One Week Girlfriend (One Week Girlfriend, #1)(57)

And then I slowly read the letter again. My heart’s racing as I skim the slightly jumbled sentences he wrote just for me, the first letter of each one jumping out at me. I trace every first letter with the tip of my index finger, saying them out loud.


My heart threatens to burst and I clutch the note to my chest. His secret message fills me with so much hope and love, I start to cry all over again. But these tears, they aren’t sad. Drew’s pushing me away, yet he wants me to rescue him. His letter proves that. But how can I if he won’t really let me?

Determination fills me as I carefully fold the piece of paper I found on my bedside table earlier. I open my top dresser drawer, sticking the letter beneath a folded pile of underwear before I slowly hide it away.

Wiping at the corners of my eyes, I stare at my reflection in the mirror. I look different. Older, more mature. Less defiant, less…unhappy. Despite the fact that the man I’ve fallen desperately in love with has left me with a stupid, beautifully heartbreaking note and I’ve already cried enough tears to fill the kitchen sink, I am happy.

Because I know Andrew D. Callahan loves me.

Drew and Fable’s story isn’t over yet…watch for book two, coming soon!

Acknowledgements: To my wondrous critique partner Elba who loved the original letter Drew wrote to Fable (and someday, I might just share that sweetly romantic letter) but came up with an even better idea. You save my ass more times than I can count and for that, I will forever be indebted to you. To my husband and kids for putting up with me when I sit at the computer all the live long day. And to all the readers out there who took a chance on my little story about a damaged boy and a damaged girl: thank you.

About the Author:

Monica Murphy loves to write books with boys and kissing in them. She also likes to read books with boys and kissing in them. When she’s not so fixated on boys and kissing, she’s hanging out with her husband and kids. She lives in California.

Monica Murphy's Books