Rock with Me (With Me in Seattle, #4)(23)

He plants his elbows on the cushion beside my head, rests his lower body against mine and leaves tiny kisses on my chin, my jaw, and then slides his nose against my neck, making me shiver and squirm.

“You have great lips,” I whisper and feel him grin against my ear. I run my hands down his firm back and pull his t-shirt up so I can feel his warm skin beneath my hands.

“Clothes stay on,” he whispers and continues with the small, sweet kisses.

“Why?” I ask and gasp when he bites my ear.

“We’re just making out.”

“For now.”

He pulls up to brace himself on his hands and stares down at me with shining gray eyes. “No, we’re just making out. No farther than second base.”

“Uh, Leo, Meg’s the one with the three date rule, not me. Remember?”

His face splits into a wide smile and I feel myself smile back at him.

“She has a three date rule?” he asks.

“Yeah, she about killed Will.”

“That’s my girl,” he chuckles proudly. “And I do believe you made me wait through about five dates.”

“Running isn’t a date.” Holy Mary Mother of God, if he licks my neck like that again, I’ll tear his shirt off his body and attack him.

“I bought you a meal each time. It was a date,” he whispers and moves to the other side of my neck to wreck the same havoc on the sensitive skin below my ear.


“Mmm hmm?”

“Kiss me, please.”

“I am.”

I pinch his ass, and he bites my ear and glares down at me.


My eyes fall to his lips, his silver metal in his lower lip, and I’ve never wanted anyone to kiss me as much as I want him to right now.

He loops his fingers in my hair, tilts his head, and gently lays his lips over mine. I tighten my hands on his back, holding him tightly against me, and sigh deeply as he begins to move those talented lips. He nibbles and sucks, from one corner of my mouth to the other, leaving no piece of skin untouched.

My hands begin to travel, over his back, down his arms, up to his face, slowly and lightly exploring him, until I’m so consumed by him, I don’t hear the movie, or feel the couch under me. All I know is Leo.

I thread my legs through his, not able to get close enough, and rotate my hips against him, but he abandons my lips and slides down to my ear.

“Samantha, I’m not going to make love to you tonight. But I’m going to kiss the f*ck out of you.”

My lips meet his again with a moan and this time he deepens the kiss, teasing my lips and the tip of my tongue with his.

I’ve never been kissed this thoroughly in all my life.

One of his hands leaves my hair and journeys down my face, my shoulder, and just when I think he’s going to cup my breast, his hand glides down to my hip, and he just rests it there.

He’s seriously just going to kiss me.

I moan again and run my fingers down his stubbly face. Despite the stubble, his skin is smooth and he just smells so damn good.

He slows the kiss down; nibbling my lips again, and then nuzzles my nose.

“You make me forget how to breathe,” he whispers.

“I love the way you kiss me,” I whisper back.

“Good,” he murmurs and offers me a half smile, his stormy eyes are lazy and heavy-lidded. “Because I plan on kissing you a lot.”

“Okay,” I agree shyly.

Why does he make me so shy?

Suddenly, he stands and pulls me into his arms, cradling me against him, and carries me into the bedroom.

“The TV is still on,” I remind him.

“I’ll get it later.”



She’s beautiful when she sleeps.

She’s beautiful period. Even when she was hurling and sweaty with fever, she was a sight to behold.

I’m in trouble.

We slept late this morning, but neither of us has anywhere to go, so I’m lying next to her, enjoying the view.

I’ve never just kissed a woman and not made love to her. I rarely kiss women at all. Sex is great, but kissing leads to all kinds of attachments and feelings, and it’s just best if I don’t go there, especially given that women I’ve been with in the past ten years were a quick lay. I certainly don’t kiss the way I kissed Sam last night. I wanted to sink into her and make love to her all night, but she had been sick.

Maybe I’m turning into a * in my old age. The kicker? I don’t give a shit.

Sam stirs and yawns, opens her sapphire-blue eyes and smiles softly at me.

“Good morning.” I kiss her soft cheek and enjoy her sleepy moan.

“Mmm… mornin’.” Fuck I love that raspy voice of hers. It’s sexiest when she first wakes up and when she’s just about to come.

“What do you want to do today?” I ask and brush a piece of her hair off her cheek.

“I want cupcakes.”

“Cupcakes?” I ask with a laugh. “It’s only ten in the morning, sweetness. Isn’t it a bit early for cupcakes?”

“Clearly you’ve spent too much time abroad,” she pushes her hand through my messy hair and gives it a yank, which immediately makes my dick stir. “Cupcakes are appropriate at any time.”

Kristen Proby's Books