One Grave at a Time (Night Huntress #6)(47)

Thus, we were in the Morningside section of Sioux City, but we’d rented an apartment for Fabian and Elisabeth just outside Kelly Park. It was necessary to give them their own place because we’d arranged for a new method for communicating with them, and we couldn’t risk its getting stolen. The ghosts didn’t need furniture or kitchen appliances, so the apartment was empty save for one very important item: a cell phone. Elisabeth could manifest into solid flesh long enough to use it, and who said you couldn’t teach an old ghost new technology? After a few lessons, Elisabeth learned how to send a text since her voice would only sound like white noise if she called me. I’d programmed her phone so it would forward any text she sent to me to all of our shiny new cells. This way, Elisabeth and Fabian could follow Kramer without worrying about leading him back to us when they needed to relay information. In an emergency, they could poof up where we were staying, but unless things got dire, they’d reach us in the new old-fashioned way.

“Got your mum settled in with Ian,” Bones remarked, coming into the town house.

Spade and Denise were staying together for obvious reasons, and I didn’t trust Ian to fully be invested in protecting Tyler if Kramer found us and managed to brave the sage. That left Tyler with us and Ian with my mom. Bones was going to arrange for another vampire to stay at our cabin in case my uncle showed up with important news, but my mom could fill that position. The prospect of cooling her heels at the cabin shut her up . . . right until it was time to go in the rented town house with Ian, and then I’d done the most practical thing I could: I sicced Bones on her.

“I swear, that woman’s got a mouth on her worse than you do,” Tyler commented, following in after Bones. “Ian gave her the tiniest smack on the rear when she walked by, and she told him to—”

“Ian smacked my mother on the ass?” I cut him off. At Tyler’s nod, I stopped lighting sage and grabbed a silver knife, feeling my fangs pop out of their own accord. “Wait here, I’ll be right back.”

Bones blocked my path to the door. “I have it sorted, luv. He won’t do anything like that again, promise.”

I stood there for a moment, debating whether to push past Bones so I could slice and dice Ian before stringing him up by the silver rings he had pierced through his parts, when Bones raised his brow.

“Don’t you trust me?”

“I trust you, not him,” I muttered.

He grasped my shoulders. “Then if you trust me, believe that it’s sorted. If he proves me wrong, I vow I’ll hold him down and let you stab him as many times as you please.”

That image brought a smile to my face. Talk about looking on the bright side! Bones chuckled.

“Then it’s settled. Now, I’ll get us unpacked. Why don’t you go back to lighting enough sage to make sure that ghostly sod gets a proper welcome if he pops up on us again?”

I’d like to believe that wouldn’t happen, but there were two ways Kramer could indeed drop by for an unwelcome visit. One was if he’d returned to Spade’s before we left last night and followed us all the way from St. Louis to here. We’d tried to prevent that by leaving very quickly and having Elisabeth and Fabian keep a lookout the first hundred or so miles, but if the ghost was sly, he could’ve managed it.

The second possibility was more likely, and it sucked on many levels.

“You realize we might need more than sage if Kramer overheard us talking last night about how we were planning to trap him,” I stated.

“Aw, hell. I didn’t think of that,” Tyler muttered.

“I did,” Bones said with a grim glance at me. His voice lowered until it would be impossible for anyone eavesdropping to overhear him. “Means we need to center our attention on his intended victims instead of the accomplice. Elisabeth said he never wavered once he picked his targets. That will work to our advantage.”

My eyes widened, but I made sure to speak as quietly as he despite my surprise. “How, unless we use those women as bait?”

“I hate it when you two whisper like that,” Tyler muttered. “Makes me antsy.”

“That’s precisely what we’ll do,” Bones replied, holding up a finger to Tyler in the universal gesture for wait. “If Kramer expects us to concentrate on finding and mesmerizing his accomplice, he’ll either be extremely zealous in concealing that bloke’s identity, and we’ll never discover who he is. Or he’ll lie to the accomplice about where he’s intending to hold the bonfire, sending us on a wild-goose chase while he’s off somewhere else having his spot of gruesome fun. Either way, he avoids our trap.”

“But if we have the women,” I mused, “then Mr. No One Else Will Do would come to us to try and get them. Or he’d send his accomplice for the same purpose.”

Bones nodded. “And then, either way, we’d get our chance to nab Kramer or the accomplice. In any event, the women would be safer with us than on their own.”

Safer, but not safe. I heaved a mental sigh. Nothing I could do about that. Once they’d been targeted by Kramer, they wouldn’t be truly safe until the Inquisitor was rotting in a trap somewhere. We might be able to protect them this Halloween, but the ghost had proven to be more than deadly in his noncorporeal form, too. Even if we returned those women safe and sound to their homes on November 1, with strict instructions to keep sage burning at all times, they had to leave sometime. And when they did, Kramer could poof up and poltergeist them to kingdom come.

Jeaniene Frost's Books