Stay with Me (Wait for You, #3)(123)

I didn’t think I could eat without hurling, but it was supersweet of her. She sat on the couch and leaned forward, slipping open the lid and revealing an assortment of goodies. I grabbed some leftover fast-food napkins off the kitchen counter and joined her on the couch.

She’d already demolished half a chocolate-covered doughnut. “Tell me everything.”

Exhaling a pent-up breath, I sat beside her and told her everything, starting with Aimee, something she was well aware of, and ending with this morning. I even told her about making plans for when I returned to school. When I finished, I surprised myself by picking up a glazed doughnut.

“Okay.” She plucked up her fourth doughnut and I wondered where she’d put the other three. “Let’s start with Aimee. The girl does not think any guy will turn her down and I’m pretty sure she has to know he’s into you, because everyone knows. Hell. They see it.”

“See it?”

Roxy grinned around a mouthful of doughnut. “From the minute you showed up, Jax had his eyes on you, literally and figuratively. It’s pretty obvious.”

Warmth buzzed through me as I mulled that. I liked knowing that people thought that. Then I felt kind of dumb, because it probably wasn’t as awesome to other people as it was to me.

“You know I’ve noticed the way Aimee hangs on Jax,” she continued. “I’ve been perfecting my death glare on her since she hit the bar. Sadly, it isn’t working.”

I cracked a grin at that as I popped a small bite in my mouth. Her death glare also wasn’t working on Reece, either.

“Jax doesn’t feed into it. Granted, he could do more to make sure she got the message, but he’s not returning the sentiment. Not once. But he’s a nice guy.” Picking up a napkin, she wiped at her fingers. “It takes a lot to get under his skin. You’ve seen that. And he’s way nice to us females. He was simply raised right.”

“He was,” I whispered.

“But you also have a right to be pissed with everything.”

“I do? Right?”

She nodded.

Thank God, I wasn’t completely crazy and a giant screwup.

“I’d cut a bitch if she showed up in the middle of the night at my man’s house, if I had a man, but whatever. I’d probably want to cut him, too, and it would take me some time to get over it, but . . .”

I sat back, tucking my knees to my chest. “Here comes the ‘I f*cked up’ part?”

“Yes. And no.” Roxy smiled as she twisted toward me. “This is your first relationship and your first fight. Hopefully it’s your only relationship, but it’s definitely not going to be your last fight. This is probably going to happen a lot of times.”

I knew that. I just forgot about that because I was an idiot.

“And you did basically accuse Jax of being an active man-whore while he’s been with you, so he’s going to be pissed, but he’s not going to stop liking you. And if he’s does, he isn’t worth your time. But that’s not how Jax is. He’ll cool down and you two will be fine.”

Nibbling on my lower lip, I let her words bang around what was going on in my head. Everything she said was reasonable. Hope sparked. “Do you think I should call him?”

“I think you should give him a little time,” she suggested. “It’s never wrong to let the guy come to you. Right? You both were wrong and you need to remember you weren’t the only one who messed up.”

“You’re right.” I sighed, tipping my head back against the couch. “Do you think I should’ve left this morning?”

“Um . . .” She adjusted her glasses. “Well, if you didn’t have all this crazy stuff going on? It probably wouldn’t have mattered. Jax probably isn’t happy, but he’ll see you tonight.”

“No. He’s going to the party. You and Nick are working tonight, remember?”

“Shit,” she groaned, collapsing against the arm of the couch. “I completely forgot.”

“Did you make plans, because I’m sure we’ll be fine tonight.”

Roxy laughed. “I’d need to have a life to have plans, but I was planning on lying out, reading, and eating junk food into the wee hours of the night like any hot, single twenty-two-year-old.”

I laughed.

Her smile widened and then our eyes met as she reached over and patted my arm. “Everything’s going to be okay.”

I smiled back, and even though I’d been on the verge of a complete breakdown this morning, I felt a lot better, like everything really would be okay. “Thank you.”

“If not, I’m sure your mom has a little black book around here and she probably knows someone we can hire to kick his ass.”

“Oh my God,” I said laughing.

She giggled as she curled up against the arm. She was so tiny, she barely took up half a cushion. “We’ll call that Plan B.”

“What’s Plan A?”

“You show up at his place wearing nothing but a sleek black trench coat and when he opens the door, you jump his bones.”

Laughing again, I shook my head. “I like Plan A.”

“And I bet he would, too.”

Wednesday night, I was a bundle of nerves. My stomach was full of them, and I could barely hold down the late lunch I’d grabbed with Roxy after we visited Clyde, which was nothing more than half a chicken salad sandwich.

J. Lynn, Jennifer L.'s Books