Redemption (Amos Decker #5)(106)

Peyton took the photo without looking at it. “Will do.”

They left and went outside.

“Well?” said Lancaster.

Decker took out the plastic slip with the photo inside. “Looks like a beautiful print on the photo. We’ll run it and see if Mr. Peyton is who he says he is.”


Decker dropped Lancaster and the photo off at the station and continued on to the hospital, where Mars was once more ensconced in Katz’s hospital room.

“Nothing?” said Decker as he sat down next to him.

Mars shook his head.

“Got something to tell you.” He filled Mars in on his theory of money laundering.

“So you think she was in on it?” asked Mars as he glanced at Katz.

“I don’t know for sure, but it would be a stretch to conclude that she didn’t know about it. She’s got financial backers that even the FBI can’t pierce.”

Mars slowly nodded. “Could be the reason for her guilty conscience and all the weird stuff she was saying to me.”

“Could be. We met with the guy who manages the American Grill. We got his prints through a bit of sleight of hand, and Mary’s running them through the database.”

“What could that tell you?”

“I don’t think this is just about money laundering, Melvin. I think something else is going on. You don’t need to build a basement under a restaurant to run a money laundering business. You just need legitimate businesses to flush bad money through and turn that bad money into other assets and a clean line of cash flow. That’s what all of Katz’s businesses could allow them to do.”

“But you don’t think that’s all. So what else could there be?”

Decker shrugged. “I don’t know. But I believe that David Katz and Don Richards were killed because something went wrong.”

“Went wrong. Like what?”

“Something in the business. Someone felt threatened somehow, by one or both of them. They killed them and pinned it on Meryl Hawkins, with his daughter’s help.”

“And her payoff?”

“She got remade, new life, new everything. From the bottom to the top in a flash.”

“Like Audrey Hepburn in My Fair Lady. One of my favorite films.”

Decker looked at him in a bemused way. “Didn’t see you as a My Fair Lady kind of guy.”

“Hell, I could relate, Decker. I had to remake myself every second of every day, when I was growing up in West Texas and then when I was in prison. And when I got out of prison.”

“Why not just be yourself?”

“Easy for you to say.”

Decker sat back. “I guess you’re right about that.”

“Yeah, I was the high school and college sports star back then. Whole damn state loved me. I was a hero. But God forbid I eat at their table. Or date their daughters.”

Decker suddenly glanced at Katz. “Jenny Marks said that Katz had been a real mentor to her. Showing her the ropes of being in business.”

“I heard that. So?”

“So, even though Katz said she didn’t know her, I wonder if she did the same thing for Mitzi Gardiner?”

“Wait a minute, you think Gardiner was Hepburn?”

“And that means Rachel Katz might have been in the role played by Rex Harrison.”

Chapter 68

“WE…LOOK, UM, I think there’s a problem.”

Decker stared at Brad Gardiner, who was standing, pale and shaking, in the doorway of his home. Decker had just knocked on the door and Gardiner had flung it open.

“What sort of problem?” asked Decker.

“Mitzi…she’s locked herself in our bedroom and she won’t come out. And…and I think she has a gun. She’s threatening to shoot herself, or anyone who comes through that door.”

“Have you called the police?”

“I…no. I don’t know what to do.”

“Is anyone in the room with her? Your son?”

“No, he’s at school, thank God.”

“Anybody else?”

“I had the maid leave when…when things got weird.”

“Why are you home at this time of day?”

“I forgot some papers. I came back for them. That’s when Mitzi screamed at me when I tried to open the bedroom door.”

“Okay, is she on something? Has she been drinking?”

Gardiner seemed to be on the verge of tears. “I don’t know. What the hell is going on?”

“Show me to the bedroom.”

Decker followed him down the hall and they arrived at the door.

“Honey, I have Mr. Decker here.”

“Get him the fuck out of my house!” screamed Mitzi.

“Ms. Gardiner?” said Decker.

The next moment they both leapt back because she fired a round right through the wood. The slug missed both men and embedded in the far wall.

“Jesus Christ!” cried out Gardiner as he dropped to the floor shaking.

Decker slid over to him, keeping low. “What kind of gun does she have?”

“It’s…it’s a Sig Sauer. I bought it for her. But she picked it out.”

David Baldacci's Books