Rome (Marked Men, #3)(62)

“It made me feel like I didn’t even know my brother.” Rome’s voice was raw and I just wanted to hug him, but the family had to get through this on their own.

“Why? He was still funny, kind, smart, and more loving than anyone I have ever met in my life. None of that changes when you know who he chose to take to bed. You were his hero, Rule was his other half, and Shaw was his best friend. He felt that way about all of you and he would have still felt that way be he straight or gay.”

The boys lapsed into silence and Dale decided to interject.

“What about you? The two of you apparently had a pretty committed relationship for some time. How did you stand not being part of his day-to-day life? You weren’t even at the funeral.”

All the color fled from Lando’s handsome face and pain etched into his expression. This was a young man who felt the loss of Remy Archer just as acutely as the rest of his family.

“I was tired of it. I never had any issues with who I was or how I lived my life. My family was supersupportive, and while I understood his reasons for wanting to keep our relationship secret, it never sat well with me. The night of the accident I gave him an ultimatum. It was me or the secret. He chose the secret. We had a huge fight and he hung up on me. The last thing I said to him was ‘I hope your secret keeps you company for the rest of your life.’ I never got to apologize, never got to make it right. To this day I regret it. I know he loved me, that we were meant to be together, and I can never take it back.”

It sounded so familiar that I saw Rome flinch involuntarily.

“I did go to the funeral. I sat in the back. I wanted to approach the casket, but it was too hard. I left when Shaw was giving the eulogy.”

It was all so sad. Grief and loss just permeated the air. I couldn’t resist walking over to Rome and wrapping my arms around his neck from behind. I kissed him behind the ear, and he reached up to run his hand along my forearm.

Lando cleared his throat and pushed his chair back.

“You all need to know he loved you. He was proud to be an Archer, he was proud to be your son and your brother. He talked about all of you all the time and he honestly thought he was doing the right thing. As much as any of us might have regrets for the final ways we said our last words to him, I know deep down in my soul he would have regretted his secret tearing you apart the way it has. We all just have to forgive and forget and move forward. Remy’s memory deserves that much. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to get back to the city. I actually have dinner plans with my own family in a few hours.”

Shaw got up and went over to give him a hug.

“Thank you for coming. Just let me get my keys.”

Rule got up, too. “Can I ride back with you guys?”

Lando’s Adam’s apple bounced up and down in a slow slide. “I think I would like that a lot.”

Dale cleared his throat and rose to shake the younger man’s hand.

“Son, you are welcome here anytime you would like.”

Margot nodded her head, though she had remained quiet throughout the entire exchange.

Hugs and good-byes were exchanged until it was just Rome and me and Rome’s parents at the table.

His mom was staring at me and Dale was watching Rome. It could have been awkward, but instead it felt like a giant door had been slammed closed, leaving a ton of baggage stuck behind it.

“That was a bold move, young lady.” Margot’s tone wasn’t exactly appreciative, but she didn’t sound mad either.

“I’m a bold kind of person, Mrs. Archer.”

Dale thumped his fist on the table and threw back his head and laughed. “I used to think nothing would top Rule’s antics at brunch, but that … that definitely did the trick.”

Rome stood, then scooped me up and threw me over his shoulder. He thumped me on the ass with the flat of his hand and started to haul me toward the front door. I hollered at him to put me down, that this was an undignified way to exit his parents’ house after our first meeting, but he just laughed at me and tossed me over his other shoulder. “I can top it even more. Cora’s pregnant. We’re having a baby. Thanks for brunch. I’ll see you next week.”

I heard his mom scream and his dad swear and they both ordered him to bring me back, but he was already headed out the door. He put me on my feet next to the truck and then leaned into me until I had the warm metal pressed all along my back.

“You’re trouble.”

I put my arms around his neck and tugged him down until I could fit my mouth over his. His hair was longer than usual, so I tickled the dark strands that brushed across my fingers.

“But I’m totally worth it.”

He kissed me again, and I tried not to groan out loud when his tongue brushed across my own.

“Yes you are, Half-Pint. Yes you are.”



I dusted my hands off on the back of my Carhartts and looked around the liquor room. The new shelving I had built looked awesome, the place was spotless and organized, and not a bottle or keg was out of place. It was the last task I had on the list Brite had given me all those months ago. The rest of the bar was done. Polished, primed, and looking entirely new and ready to be part of this generation. The regulars were still posted up at their favorite spots all day long, but there was a whole new crowd and influx of younger blood wandering in. I didn’t ask Brite about the change in revenue because he had been quiet and a lot harder to pin down lately. Ever since the robbery, he had been skipping out before it got busy at night, leaving me and Asa to run the show. I didn’t mind, but I thought it was weird that he didn’t seem more excited about all the improvements.

Jay Crownover's Books