Objective (Bloodlines #2)(14)

“You gonna be rude, C? Introduce your friend already!” he bellowed from the porch steps as he came to us. Cane’s grip tightened on me and he stiffened. I patted his shoulder gently to let him know I was okay and he reluctantly released me.

“Hi. I’m Cypress,” I said, holding out my hand.

“Ezra,” he said while letting his eyes sweep over my body. He reached to take my hand but Cane stepped in between us before we could shake. The tension between them baffled me.

“We’re taking the bike out. I'll be home late,” Cane clipped. Ezra leaned around Cane’s impressive frame and called out, “Nice to meet you, can't wait to see you again, Cypress!” The sound of my name coming out of his mouth sent a chill through me and my smile faltered. Cane tugged my hand and led me to the side of the house to the bike. He pushed the bike out to the street and I followed closely behind. When we were in the street he went and grabbed a helmet out of the back of the truck and tugged it onto my head.

“Hey!” I huffed as my neck gave way and my head bobbled.

“Sorry,” he chuckled while fastening the strap under my chin. Once it was securely on he straddled the bike and patted the tiny space behind him. “Hop on, baby girl. Let’s go blow off some steam.”

I’m not exactly sure what he was referring to, but part of me didn’t want to know right now and the other part of me just wanted to do whatever would make him happy. I swung a leg over the seat and wrapped myself around him.

“Baby, you gotta hold on a little gentler. I need to breathe.” He laughed. I felt silly for clinging to him when the bike wasn't even on yet and relaxed my death grip, slightly. He squeezed my hand at his waist for a moment and then started the bike. The engine roared to life, sending a thrill through me. I’d never done anything so reckless.

We leaned together through all the twists and turns in the roads just like he explained. I couldn’t keep the smile off my face. This was the most fun I’d had in, well, maybe forever. The feel of his body under my hands was electrifying. I molded myself to him and relished the feeling. I never wanted this ride to end. We didn't talk, just rode, the wind whipping around us. It was peaceful and exhilarating. I was instantly addicted. The trees whizzed past in a blur of greens. I didn’t care where we went just as long as he was with me and I was with him. The moment felt so right, so perfect. Before I could memorize every sensation passing through me he pulled off the road into the parking lot of an abandoned strip mall.

“WHAT’S GOING ON?” I yelled through my helmet. Cane turned his body so he could see me and burst out laughing.

“Baby girl, I can hear you just fine with the helmet on. You don’t have to shout.” He continued to laugh. I frowned and tried to remind myself that these are all things I apparently had to learn. I didn’t like not knowing things. I don’t like feeling dumb. Cane seemed to sense my mood shift. “Hey,” he said lifting my visor, “did you know you hummed the entire time we were riding? It was beautiful.”

My mortification level rose to a whole new height.

“I did NOT hum,” I stated firmly. “Why are you trying to embarrass me?”

“'Say Anything,' Tristan Prettyman,” he countered. Shit. Shit , shit, shit. I looked down and closed my eyes.

“That song's been stuck in my head for a week now,” I admitted. “I didn't realize I was humming though,” I mumbled as I pulled off the helmet.

“It was cute, Mags,” he said sincerely.

“Who's Mags?”

“You. I told you I’d rename you. Something that fits you. I chose Magnolia.”

“Why?” I whispered. He couldn’t possibly know how much I loved magnolia blossoms. We’d never discussed plants outside of my name and Aster’s.

“Well, the magnolia tree embodies beauty, life force and perfection. All the things that make me think of you,” he said, tipping my chin up. My eyes met his. They burned with emotion. He twisted a little more as I wrapped my arms around his neck, careful not to smack him with the helmet.

“I love it,” I told him. His lips crushed mine. I kissed him back with everything I had, hoping it was enough. I needed it to be enough. I needed him. His lips were like velvet on mine as his kiss changed into something slower, more passionate. His tongue slipped into my mouth and massaged mine. A little groan slipped out of me. He pulled back at the noise, drawing out my bottom lip gently before releasing it. He kept my face cupped between his hands. His eyes glimmered with mischief and I wondered what he was up to.

“Want to learn to drive?” he asked, grinning. What the hell? He made me want to live like I’ve never wanted to before.

“Yes,” I said into his mouth before I pulled him into another kiss.

I wake up gasping for air. My hands are clutching my pillow to my face. My brain keeps chanting Sia lyrics. What have I done to you? Kill and run. Run, run from the dirty guns. A bullet through your heart. The more I dream the more the hard nugget of rage towards Ezra grows deep inside me.

Cunningham Security’s office is six miles from the center of Beebe in the opposite direction of my place. I got lost twice trying to find it. All the roads are long, flat, and yet turns seem to pop out of nowhere. Once I finally made it I pulled into the parking lot and sat in the car for a few minutes staring off into space. I’m trying to figure out my cover story. I want security. In a trailer. I know I’m going to get the most absurd looks from these people. Who secures a trailer for Christ's sake? I watched the news this morning. It was terrible. Cane Ash was rushed to the hospital in critical condition six weeks ago after being shot in his home. Police are asking for anyone who knows anything to step forward. I’d turned it off after that. I couldn't bear to watch anymore. Hopelessness rushes through me as I snag the keys from the ignition and force myself to head inside.

K. Larsen's Books