Rome (Marked Men, #3)(94)

(This song doesn’t fit with Rome’s classic-rock theme, but when I was writing, for some reason every time I got stuck, or was wondering about what direction the big guy would go, this song made it make sense.) Creedence Clearwater Revival: “Fortunate Son”

The Rolling Stones: “You Can’t Always Get What You Want”

AC/DC: “You Shook Me All Night Long”

The Weeks: “Sailor Song”

The Clash: “Should I Stay or Should I Go?”

The Eagles: “Take It Easy”

Neil Young: “Rockin’ in the Free World”

The Kinks: “You Really Got Me”

Pink Floyd: “Comfortably Numb”

Tom Petty: “Free Fallin’”

Cora’s Playlist

Nikki Lane: “Walk of Shame”

The Detroit Cobras: “Can’t Do Without You”

Devil Doll: “You Are the Best Thing and the Worst Thing”

Sleater-Kinney: “You’re No Rock n’ Roll Fun”

Le Tigre: “Nanny Nanny Boo Boo”

Bikini Kill: “Rebel Girl”

Spinnerette: “Ghetto Love”

The Pretenders: “I’ll Stand by You”

Naked Aggression: “Pros and Cons of Dying”


I have a bunch of people who help me do what I do on a professional level. My agent, Stacey; my editor, Amanda; an entire team at HarperCollins that is dedicated to making sure whatever I create gets polished and put out to the reader in the best way possible. It’s been an interesting and often challenging process to learn how the publishing world works. I have a publicity team whom I work with to try to get my boys all the love and exposure they deserve. They are wonderful ladies, kind, easy to work with, fun, and a great source of information and support, and I can’t tell you how grateful I am to be able to pass the ball occasionally … remember I am a complete spaz. Check them out if you are in the market for some promo, marketing, have questions, and even if you want to venture a toe in the big bad writing water:

At times I frankly want to run away from it all because it’s new and can be intimidating. But it’s also humbling and at times overwhelming to have so many different people believing that I have the talent to create something memorable and meaningful. I can never express how grateful I am for all the exciting experiences this journey has brought me and the fabulous people it has given me the opportunity to work with. I am very fortunate and I have to remind myself every day to take a minute and enjoy it because I am such a spaz, and I let all the good things that go with being thrust into a new experience pass me right by.

My usual cast of characters who I couldn’t live without. My family, my bestie, my dear friend Melanie, who goes by many names and wears many hats but really is the kindest, most thoughtful person I have had the pleasure to meet. We don’t always agree, but I trust her to be honest, and she is an awesome sounding board for all the crazy characters and stories rolling around in my head. She is and probably always will be my book bestie … she just gets it. And she lets me borrow her husband and his awesome design skills.

I have to thank my mom specifically for being such a trouper. She’s let me drag her all across the country this year as I get used to being in public and meeting readers. I hate to fly … HATE it. So she’s the best because she comes with me and that makes traveling less of a nightmare. She also tolerates me when my nerves get the best of me and I turn into a snappy, sarcastic monster. She’s just the best mom out there and it’s always nice to know after a long day working, meeting people, moving and shaking, that I always have someone to keep my head in the game and grab a drink at the hotel bar with. That’s right: I’m totally a grown-up, a professional with a busy and crazy life of my own, but I still want my mommy at the end of a long day!

I couldn’t do what I do without my wonderful readers. I just think you’re all spectacular, and there isn’t a way to express my gratitude to you without sounding like a complete sissy. Really the only part of this new career I’ve taken on that I understand inside and out is the role of an avid reader. I love a good book, great characters, and moments in a story that you just can’t stop thinking about as much as the next book lover. Every time I start a book, or think about a story line, I run it through my reader brain and ask myself if it is a book I would read, is it a story that needs to be told? If the answer is yes, I tell it in the best way I possibly can. Those of you who have contacted me or left stunning reviews, it touches me every time and makes me feel like we are kindred spirits. I never thought I would be on the other side of the pages of a book. Have no doubt that all readers are invaluable to authors; we wouldn’t exist without you, so thank you. You rule!!!

Last year at this time, I had no idea what a blog was. True story. Now I know that blogs and the bloggers behind them are a serious driving force behind the word-of-mouth success of a book. It seems pretty selfless to operate a blog just to share your love of reading and books with the world, because you love reading and interacting with other readers. It’s where like minds can meet and collude, which I wish I had known about back when I wanted to talk about this book or that book and my friends looked at me like I was a nut. I cannot imagine investing my time and energy in something like that when I didn’t get paid for it! Anyway, I thank all the bloggers who had a hand in taking my boys from the small time to the big time, for pimping the series out, and for wanting to have anything to do with me, frankly. It’s been a delight working with and learning from you; those of you who had my back and supported me from the beginning know who you are and I hope my gratitude is evident. If it’s not, I heart your faces off and appreciate everything all of you have done for me.

Jay Crownover's Books