy #1)(19)

I also really wanted to know more about the Atlanteans, and not just because of Asher. The myth of Atlantis was one that had long fascinated me; I’d always sort of believed it had been real. Even when it was just a Plato fable. I really hoped I was in some sort of history class here.

Pulling one uniform out, I laid it across the bed before ditching the pj’s I’d pulled back on after my shower. I’d have to ask about a washing machine soon, because I was down to my last clean set of underwear and clothing. I guess I could always wash them in the bathroom. Wouldn’t be the first time.

The uniform was dark blue and white, with orange piping and crest embroidery on the jacket. It was a classic private school uniform, and I wondered why they made college supernaturals wear a uniform. It still felt weird to me.

The skirt fell to midthigh. Black tights underneath, which I struggled to get on. This might have been the first time in my life I had worn tights, but I eventually figured it out. The white shirt buttoned up snugly and was tucked into the skirt. The jacket went over the top, and it was comfortable. Which I hadn’t expected.

It was almost as if these clothes had been tailor made for me. There was a full-length mirror in my room, so I checked myself out, and almost died at how different I looked. No one would be able to tell that I was Maddison James, street kid who basically raised herself.

I looked fancy.

I wasn’t sure I liked it.

“Lucky the orange is understated, or it would clash horribly with the pink.”

I let out a low shriek, jumping and spinning to find a stranger framed in my doorway. I was positive I closed that door after my shower—old habit from living in shitty neighborhoods—but it was clearly wide open.

“Uh, who are you?” I said, trying to catch my breath.

She strode forward, her long white-blond hair streaming out behind her. “My name is Deeann, but everyone calls me Dee. I’m a third-year magic user focusing on healing.”

I shook the proffered hand quickly, feeling a slight tingle across my skin when she touched me.

“Maddison, everyone calls me Maddi. This is my first day.”

Dee smiled, crossing her arms as she looked me over. She wore the same uniform as me, but she was short and curvy, filling it out in all the right places. She was pretty and cute at the same time.

“What sort of magic user are you?” she asked, her expression curious. “I can’t really get a read on your energy.”

I shrugged. “Would you believe that until yesterday I had no idea any of this even existed?”

She straightened, and her eyes got really wide. “A virgin.”

A snort left me. “Yeah, not for years.”

She shook her head, leaning into me. “No, a supernatural virgin. This is your first time interacting with our world?”

I nodded, wondering where this slightly odd chick was going with all of this. She let out a low whistle. “That’s really awesome. Do you know much about humans? I’ve never met any myself, but I’ve always wanted to spend some time in their lives.”


How could she have never met a human?

She must have figured out what I hadn’t asked. “Our communities are self-sufficient. I’m from Stratford, a supernatural prison community in America. I’ve never had any reason to venture out of our world.”

“So the supernatural towns around the world … no humans live there?”

She nodded hard. “Nope. Only supes allowed. We live under the humans’ noses, most of us never interacting. I mean, there are definitely supes that live out with the humans, but I’m not one of them.”

She paused, and then with an expectant look on her face, leaned even closer. I had to laugh at the undisguised enthusiasm she was displaying.

“So…” she pushed.

“Yes, I know a lot about humans. I lived with them for twenty-two years, thinking I was human. What do you want to know?”

Dee let out a little shout. “I made the right decision to check out the new chick. You’re already ten times more awesome than I thought and we’ve barely even talked.”

I’d never met someone quite like Dee. She was oddly excitable and a little weird, but also nice.

“Maybe next time just knock first,” I suggested.

Her cheeks went pink and she nodded. “Yeah, sorry about that. I just saw your door slightly ajar and decided to go for it.” Her faced brightened again. “Anyway, I’m meeting a friend this morning, so I’m going to take off. But hopefully I’ll see you around soon. Otherwise, let’s catch up at dinner.”

I waved but she was already gone, rushing off as quickly as she had arrived.

Shaking my head, I was about to go in search of my shoes when there was a knock on my still-open door. “Girl,” Ilia said, sashaying her way inside. “You’re just asking for trouble leaving your room open to the vultures in this school.”

I snorted, thinking that she’d probably have had fun meeting Dee and her eccentric ways. “I was kind of ambushed by another student,” I said, my words muffled as I stuck my head in the closet again. “She wanted to know about humans.”

When I emerged with a pair of shiny black flats, Ilia was sprawled on my bed. Luckily, I never made my bed—why bother when you were only getting back in there?—because she was flailing her arms around like she was making sheet-angels.

Jaymin Eve's Books