Rock with Me (With Me in Seattle, #4)(60)

He leans his forehead against mine, our hips moving in a perfect rhythm. He leans back and presses his calloused thumb against my clit, sending me over, my legs clamping around his hips, my * clenching around his cock.

“Fuck, you feel so damn good,” he growls as he comes, his hips jerking and thrusting hard. “So damn good,” he repeats while he catches his breath.

He kisses me hard and long and lowers me to my feet.

“I spend a lot of time off the ground with you,” I comment as we rinse and towel off.

“Complaining?” He asks with a grin.

“Nope, an observation.”

I comb my wet hair and blow it dry, throw on some mascara and lip-gloss and follow him into his bedroom. He’s pulled on his jeans and a t-shirt, and I can’t help but be disappointed that he’s covered his tats.

“What’s wrong?” He asks with a grin.

“I wanted to lick your stars,” I pout, making him laugh.

“What is it with you and the stars?”

“They’re f*cking hot. I’m not the only one. Brynna said she wants to lick them too and claims that she hates me because I get to lick them whenever I want.”

“Women are weird.” He smirks.

Just then my phone rings on the bedside table. “That’s Mr. Foss.” My stomach clenches as I look down at the caller I.D.

“Answer it. I’ll be on the balcony.”

He kisses my forehead and lets himself out the glass door to his covered balcony as I reach for the phone.


“Ms. Williams?”

“This is she,” I respond and pace around the room, my feet cold on the marble.

“This is Foss calling regarding our interview from the other day.”

“Yes, hello, thanks for calling.”

“I’m afraid I don’t have great news, Ms. Williams. We’ve decided to go with a different candidate.”

“I see.” Why am I relieved?

“I am certain you’ll find the position that suits you soon. Best of luck to you, Samantha.”

“Thank you, Mr. Foss. Have a good day.”

I disconnect the call and sit at the side of the bed.

Now what?



Sam is pacing in my bedroom, her phone pressed to her ear. It’s started to rain. Not a light, soft rain, but a pounding, all-consuming rain that seems to have a life of its own. It sounds like drums on my roof and almost obscures the view of the water.

I rock in my chair, in time with the music of the rain, and think about the small woman with the enormous personality in my bedroom. She’s bloody amazing. Her strength, her big heart, her loyalty, all bring me to my knees.

I can’t get enough of her.

The glass door opens and Sam slips out onto the balcony.

“Well?” I ask.

“They turned me down.” She shrugs, her gorgeous face sad and maybe a little scared.

If you’ll let me, I’ll take care of you and you’ll never have to work again.

“Come here, baby.” I take her hand in mine and pull her into my lap. She settles her cheek against my chest, and I wrap my arms around her, rocking her gently. “Just rock with me for a while.”

She smiles up at me softly, remembering the last time I said those words to her and we made love in my chair.

“I don’t know why I’m sad. I don’t think I wanted that job anyway. You were right, I don’t want to move to L.A.”

“Rejection sucks,” I mutter and kiss her soft blonde hair.

“Yeah,” she agrees.

“I’m kind of glad you didn’t get it,” I admit. “I don’t want you to move out of Seattle either. I think I’m going to sell this place and move up there.” I frown and watch the rain around us, my mind wandering. “This place has never felt like home. You said it yourself, it’s not exactly ‘me.’”

“Hmm…” she agrees and snuggles down closer to me. God, she feels perfect in my arms.

“I’m tired of traveling so much. I can probably arrange it so we only tour about three months out of the year. They would be three solid months, with no breaks, but then the rest of the time I’d be able to be home. The guys would like that too. Especially Gary and DJ, since they have families.”

“When is Lori due?” she asks quietly.

“Next month. We’re all getting too old for touring all year long anyway. It’s not like we need the money.”

“It’s good that you can be choosy,” she agrees.

I nod and kiss her again. I can’t stop kissing her sweet honey-scented hair.

Fuck, I have it bad.

“It’ll be good to be near Meg too. Keep an eye on her.”

“Wait.” She sits up and frowns at me. “Why all these big life changes?”

“Oh, sunshine,” I whisper and smile gently. “Haven’t you figured out that I’m completely in love with you?”

Her eyes go wide and her hands grip onto my shirt and for the first time since I met her, I think she’s speechless.

“You had to know that, baby.” I kiss her forehead and cup her face in my hands. “I don’t bring women around my band. I don’t write songs for girls. I don’t bring them here. I certainly don’t talk about my family with just anyone. I love you, Samantha.”

Kristen Proby's Books