One Grave at a Time (Night Huntress #6)(18)

“Wait here?” That alarmed Tyler into standing. “Hell no, we’re not waiting here. We’re leaving, and I’m not coming back until that thing is taken care of. Mama didn’t raise no damn fool.”

“He’s not interested in you, Tyler, so there’s no reason he’d come back once we’re gone—”

“You see that Ouija board?” he interrupted me, pointing at pieces littered among the ruins of the desk. “I didn’t get a chance to turn it off before he broke it. That means the gateway’s still open, so no way am I gonna work here while a ghost who’s obviously pissed that I summoned him has a ticket straight to my door. I’ll have my assistant run things for a while. Ghost’s got no issue with him.”

“Okay, you want us to give you a ride home?” He looked too wound up for me to trust him to drive.

“That’s not safe, either. I’ve opened gateways there before. That ghost could sneak in through one—and I don’t have any vampires in my apartment who can heal me if he tries to kill me again.”

“So where do you want to go? A friend’s house?” Hunger and a bone-deep inner chill sharpened my tone. Only being a vampire kept my teeth from chattering. I couldn’t wait to cut my connection with the Remnants by sending them back, so I could feel normal again.

Tyler looked at me, then Bones. And smiled.

“No way,” I said, not needing to read his mind to figure out what he intended. “No. Way.”

“Forget it, mate,” Bones replied sternly. “We have enough unwanted guests already without adding one more.”

Tyler’s smile vanished, and he sank to the floor as if our rebuffs had sapped his strength.

“I’m sorry, but you can’t stay with us,” I said, making my voice a lot kinder because Tyler hadn’t done anything to warrant my snippiness.

“He’s going to find me and kill me,” Tyler said again.

I shifted uncomfortably. Maybe it was too dangerous to leave him on his own. Besides, even though he’d dealt with ghosts long before meeting us, we were the reason one had almost put him in the grave just now.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Dexter limp over, whining even though he also wagged his stubby tail. Tyler pulled him onto his lap, wincing when the dog let out a sharp cry as his injured leg was jostled.

That was all I could take. I turned to Bones, who was already shaking his head with a distantly jaded expression.

“It’ll just be until we take care of Kramer, and he did say that he knew some people who might be able to off a ghost . . .” I began.

Tyler’s mournful expression vanished as if by magic. He sprang up, still holding the dog.

“Wait right here. It’ll just take me a minute to get my and Dexter’s things.”


Several hours later, we pulled into our driveway with two more passengers than we’d left with. Dexter’s left hind leg was secured in a cast, and his eyes were distinctly glassy because of the painkillers the vet had administered.

“This is where you live?” Tyler cast a look around at the steep, forested terrain surrounding our Blue Ridge cabin. “I’m amazed I don’t hear banjo music.”

I ignored the quip, reminding myself that near-death experiences were very traumatic for people who weren’t used to them. Besides, it wasn’t news to me that our home was in the middle of picturesque nowhere. That had been the intention, so Bones and I would have more privacy. Little did we know that having privacy would prove to be wishful thinking. At least our lack of close neighbors meant Tyler’s thoughts were the only ones inside my head aside from my own.

Dexter let out a low whine, picking his head up. “Are you sure it’s safe?” Tyler asked. “Dexter’s telling me there are ghosts nearby.”

Bones let out a sardonic snort as he got out of the car. “Too right.”

Tyler had mentioned that he could see ghosts, just not right away. I’d better prepare him for life at Casa Russell. My cat had gotten so used to the ghosts here that he almost never hissed at them anymore.

“There are a lot of ghosts here. All friendly,” I hastened to add. “They just, um, like to hang out around our house.”

Liar, Tyler thought, his gaze narrowing. Dexter chuffed like he didn’t believe me, either. Too bad. Only a select handful of people knew why I was so popular with ghosts, and it wasn’t information I was about to share.

“Maybe we built on a former burial ground, and that’s why this place is such a hot spot,” I improvised as I got out. “You know. Like in Poltergeist.”

Lying her pasty white ass off, Tyler thought, but smiled blandly. “Could be, sugar.”

I debated telling Tyler that Bones wasn’t the only one who could read minds, but decided not to. For all that we’d brought Tyler home with us, we still didn’t know him. Getting a peek into his thoughts would go miles toward determining if he was someone we could trust. I didn’t perceive him as a threat, but we still had to be careful. We’d already taken a risk by showing him where we lived, but that information could be erased from his memory if need be.

Who was I kidding? With how vigilant Bones was about my safety, he would probably insist on doing that regardless of how trustworthy Tyler proved to be.

Jeaniene Frost's Books