Reluctantly Yours(20)

“Actually, I’ll take the chicken primavera.”

“Right,” I say, then order the veal filet for myself.

While Frankie and Fred converse with Chloe, I finish my drink and order another. As I listen, hearing about Chloe’s family, where she grew up, how she saved up money to move to New York and her career aspirations, I almost forget why we’re here. That I’m supposed to be focused on Fred and getting him talking about business.

Chloe must feel my eyes on the side of her face. She turns to meet my gaze.

“Look at you two.” Frankie giggles. “I’m a sucker for romance. Tell us how you fell in love.”

“Oh.” Chloe sets her drink back on the table. “It’s pretty boring really.”

“I’d love to hear.” Fred nods enthusiastically.

“How did we meet, Barrett?” Chloe turns toward me. “Do you want to tell the story? Or should I?” What she’s really saying is ‘I have no idea what to tell them.’

I reach for my water.

“It’s not much of a story. My mother introduced us. Chloe is my mother’s assistant at St. Clair Press.”

“I’m an editorial assistant, but I’ve recently taken on some assistant editor duties while a co-worker is on maternity leave. That’s what I’d love to do full-time.”

“A workplace romance?” Frankie sighs dreamily. “Love it.”

“Not really. I don’t work at St. Clair Press,” I add.

“Barrett is the CEO of SCM,” Fred offers.

“Was it love at first sight like with me and Fred?” Frankie asks, then slides one hand affectionately over Fred’s shoulder.

“Yes,” I answer as Chloe responds, “No.”

“What Chloe means is that she was not a big fan of me but I was quite taken with her.”

I casually drape my arm over the back of Chloe’s chair and she lunges forward, knocking her water glass over.

“Oh, gosh! I’m so sorry.”

“No harm done,” Fred says easily. Our waiter quickly swoops in to clear the ice off the table and replace Chloe’s glass.

“Frankie, I like your nails,” Chloe says, obviously trying to change the subject.

“Thanks, doll. They’re part of my new line, Frankie’s Faux Nails.”

“So, you’re an entrepreneur? That’s great.”

Frankie runs her hand and said nails over the back of Fred’s head. “He’s making all my dreams come true.”

“You’re the one with all the ideas, baby.”

As Frankie and Fred look adoringly at each other, an awkward silence falls over the table. Or maybe it’s only on mine and Chloe’s side.

“I’m going to use the ladies’ room,” Chloe announces, grabbing her clutch, before turning to me.

I stand. “I’ll show you where it is,” I say, then I’m hot on Chloe’s heels as we approach the alcove where the restrooms are located.

I’m not sure what Chloe is thinking, but we need to regroup. I’m regretting not telling her about the girlfriend thing earlier, but I thought it would be easier if it wasn’t staged, more natural. Chloe is not a natural.

“What is happening out there?” I ask when we’ve cleared the main dining room.

“What do you mean?” she asks.

“We’re not on the same page at all.”

“I’m sorry. If you wanted a solid relationship back story, I need more than three minutes’ notice.”

“I thought it would be more natural if we winged it. Less pressure to perform.”

“That sounds like your insecurity, not mine,” she fires back.

“I’ve never had any complaints.” I smirk.

Chloe’s eyes find the ceiling and I feel my lips tug upwards. I could go back and forth with her all night, but that’s not why we’re here.

“You’re practically on the other side of the table.”


“I need you to touch me,” I say.

Chloe’s eyes go wide.

“I thought you said this wasn’t that kind of favor.”

“Like we’re together. Make it believable.”

“You want me to make out with you at the table?”

“God, no.” I have to pinch the bridge of my nose, and take a moment to gather myself. When I find Chloe less infuriating, I open my eyes again. “Fred and Frankie are an affectionate couple. Try to match their energy. Act like you’ve touched me before. Like we’re familiar with each other. Can you do that?”

“I think so.” She nods slowly, mulling it over. “I don’t have much experience in this department.”

For the first time tonight, I look at her. It was impossible to miss the dress, that scrap of material hit me over the head the moment she stepped out of the car. Now, my eyes rake over Chloe’s face. Her big blue eyes, her pouty lower lip that is caught between her teeth. Her long, red hair has been straightened. It’s glossy and thick, but I prefer the wild waves she had last night. The delicate gold chain around her neck dips into the hollow where her clavicles meet.

I don’t even want to chance looking down at her body. Fuck, too late. With our height difference, my eyes fall straight into her cleavage. Chloe is petite in stature, but she’s got curves. Those curves are accentuated in this dress. Full breasts, trim waist, soft hips. My hand itches to reach out and trace the outline of her hip. To press my fingers into the forgiving flesh there, move along her side body to feel the contrast between her rib cage and the softness of her breasts before settling them in the indented space above her hip. I shouldn’t be looking at her like this. I should be focused on how the hell we’re going to make it through this dinner.

Erin Hawkins's Books