Queen of Myth and Monsters (Adrian X Isolde, #2)(54)

I didn’t know if he heard what I said. He seemed so focused on the villagers’ retreat, but after a moment, he gave a sharp whistle, summoning Shadow.

“We should head back to the castle,” he said.

I did not disagree, though I did so with dread, knowing no good could come from what had transpired here. Resurrection was the only part of necromancy, the magic of speaking with the dead, that High Coven never touched.

It was for the goddesses, we used to say, but I was not so certain it was for anyone. Even the goddesses brought people back wrong. The monsters we lived among were testament enough.


Adrian was in a foul mood.

I sat in bed, worrying over him, watching him.

He was across the room from me, his arm propped on the table, hand covering his mouth, silent. He had been like that since we had returned from Cel Ceredi.

We both knew the consequences of what Solaris had done. Our people would start to look to Solaris for protection and not their king. He had been smart to hide his abilities, to reveal them strategically, though I worried over that too. Who else would Solaris attempt to resurrect before we knew the consequences?

“We should have never let him stay,” I said.

Adrian’s jaw ticked. “Do you intend to lecture me?”

“It is too late for that, don’t you think?”

He slammed his hand down on the table and stood.


He began to pace, predatory in the way he moved.

“I will have to make him into a noblesse,” he said.

I sat up straighter. “Why would you do that?”

“He has left me little choice in the matter,” Adrian said. “At least if he is a noblesse, he is seen as part of my circle. If he remains separate, he is a threat.”

“I thought we agreed that you would not take on noblesse based only on their usefulness.”

“We agreed to nothing,” he said. “You gave your opinion.”

“Which you clearly did not value enough to consider.”

“Value has nothing to do with it,” he said. “This is political, Isolde. Solaris has publicly petitioned to become a noblesse, he has already created division, and tonight he illustrated an ability that goes beyond any power I possess. Our people will not understand why I would deny him.”

“Your decision to turn him would be rash,” I said. “We do not know who Solaris truly is or what he wants. He may claim to have powers granted by Dis, but there are always consequences to resurrecting the dead. If you wait, Solaris will destroy himself.”

“And what do we do until then?” he snapped, standing. “Let our people follow like sheep to the slaughter?”

“You have had no problem waiting when it comes to my people,” I said. “I suppose it only matters when your reign is being threatened by a man who has more power than you.”

Adrian turned toward me fully, and the force of his anger took my breath away.

“You had better hope he is not more powerful than me,” he said, and he took deliberate steps toward me, caging me with his hands on the headboard. “Because there is no one else here to protect you.”

I tried to slap him, but he gripped my wrists, and I did not think I was imagining the white rim around his eyes flashing bright with malice.

“Not this time, my sweet,” he said, and his mouth slammed against mine. His kiss was bruising and rough, and I tore away from him.

“I think you should stop,” I said.

His hold on me lessened, but he did not release me and his eyes still had a faint glow. I had not been imagining it.

“You think?” he asked, voice low, body rigid.

“Let. Me. Go,” I said through my teeth, and he released me, taking several steps away.

I stood and pulled on my robe, needing distance. I barely glanced at Adrian as I headed to the door, but the silence between us was heavy, and in a word, I could only describe Adrian as devastated.

“Isolde,” he said.

I paused, my hand on the door, but did not look at him.

“I’m sorry,” he said, and I wondered what was going through his mind and what exactly he was apologizing for—his words or the way he had attempted to work out his anger through me.

I turned my head a little and spoke. I could not see him, but I felt his gaze burning into my back, just as fierce as my turbulent feelings.

“Perhaps you should reflect on why you are always apologizing to me,” I said. “And change.”

I left our room. Normally at this hour, I would return to my own quarters, but I was too wired, too shaken by what had taken place in Cel Ceredi and Adrian’s rage. I decided to return to the secret library Ana had brought me to earlier. On the heels of everything that had occurred since she had taken me there, it seemed even more urgent that we learn how to stop Ravena.

When I arrived, however, Ana was already there.

She sat, bent over the desk piled high with open books and a set of notes. The candles were lit and had waned to almost nothing.

As I came down the stairs, she looked up, dark circles pooling heavily beneath her eyes.

“Have you slept?” I asked.

“A little,” she said. “But I think I have found a spell for the mist.”

“Show me,” I said, approaching the table.

She turned the book toward me and tapped on a page that was beautifully illustrated. Whoever had taken the time to write these spells had also been an artist.

Scarlett St. Clair's Books