Raw (RAW Family #1)(30)

Looking around the room in a bored fashion, I sigh, “You gonna be done soon? I got shit to do.”

Her eyes snap open; hurt shines there. She recovers quickly, rubbing her wet * onto my open palm. “Come on, baby. Help me. You used to love this.” Her statement sounds more like a plea.

Not able to take any more of this shit, I pull my hand out from under her skirt and tell her firmly but quietly, “Enough. You’re embarrassing yourself.”

Her pretty face changes to something ugly and vicious. Taking both her small hands, she pushes at my shoulders. “Fuck you, Twitch! You think you’re the only guy that can please me? Well, you’re f*cking wrong! I can get any guy. Any guy I want!”

I chuckle at the fact that she’s just contradicted herself and shake my head. “Yeah. Okay. Can you take your bitch-fit outside? Like I said, I got shit to do.”

Turning my back on her, I listen to her heels clip-clop away before my office door is slammed shut. Sitting back down in my chair, the first thing that comes to mind is the sweet smile of a woman I should never have had.

My cock stirs.

Running a hand down my face, I think long and hard about what needs to be done, all the while knowing I won’t ever let her go.

For the second time in a row, I contemplate what the heck I’m doing in my car, just beside the parking lot of Falcon Plastics. Before I can chicken out, I grab my purse and shuffle out of my car, making sure to memorize the reason I’m here. Or, that is, the reason I say I’m here.

Checking my wrist watch, the time reads 5:46pm and I wonder if anyone will actually be there. The thought that I’ve missed everyone comes as a great relief.

Yeah, because you don’t want to see the gorgeous tattooed hunk who f*cks like a pro.

What’s the point in denying I like the guy? What I’m doing here has everything to do with that. I want to start fresh, and I know the only way to do that with someone like Twitch is to make the first move.

Approaching the double doors, I pull and meet resistance. My brain cheers and skips, while smiling big and saying, ‘Oh well! We tried! Better luck next time!’.

Standing there a moment, I wonder if I should back down so soon; just when I turn to look around for an intercom, the door opens before me, and a young woman crashes into me. Her body slams into mine and she squeaks, “Oh jeez! I’m so sorry! I didn’t see you there!”

Grabbing hold of her, I smile. “No, you’re fine. I didn’t realize you were closed.”

Pushing her hipster black glasses higher up on her nose, she smooths her dress down. “Oh, we technically are, but the bosses are still up…” When her face lifts to mine, she squeaks again. “Ms. Ballentine! Mr. T asked that you be let through the other day. If I don’t let you in now, he’ll be pissed. I’m kinda in a hurry, but if you give me a sec, I can show you to his office.”

And my day just got interesting. “I’m guessing Mr. T is Twitch?” She nods. “Okay, well I know how to get to his office. I can save you a few minutes by letting myself in?”

Her face relaxes instantly. “You have no idea how great that would be. I’m late picking up my daughter from after-school care and they close at six. I’m already stretching it.” Holding open the door for me, she quickly adds, “The elevator code is 2245. Go on up!”

Smiling at her, I nod and make my way through the now empty building. It’s so quiet here compared to the other day. It’s so eerie, that my body breaks out in goosebumps.

The elevator code works, and before I know it, I’m standing in front of the huge mahogany double doors that lead to the unknown. Raising my fisted hand, I hesitate to knock when I hear a groan and what sounds to be thumping.

My face flames.

Oh shit. He’s getting busy.

Suddenly, my stomach drops. That hurts in such an irrational way that I’m questioning my sanity. What’s worse is that I’m sure he’s doing it with his all-too-perfect bitch of a girlfriend.

I know I should walk away, but I…I just can’t.

Placing my hand on the lever handle, I press down as slow as I can and open the door an inch. When I see him, my heart stutters. Watching him through the crack, I smile and chuckle silently.

Well, that could’ve been embarrassing.

His shirtless back to me, I take in the artwork tattooed on him. His back is one big picture. What looks to be an angel – more accurately, a fallen angel – covers the length of him in one of the most realistic tattoos I have ever seen. The angel stands tall and proud in a tattered cloak of black, the wind blowing to one side separating the cloak, revealing a long, slender leg and bare foot. Her long blonde hair flares out to the side, the wind lifting the hood slightly to reveal her face. One side, gorgeous. The other, melted and disfigured.

I don’t understand what it means, but her face is so unashamed and filled with pride that it’s beautiful in a twisted way.

Panting with his back to me, he asks loudly, “You gonna stand there all night, or you gonna come in?”


My face flames. Opening the door, I watch as he punches the boxing bag in the middle of his office before answering “Wasn’t sure if I was welcome.”

“You’re not.”


That’s when he turns and adds with a smirk, “But that doesn’t stop me either.”

Belle Aurora's Books