Still Not Over You(82)

“You're in the wrong place. Let's go.” Oscar grabs Preston’s arm. “I'm truly sorry for this, Ms. Derby. It won’t happen again.”

“I hope not,” Brent says seriously. “Safety's in your hands.” He nods towards Natalie. “That shouldn’t be taken lightly.”

“Never, Mr. Eden. You're absolutely right. Believe me, I'll find out how Mr. Graves found his way in. It won't happen a second time.” Oscar tugs Preston towards the door, none too gently.

Preston appears to have lost some of his arrogance as he crosses the room, at the mercy of two powerful men. But he's still wearing a this-isn’t-over glare I don't like one bit. I roll my shoulders, pretending to stretch. Really, I'm hiding the shiver.

Brent’s hand slides off my shoulder and down my back. Amazingly comforting.

“Get your things,” he says quietly. “I’ll walk you out.”

“I’ll take your sketchpad!” Natalie says cheerfully, ready to chip in.

Her smile suggests she saw plenty, probably through the small glass window in the classroom door. It also says what just happened hasn't bothered her in the least.

My cheeks go bright red. I'm more thankful than ever she's mature for her age. At least I don't have to worry about any gossip that could get me in deep, deep doo-doo.

Still fighting off a nervous tremble, I say, “Thank you.” Then I look at Brent. “That’s not necessary, but thanks. Again. I can find my own way out, Mr. Eden.”

“No. You're coming to your car with me,” he insists, grabbing my carry-all off the desk. “This everything?”

He’s no nonsense through and through. The hint of irony in his glare tells me not to argue. So I don’t.

“Everything,” I echo, stepping forward and taking my sketchpad from Natalie. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome, Ms. Derby.” With another large grin, she leans in and whispers, “Thank you, too. Dad likes being a hero. Doesn't get to do the whole white knight thing as often as he'd like.”

“Nat.” There's a hint of a warning in Brent’s tone.

Natalie shakes her head slightly while her green eyes twinkle. “He’s a good knight, too.”

Unable to disagree, I nod.

“Where’s your backpack, baby girl?” Brent asks.

“Oh! I think I left it in the hallway when you told me to go get Mr. Winters,” Natalie answers.

“Go get it. We'll wait right here.”

“Okay, Daddy!” There’s a skip in her step as she hurries towards the door.

Once again, I’m searching for my tongue as I walk towards the door with Brent by my side. I need to tell him thank you, but I’m afraid I’ll sound like a bubbling idiot.

“One question: what made you go out with a man who calls himself by his own name?” Brent asks once Natalie's out of earshot.

Kill me. He's trying to lighten this insanity, I'm sure. Still, full-fledged embarrassment burns my cheeks. “Fuck if I know.” I flinch then and bite my tongue.

That's not how a teacher speaks. Especially a preschool teacher who does evening art classes for older kids.

For a second, he cocks his head. Then, to my utter amazement, he laughs. It’s a nice sound. And it breaks the invisible ice surrounding me. “That's a damn good answer, Ms. Derby.”

“Well...thank you,” I say sheepishly. “I knew I made a mistake. I thought we were done. Tried to let him down easy. Never, in my wildest dreams, did I think he’d show up here.”

He lifts a brow as we step into the hallway. “Is Preston Graves in your wildest dreams?”

“Hell no!” I flinch again at my own language. “I mean, no. Gross. He was a match-up from a dating site. One I won’t mention because I’m very dissatisfied.”

“How many times did you date him?”

“Once.” I shake my head. “Actually, it was more like a half-date. I didn’t even make it through reading the menu at the place in Scottsdale before I knew I had to cut things short. It had already been too long.”

My comment reminds him we're probably wasting time, too. He starts walking and I follow.

Natalie is waiting by the main entrance door with Oscar. It's a long corridor. Brent sees them, but doesn’t seem to be in a hurry.

“What did you do?” he asks.

“I laid a twenty on the table to pay for my glass of wine, gave the waitress a big tip, which she highly deserved, and lied.”


“Yes. Lied. I told him it was nice to meet him, which it wasn't, and then I said I was sorry, but I simply don’t have time to date right now.”

“When was that?”

“Almost three weeks ago. He stopped texting me last week when I didn't respond, so I’d hoped it was finally over.” It's embarrassing telling him all this, but it’s the truth, and he deserves that much after coming to my rescue.

Preston's creepy encounter shook me up more than I want to admit.

“I have no idea how he got inside, Mr. Eden,” Oscar says as we approach him and Natalie. “The doors were locked. I let everyone in and out and didn’t see him once. I always double check. I'm sure of it!” Oscar looks at me, frustration lining his brow. “He's gone now, Ms. Derby. I escorted him to his car and watched him drive away. I'll gladly do the same for you.”

Nicole Snow's Books