Redemption (Amos Decker #5)(88)

“That’s pretty convoluted, Melvin. And wrong. You saved her life. She’d be on a slab but for you.”

“I saw this red dot hovering over her face. Man, it scared the crap out of me. Then I just grabbed her and down we went right as I heard the glass break. I thought she was okay. You know? Then…then I had her blood all over me.”

“What did she tell you, before she was shot?” asked Decker.

“She was really nervous. Afraid for her life.”

“Well, she turned out to be right about that. What else?”

“I think she wanted to talk. But couldn’t bring herself to do it. She said something about there being ‘shades of truth.’”

“Shades of truth? What does that mean?”

“I don’t know.”

“Maybe a guilty conscience?”

Mars looked pained by this possibility. “Maybe. And she said that sometimes people have to do things that might look wrong to other people, but just seem like the only way to go for the person. And also that the truth could trap you.”

Decker took all this in and said, “You know she might have been the one to impersonate Susan Richards. Mitzi Gardiner was the other possibility, but she has an alibi.”

“If she did, then Rachel knew about her murder. That would qualify as a guilty conscience.”

“Yes, it would. We’ll need to talk to her when she’s able.”

“Now maybe she’ll tell us the truth.”

“Well, almost getting killed should be a great motivator,” replied Decker. “And they burned her office down after searching it. So, they mean business.”

Mars stared goggle-eyed at him. “Burned her office down?”

“While I happened to be in it. I had to jump out the window.”

Mars gaped. “You jumped out a window?”

“From five flights up. Point is, I don’t think Katz has an option now.”

“And if she is guilty of something?”

“We’ll work a deal. She who talks first gets the best one.”

Decker stood to leave. “You need anything?”

“A little less excitement in my life would be nice.”

“Then you’re going to have to stay away from me, apparently.”

Chapter 57

WHEN DECKER PULLED UP to the Gardiners’ home, the gate was open, so he pulled through. This time a man answered the door. He was in his forties, tall, broad-shouldered, and good-looking, and dressed in a suit that might have cost more than Decker’s entire wardrobe. No, there was no might about it.

“Yes?” said the man.

“I’m here to speak to Mitzi Gardiner.”

“What about?” the man asked suspiciously. “This is a no-solicitation area,” he added warningly. “How did you even get inside the gate?”

“It was open.” Decker took out his creds. “But I’m not selling anything. She’ll know about this. I’ve been by before.”

The man looked puzzled. “Here? You’ve been here?”

“Yes. Are you her husband?”

“I’m Brad Gardiner.”

“Is she in?”

“She’s not up yet. In fact, she’s not feeling well.”

“I can wait.”

“No, that doesn’t work. She…she’s ill.”

“Mr. Gardiner, I can understand that, but the fact is, this is a murder investigation. So time is of the essence.”

“Murder! What the hell are you talking about?”

“It’s okay, Brad.”

Decker looked past Gardiner to see his wife standing there in a bathrobe and slippers. She scowled at Decker. “I can handle this. Why don’t you get to work? You have that meeting.”

“But, Mitzi.”

She kissed him on the cheek. “It’s okay, sweetie, I’ve got this. Trust me.”

“If you’re sure.”

“I am very sure.”

After her husband left, Gardiner looked at Decker. “You just won’t leave it alone, will you?”

“I’m just trying to do my job.”

“Isn’t that what all cops say?”

“I don’t know. I’m just one cop.”

She led him back to the conservatory, where they sat down across from each other.

“What?” she said expectantly.

“Some recent developments I thought you might want to be made aware of.”

“Such as?”

“Someone tried to kill Rachel Katz. Took a shot at her through her condo window.”

To her credit, Gardiner didn’t visibly react to this. “Is she all right?”

“She was shot with a sniper round. She’s out of surgery and is critically stable. Another inch to the right and they’d be making funeral arrangements.”

“Well, I’m glad they’re not.”

“The man who tried to kill her was then killed by police.”

“Do they know who he is?”

“Yes.” But Decker would go no further.

“What does any of that have to do with me?”

“You have the picture I left you?”

David Baldacci's Books