Stay with Me (Wait for You, #3)(137)

It was past midnight, the suite door was open, and I was sitting there with them. Curled up in one those uncomfortable as hell floral armchairs, I told them what had just gone down.

Avery looked floored.

Cam, who was sitting behind her on the floor with his arm around her waist, his long legs cradling her body, looked none too happy with the latest revelations—the whole Jax owning the bar I thought would one day be mine part.

Teresa had a thoughtful expression on her face.

Jase was leaning against the headboard of the bed and his face was unreadable, but he was the first to really say something other than “what the f*ck” and “holy shit.”

“People have their reasons for keeping some things a secret,” he said. “I’m not saying that justifies any of it or whatever, but you got to hear him out.”

Cam rolled his eyes. “Bud, that’s not something you keep a secret.”

“Yeah, I know all about things that shouldn’t be kept a secret.” The look Jase sent Cam had my radar going overboard. There was something in their exchange. “But people have their reasons. He seems like a pretty cool guy and he didn’t keep it from her her to just be a dick.”

“Jase is right,” Teresa said before Cam could respond. “I mean, it isn’t cool that he kept this from you. It’s important, but there has to be a reason.”

I nodded as my gaze dipped to my phone, which rested in my lap. About twenty minutes ago, Jax had called. I hadn’t answered, but I texted him back, and all I said was that I was with Teresa. He’d responded, but I hadn’t allowed myself to check it. He’d called again, and then I’d turned the ringer off. Not the most mature thing to do, but I still had no idea what to say to him, what to even think.

But Teresa and Jase had a point. We all had our secrets and we all told our lies. I was woman enough to admit that I had told some major lies to my friends and they’d heard me out and they’d forgiven me.

I just needed to get my head on straight. Too much had happened in too little time. I was doubting everything.

“He really cares about you,” Avery said, and my gaze moved to her. I wondered if she was a mind reader and a gorgeous redhead. “When you were hurt, he wouldn’t leave your side.”

“I know,” I whispered.

“No,” she said. “I mean, when you were out of it, we heard about how he acted from your friend Roxy. He threw a fit when they wouldn’t talk to him about your status because he wasn’t family.”

My heart turned over. “What?”

She nodded. “He almost got kicked out. It was one of his cop friends that finally got him calmed down and talked to the doctors. He really does care about you, Calla, so there’s got to be a reason for—”

A knock on the hotel door interrupted her, causing my back to straighten. It was way late, so this was odd. “You guys expecting someone?”

Cam disentangled himself from Avery and rose to his feet. “We’re not, but I’m willing to wager a kiss as to who it probably is.”

Teresa’s eyes widened on me, and my pulse started pounding. I unfurled my legs and gripped the arm of the chair.

Cam peered through the peephole. “Yep. I was right.”

Oh wow.

I started to stand, thinking I probably should’ve answered the phone or whatever, because now I had a sinking suspicion of who it was.

Cam opened the door and stepped aside, revealing who stood in the doorway and that my suspicions were totally correct.

Jax stood there, and the look on his face, the tension in the thin line of his lips and around his dark eyes, told me he knew that I knew.

That I knew everything.

He stalked into the room as Cam closed the door, muttering, “Come on in.”

Jax ignored him, his gaze fixed on me. “We need to talk.”

My heart was pounding as I stood, clenching my cell phone in my hand. “Yeah, we need to talk.”

“Am I the only one who is wondering how he knew she was here, in this hotel?” Cam asked as he walked back over to where Avery was.

“There’s not too many hotels around the hospital,” he replied, still looking at me. “And I have friends who can find shit out for me very quickly.”

“Well, that’s a little creepy,” Cam murmured under his breath as he extended an arm, helping Avery to her feet.

Jax’s shoulders were thrown back, tensed. “I know.”

I blinked. “Maybe we should—”

“I’m sure they already know, too, because you went to them and didn’t come to me, so they’re going to hear this, too.”

Oh double wow.

Cam and Avery stopped where they stood by their suite door, caught sneaking out of the room. A quick glance at Jase and Teresa told me they were wishing they had popcorn to share.

“Jax, we can go outside.”

“I came home and you weren’t there,” he said, and then he went on. “Considering everything that has been going on, that really f*cked with me. Yeah, I know we’re all cool, but still a text message or something giving me a heads-up would be appreciated.”

“Now. Wait,” I said. “I did tell you I was with my friends.”

“After I came home and I saw those papers on the coffee table,” he corrected, eyes flashing almost black. Damnit he had a point, so I kept my mouth shut, and he continued. “You saw your mom. So right off the bat, I know that’s got to have f*cked with your head and I also see that she left you the house. That’s good. I’m happy to see that.”

J. Lynn, Jennifer L.'s Books