Rock with Me (With Me in Seattle, #4)(48)

“Julianne!” Nate growls.

“What? Meg called them that first.” She points at Meg, who widens her eyes innocently.

“I did?” She asks.

“Yeah, remember? In the van.”

“I was completely wasted in the van, Jules.” Meg laughs. “But apagasms sound good to me.”

“You f*cking told them?” Nate turns on Jules in shock and she clasps her lips shut and looks almost embarrassed for a minute but then wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him square on the mouth.

“If you’ve got it, flaunt it, ace.”

“Uh, sweetheart, you don’t got it,” he reminds her, but she holds up her left hand and wiggles her ring finger at him.

“Yeah, I do.”

“I’m surprised you don’t have one.” I turn to Leo to find his eyes wide in surprise and his mouth gaping. “You’re pierced everywhere else.”

“I’m not getting my dick pierced!” He gapes at me like I’ve just told him he should get it cut off.

I snort. Yes, snort. He’s adorable.

“Oh, don’t be a *, I’ve heard really, really good things about the apa. And speaking of pussies,” I gesture at Meg with a wide grin, “Even your sister has her clit pierced.”

“What the f*ck?” Leo exclaims, scowling between me and Meg and back again. “I raised you better than that!”

“Way to go!” Mark offers her a high-five.

“Can we see it?” Nate asks and wiggles his eyebrows, earning a punch in the arm by Will.

“It’s really pretty.” Jules smiles sweetly and Natalie nods in agreement.

“You guys have seen it?” Stacy asks.

“Yeah, we went with her when she got it.”

“I wanna see it!” Stacy bounces in her seat, her margarita gripped tightly in her hands.

“What do you want to see?” Brynna asks as she and Caleb come back into the room, calmer than when they left, but Brynna’s pretty face is flushed.


Meg shrugs and climbs into Will’s lap. He wraps his big arms around her and kisses her head. “I wanted a piercing.” She informs Leo and winks at me.

“Eyebrow, ear, nose, belly button.” He points passionately with his finger with each suggestion. “Are all acceptable piercings.”

“That’s not what I wanted.”

“Jesus.” He pulls his tattooed hand down his face and laughs. “I don’t ever, ever need to know stuff like this about you.”

“Hey.” Will interrupts. “Don’t knock it till you try it.”

“So back to orgasms,” Stacy begins and Caleb jumps up, waving his arms about.

“No! No, no, no! No orgasm talk tonight.”

“I could talk about orgasms,” Mark offers.

“No! I’m serious.” Caleb glares at all of us and I decide to put him out of his misery.

“Okay, guys… we’ll discuss the O during girls night.”

“Good plan,” Leo whispers under his breath. “I don’t need to hear my sister talk about getting off, and,” his voice drops further, “every time I make you come, is between you and me, sugar. No one else.”

Well, now I’d be happy to discuss orgasms. My purple panties are soaked.

“How are the living arrangements working out?” Matt asks Caleb and Brynna.

“Fine.” Caleb shrugs.

“He’s nice to the girls,” Brynna comments with soft deep brown eyes.

Dear God, she’s fallen for him! What the hell has been going on in that house?

We all exchange glances, but no one pushes the subject.

Caleb’s face softens into a smile and he rests his big hand on Brynna’s jean-covered knee. “They’re easy to be nice to.”

“No kid talk,” Stacy scolds them. “We agreed. We’re pretending we’re young, with no responsibilities.”

“I am young with no responsibilities.” Mark reminds us all with a satisfied smile. “I recommend it.”

“Right, ‘cause you hate kids.” I smirk. “You can’t stand holding Livie.”

“I love her. And then she goes home and I go find a warm body for the night.” He winks and I scowl back at him.


“I’m not sure Sam should be having babies any time soon.” Meg announces with a laugh.

“Why not?” Luke asks.

“Well, there was a diaper…” Leo reaches over and covers her mouth with his hand, muffling the rest of the words and making them sound like the teacher on the Peanuts.

“I’m just definitely not ready.” I tell him quickly. “Not terribly maternal. You know.” I shrug and glance over at Nat to find her laughing, holding her stomach.

“Did Liv blow out her diaper when you watched her?” She asks and wipes tears from her eyes.

“What the hell do you feed her?” Leo demands.

“Stop talking about kids!” Jules interrupts. “And definitely stop talking about poop.”

“She said poop.” Will laughs.

“What are you, twelve?” Matt asks him.

“Like you didn’t snicker.”

Kristen Proby's Books