Music of the Soul (Runaway Train, #2.5)(41)

Jake squeezed my hand. “You okay, Angel?”

Tears streaked down my face. “I’m more than fine. I’m absolutely perfect.”

He smiled and kissed me. “You think we’re up for twins?” he asked, in a shaky voice.

“Oh, I am, but what about you?”

Jake stared thoughtfully at the screen, eying our baby blobs. “I think it’s the most amazing and most terrifying prospect in the entire world.”

I laughed. “I couldn’t agree more. We’re truly blessed.”

Jake smiled. “Yeah, we are.”

In that moment, the happiness of carrying two babies outweighed any fear I might’ve harbored about being the mother of twins. After all, I would have a wonderful support system with the members of Runaway Train, along with my parents. Deep down, I knew that I could handle two babies at once, and that Jake could as well. He would rise to the challenge like he always did.

Two Months Later

After the initial surprise and shock of finding out we were having twins, life went back to normal. Well, I guess I should say normal for us. We’d had a blissfully wonderful month off where we’d spent time in the studio working on new songs, lounging around the house, and entertaining family and friends. Then, it was back out on the road touring the Midwest. We had just pulled into Salt Lake City the night before.

Jake had let me sleep in longer than I should have, and I was running late to rehearsals. I hustled off the bus and followed Jody into the arena.

When I got there, I found roadies bustling around, preparing for the show, but I didn’t see my brothers. Searching out a familiar face, I found Frank. “Isn’t it rehearsal time?”

“It’s being delayed,” Frank replied.

“What for?”

“So Loren can make some set changes.”

“Set changes?” I asked dumbly.

Frank scratched the back of his head and refused to look at me. “Frank Patterson, would you please tell me what the hell is going on?” I demanded.

Frank sighed. “Fine. Jake asked Loren to make some set changes that would enable you to sit down and stay off your feet more during your performance.”

“He didn’t say a thing to me about this.”

“Now, Angel, before you go getting all riled, Jake’s heart is in the right place. He’s a concerned father-to-be.”

“He’s an overprotective jerkwad,” I mumbled, before stalking off. I must’ve looked pretty pissed because all the road crew gave me a wide berth as I made my way back to the dressing rooms. When I threw open the door for Runway Train’s, AJ glanced up from his phone, took one look at me, and then let out a low whistle.

“That’s our cue, man,” he said to Rhys.

“Hell yeah,” Rhys murmured, before they both scurried away, leaving me and Jake alone.

“What’s wrong?” he asked, as he twirled a guitar pick between his fingers.

I threw up my hands in exasperation. “Oh, I don’t know. Maybe the fact I just showed up to a rehearsal that isn’t happening because Loren is busy doing set changes. Apparently I need to be on my ass more when I’m performing!”

Jake shook his head. “If you’re expecting me to apologize for looking out for you and the twins, you’re not going to get it.”

“But Dr. Ghandi hasn’t mentioned anything about me staying off my feet.”

“That doesn’t mean we can’t take some precautions.”


He held up his hand. “You’re not going to win this one, Angel.”

I let out of frustrated growl as Jake rose out of his chair. “You can be such a stubborn ass sometimes, you know that?”

He grinned. “Hmm, I think I could say the same thing about you.”

“I appreciate you being so protective, Jake, but I just wish you would have told me first. I hate being the last one to know.”

Jake’s thumb brushed along my cheekbone. “You’re right. I should have told you first. At the same time, I had hoped Loren would be done by rehearsal time, and you could just go with the flow.”

“And just what do Gabe and Eli think about your grand plan?”

When Jake winced, I knew he had already talked to them about it. “Once again, you should talk to me first. I’m your wife, and the one this all effects.”

“I’m sorry, Angel. Will you ever forgive me?” He poked his lip out and gave me a puppy dog expression.

“Give me a kiss, and I’ll think about it,” I said, with a smile.

“You drive a hard bargain,” Jake replied, before bringing his mouth to mine. Just the feel of his hard body pressed against me, his masculine smell, his strong hands on my waist, sent me into a frenzy. I gripped his shoulders tight, moaning into his mouth.

He pulled away and glanced at me with surprise. “Pregnancy hormones?” he questioned.

I nodded my head furiously up and down. “Would you oblige me in a quickie?”

“I’d love to.” Prying himself off me, he went over to the door and locked it. He flopped down in one of the plush chairs and crooked his finger at me. With a grin, I walked over to him. He leaned forward and jerked down my panties, before pulling me down onto his lap to straddle him. Once I unzipped his jeans and sprung his erection, I raised my hips to bury him deep inside me. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I alternated between riding him hard and then slow.

Katie Ashley's Books