Start a War (Saint View Psychos #1)(48)

“Fuck,” I swore under my breath. “Fucking fuck!”

Bliss jumped.

I put a placating hand up in a stop signal. “Shit, sorry. Not you. And not Rebel either. Don’t stress your pretty little ass over it. I’ll tell her to pull her head in, she’ll come back with a smart-ass comment, and that’ll be the end of it.”

Bliss visibly relaxed, but curiosity still played out all over her face.

I just wanted to keep her here and talking. ‘Cause while I didn’t really want the company of any of my brothers and sisters in the club because their tiptoeing around me was too much, I was sick of my own poor company. “You just made me realize that I’m prez. Of the club, I mean. President. My pops is gone, and I was VP.” I scrubbed my hands through my hair and groaned.

“You weren’t expecting it.”

I shrugged. “I mean, I know what this life is. Being prez makes you a target. I’ve known that since I was a boy. But fuck.”

“You never think your parents are actually going to die, do you?”

“Yeah, that.”

She nodded. “I really am sorry for your loss.”


She went to stand. “I should leave you two alone. I’ve overstayed my welcome.”

“I liked the distraction.”

She paused, and I let myself drink her in. Though she was dressed more casually today, it was easy to picture her back in that sexy black number she’d been wearing at the club.

“What?” she asked self-consciously.

I was too tired to come up with a lie. “I was thinking about how much I wanted to fuck you on Friday night.”

Her mouth dropped open. “You…you what?”

I chuckled. “Ain’t nobody ever said that to you?”

She laughed uncomfortably. “Ah, no. Definitely not.”

“They think it. Trust me. You still got that fiancé?” I eyed her fingers. They were bare.

“No. I told him this morning that we’re over. Gave back his ring.”


I wasn’t exactly sure why it was good. Because her having a fiancé wouldn’t have stopped me wanting her. But I guess it might have stopped her wanting me.

She looked down at her feet.

Where was the confident woman in deep-red lipstick from Friday night, who’d strutted around the club, not even noticing how many men stopped and stared at her? Me fucking included. “Come over to the clubhouse on Saturday night.”

Her gaze darted to the door, like she was thinking about making a run for it. “Uh…”

“We have a party every Saturday night. You’ll like it. Queenie’s a good cook. We’ll smoke some meat and hang out. Bring Rebel, since I need to spank her ass anyway.”

She raised an eyebrow.

“I can spank yours too, if you like,” I said with a chuckle.

I liked the shade of pink her cheeks took on. And fuck. Flirting with her gave me something to feel other than bleak, cold numbness. By the weekend, Fancy would either be better, or she’d be gone. Either way, I’d be looking to get drunk and laid.

I could do both without the pretty red-haired, blue-eyed stunner. But if I had her to think about all week, then it might just be bearable. “Come. I haven’t got a proper nickname for you yet. So I need some more time with you to work one out.”

“If I come, do I get final say in said nickname?”

“Oh, I plan on you coming, baby. Nickname or not.”

She frowned at me like she was a fucking schoolteacher and I was the misbehaving brat in the back row. “We both know what you’re insinuating, War.”

I laughed and held my hands up. “I meant nothing by it.” The laughter was almost painful in my chest after barely breathing for the last few days. Bliss was fucking fresh air and sunshine. I wanted to suck her in and hold her inside me so the warmth could melt the ice. “Just come. To the party.”

“Fine. I’ll catch a lift with Rebel.”

I sat back, suddenly feeling lighter than I had in days. It had been the same feeling I’d had when I’d seen her in the club.

It had been so long since I’d actually been interested in someone. Not just one of the club’s girls who satisfied my biological desires on a nightly basis. None of them interested me one iota, apart from as a warm slit to stick my dick into.

None of them had hair like fire. They were all stick thin, so skinny their collarbones jutted out. Bliss was the opposite of that. I wanted to grab her ass while she rode me. I wanted her full tits in my face when I came in her sweet cunt.

When she backed out of the room, her cheeks were pink again.

I was liked that look on her.



I’d been planning to let myself mope on Tuesday. Too much had happened the day before, between the Vincent and Caleb showdown, an emergency trip to the hospital, losing my job, and then running into War. I needed a minute to process.

But at 8:00 a.m., the doors to my suite flew open and Nichelle strode in, peering at me beneath the pile of bedclothes. “You’re still in bed? You do know what time it is, don’t you?”

“I am, and I do.”

Elle Thorpe's Books