Raw (RAW Family #1)(14)

My eyes narrow at his, and just as I open my mouth to tell him my thoughts, one hand squeezes my ass so hard it aches, while the other tangles in my hair, fisting it hard enough to make me wince. Lowering his scowling face to mine til we’re almost nose-to-nose, I see it.


He’s daring me to say something. Anything. Daring me with nothing but a look.

My mind claps at my stupidity, clearly unimpressed.

This is what he warned me about. These are the terms I accepted.

Holding his gaze only a moment longer, I move my eyes down to his throat in defeat. What he does next surprises me.

Leaning forward, he places his lips at the top my head for a long moment before he softly kisses my hair and mutters, “Knew you’d be perfect. Fuckin’ knew it.”

My nakedness suddenly making me feel vulnerable, I pull my arms up between us and cover my breasts with my hands. Twitch kisses my head again. “You cold?”

I shake my head, feeling honesty is the way to go. He is, after all, a sociopath. I’d like to have his trust. He prods, his husky voice hushed, “You feeling uncomfortable?”

I immediately nod. Squeezing my ass once more, he places his lips at the shell of my ear. “Good. Get used to it. Because I’m going to do bad things to you.”

And just like that, any warmth or safety I was feeling flies out the window.

I can’t help but wonder what I’ve got myself in to.

Alexa’s face turns fearful.

She should be scared. If I didn’t know this woman as well as I do, I’d turn her over my knee for letting a complete stranger into her home.

But that’s just the thing. I’m not a stranger. And although she doesn’t understand it yet, she feels what I feel when we’re together.


Which is a shame for her, because although I know her, it doesn’t mean I’m gonna go easy on her. Quite the contrary.

I need to punish her.

You need her. Just her. Nothing else.

Ignoring my mind’s voice, I look at my prey. She’s the reason I am the way I am.

It’s all her fault.

And she’s going to pay.

I should know better by now. I’ve dealt with bad people in my life before. I know the look Twitch wears, and although I don’t know where this is going, I know one thing…

This will end badly for me.

But it seems I’m a glutton for punishment, because I won’t stop what’s happening here.

My mind wanders.

If I ask him to stop now, would he?

The need to test the waters is too strong for me to stop myself. “Stop, Twitch. Please, stop.”

His hand stills on my ass. His face contorts in anger, eyes narrowing to slits. “I swear to you, Lexi…” He trails off, and I know I’ve made a huge mistake. I’m going to be punished for this.

When his lips twitch, I know he’s caught on, and all I can think is I’m screwed. He sounds amused when he says, “Oh Lexi. What are you doin’, babe? You think I was joking when I said I wouldn’t stop? You testing me, baby?”

Honesty. Be honest.

Sometimes I wish I had a rewind button for my mouth. I try to fix what I’m doing a really good job at wrecking. “I’m sorry. I just needed to know for sure.”

When he runs his hand up and down my back, I start to relax. I can’t get a read on this guy. He goes from cold to hot, then down to warm in seconds. He’s completely unpredictable. And that makes me uneasy.

Still fully clothed with his erection out, he continues to rub my back as he explains, “I told you you’re not being tested, Alexa.” Leaning forward, he whispers into my ear, “All you need to do for this to go well…is give in.”

That sounds easy enough. In theory. Right?

No. Not right. Not in the slightest.

When you come from a home like I did and get out of said home, you hold onto your freewill with both hands. Because sometimes, it’s all you got. And there is security in knowing you have a choice. So even though I get Twitch and his need to dominate, I don’t know if giving in is something I can do so easily. Giving in to a person I trust though…

You trust him. You don’t know why…but you do.

A sudden rush of humiliation slides down my body. I can’t believe I’m doing this. Quiet as a mouse, I avoid his eyes and beg, “Don’t hurt me, Twitch. Please don’t hurt me.”

The hand rubbing my back stops, thus ending the small amount of comfort I’d been feeling. His husky voice demands, “Undress me, girl.”

My heart thumps out of my chest.

This is really happening. I’m really going to let him do things to me. Bad things.

I seal my fate when I grip the bottom of his tee tightly and gently lift it over his head. It drops to the floor with a dull whoosh, and I move my thumbs into the sides of his jeans. Lifting my eyes, I look directly into his.

He doesn’t give anything away. His face remains devoid. Expressionless.

Slowly pulling down his pants, they get stuck around his ankles. Damn. I forgot his shoes. Hoping I haven’t f*cked up for the thirty-eighth time tonight, I look up at him wide-eyed. But he silently lets me know it’s okay when he shoots me a small smile. Kneeling by his feet, I undo his laces and remove his shoes and socks before working his jeans all the way off.

Belle Aurora's Books