Start a War (Saint View Psychos #1)(91)

I pushed on the door, and it gave way.

The man’s hand gripped my arm as he helped support me, half dragging me away from my car and over to the side of the road. “Fucking hell, bro. That was the most intense thing I’ve ever seen. Look at your car!”

But my car was the last thing on my mind. My gaze landed on the black motorbike behind the man.

The keys still dangled from the ignition; a black helmet abandoned to the side of the road. I staggered toward it.

“That truck just cleaned you right up! I can’t believe you walked away from that. Are you sure you’re okay— Hey!”

I slammed my foot down on the kick start and shot off into the night, the wail of police sirens and ambulances forgotten in the need to get to Bliss.

Well, you fucked that up, didn’t you? One simple task, Vinnie. All you had to do was follow her.

I pushed the bike as hard as I could, a rising sense of danger growing with every mile I passed. The road curved, and I leaned with it, back and forth, winding my way up the mountain while a clock ticked in my head, each movement of the second hand whispering, Bliss, Bliss, Bliss.

The rain started up again, soaking through my clothes and jeans, the wind whipping at my bare skin like ice.

The lookout loomed ahead, and I took the turnoff too fast, the tires skidding out on the dirt and gravel.

Thunder cracked above me, sending arcs of pain through my head once more, but the lightning that followed lit up the scene.

Bliss’s car.

Her pushed over the hood.

A man fumbling with his pants behind her, while he pinned her down with his free hand.

Her screams cut through the night, piercing right through my heart.

Time to let me out, Vinnie boy. You know this ain’t your forte.

I pushed back on his demands, running to get to Bliss.

You sure she ain’t enjoying that? You know you already fucked this up once. You go in there and rip that guy off her and slit his throat like I know you want to, and she’ll never forgive you.

I stopped dead. She’d been so mad at me when I’d interrupted her and War. She’d forgiven me, but I didn’t know that she’d give me a second chance if I screwed up again.

I hated when she was mad at me. “Bliss?””

Caleb looked up from behind her.

Confusion swirled around me, pulsing through my brain, mixing with Scythe’s laughter. “What is this? You said you were meeting Axel’s supplier…”


Caleb’s lips twisted in an ugly snarl. “This guy? For fuck’s sake. I told you he was a faggot. Is he retarded too? Just standing there, watching like a pervert? You want to watch while I pound her, buddy? Go right fucking ahead.”

Caleb yanked at her pants. Her gaze met mine, and she screamed my name again.

Let me out. Let me out. Let me motherfucking out, Vincent!

I pressed my hands over my ears, everything going blurry.

Voices swirled around me in a void I couldn’t make sense of.

“Gonna take what I want from your used-up cunt, and then I’m gonna leave you out here to die, like the stupid bitch that you are. Everyone will be better off when you’re dead at the bottom of those cliffs. They’ll rule it a suicide, and I’ll tell everyone you did it because I wouldn’t take you back.”


I couldn’t fight the storm. I couldn’t break through the swirling pressure that built inside my head until I was sure it was going to explode.

“Scythe,” she begged between sobs, so softly I barely heard her.

But I did.

Everything vanished. The confusion. The fight. The pain.

My gaze slammed into hers, and I saw it all. The terror in her eyes. The desperation in her voice. The fact that motherfucking asshole had his hands on my girl. My lip curled back in a snarl.

Our girl, Vincent pleaded.

“Scythe!” she screamed this time.

A grin slowly spread across my face.

I was back.

THE END…for now.

The story continues in Half the Battle, Saint View Psychos #2

Have you read the other Saint View trilogies? You’ll see lots of cross over characters and storylines. Start with Devious Little Liars. There’s a sneak peek at the first chapter on the following pages.



I was about to be arrested.

That was my first thought when a flash of movement outside the window caught my attention.

Extreme overreaction?


But when you’d illegally let yourself into your school on a Sunday, these were the worries that plagued a girl.

Acting on instinct, I hurled myself off the piano stool and onto the floor, scuttling to the windows overlooking the quad. Maybe they hadn’t seen me yet. The late afternoon sun was sinking, and perhaps, if I was lucky, the glare would temporarily blind them. I could make my escape out one of the back doors. There was an exit in the administration hall. Others in the math and history wings. Of course, not one anywhere near the music rooms. Helpful.

Ever so carefully, I lifted to peer out the window, and yelped at the face on the other side. I ducked down again, though there was no chance he hadn’t seen me, what with his nose an inch from the glass.

Elle Thorpe's Books