Rock with Me (With Me in Seattle, #4)(89)

“Good.” I nod. “No *s named Bob at this one, and it’s unlikely they’ll want me to do a story on my family, given that we run exposes on wines.” I wink at him and reach over to grab his hand in my own so I can trace the ink on his fingers.

“Are you excited for the tour?” I ask and watch my finger on his skin.

“It’ll be fun to play and be with the band for a couple weeks, but I’m already looking forward to coming home.”

“It’s only for two weeks. That’s better than nine months.” I snicker. “Nine months would kill me.”

“Nine months isn’t going to happen unless you’re with me,” he states, as though that’s the end of the discussion.

I nod, just as my phone vibrates in my bra and Leo chuckles as I pull it out.

“I do love your storage system.”

I stick my tongue out at him and check the text. It’s from Caleb.

Family meeting, today, 6pm. Brynna’s house. Mandatory.

I frown and turn the phone to show Leo.

“What’s that about?” he asks, his eyes narrowed.

“I don’t know,” I shrug. “Probably has something to do with Brynna’s security issues. I wish she’d just tell us what the hell is going on with her.”

“It’s probably none of your business.” He reminds me with a smirk. “You’re just nosy.”

“I’m concerned,” I disagree and then laugh. “Okay, I’m nosy.”

“Call me later and let me know what’s going on.”

I shrug and frown. “The meeting is late today. You’ll probably be busy with the sound check.”

“You can and will call me anytime, baby. I don’t give a f*ck what I’m doing. I need you to know that even when I’m not here, you’re the priority. I want to know what’s happening here.”

I shrug again and sit back as the waitress sets our plates before us. “It was good to see Lori last night, even if it was just for a few minutes.” I throw him a sassy grin and he laughs out loud.

“Way to change the subject, brat.”

I take a bite of my eggs and blink innocently, making him laugh more.

“She wouldn’t have missed the show last night for anything.” Leo nods. “Plus she wanted to meet your family.”

“Meg seemed over the moon to see her. How do you guys know her?” I ask and nibble my bacon. “Besides her being Gary’s wife,” I add.

“Meg and Lori always got along really well. It hurt Lori that Meg and I didn’t speak for a while.” He takes a bite of his bacon and a sip of coffee. “I’ve known Gary forever.” Leo begins. “Aside from Meg, and now you, he’s probably the closest person to me. We met Lori after a gig here in Seattle. She had been in town and came to a show, and being a celebrity, came to the after party to hang out with us. I was determined to f*ck her.” He laughs and leans back in the booth, his face full of humor.

“What happened?” I ask and push my plate aside and lean on my elbows.

“She wanted nothing at all to do with me.” He shakes his head ruefully. “She took one look at Gary’s ugly face, and it was all over for both of them. If I’d have made a play for her, he would have shoved his foot up my ass.”

I chuckle and trace his tattoos on his hand again. “Poor guy, you lost the girl.”

He grows quiet, and I glance up to find him quietly watching me. “What’s wrong?”

He shakes his head, as if pulling himself out of a daydream, and flips his hand over to link his fingers with mine. “We’ve come a long way since the first time we sat in this café.”

“Yes, we definitely have,” I nod and tilt my head at him. “Are you happy?”

“Oh sunshine.” He sighs and pulls my hand up to his lips, brushes them over my knuckles and smiles widely at me. “Happy doesn’t begin to cover it.”


Two Months Later


God, it’s good to be home. We left Atlanta immediately after the show last night and flew straight home, arriving at SeaTac at around two in the morning.

Sam and I still haven’t slept.

Instead we’ve made love, cooked breakfast, f*cked on the kitchen counter, and gone back to bed, lounging and enjoying each other after being apart for two weeks.

Two weeks at a time is all I’m willing to do.

“Oh, look!” Sam is sitting with her back propped against the headboard of her bed, her Sunshine Tour t-shirt on and her iPad in her lap. “There’s a picture of us on Yahoo!.”

The cat is curled on my stomach, purring as I pet him, my other hand tucked under my head. I’m staring at the ceiling. I don’t bother to look over at the iPad.

“Are we naked?” I ask, only half kidding. I’m terrified every day of the photos Melissa threatened us with showing up somewhere.

“No, thankfully not.” Sam laughs and pushes her fingers through my hair. Fuck, I love it when she does that. “This is from the show in Phoenix last week. Wow, they even printed my name under it, not just ‘Nash’s girlfriend’ or ‘Luke Williams’ sister.’”

Kristen Proby's Books