Music of the Soul (Runaway Train, #2.5)(13)

“I agree. Plus, I don’t want to have to redo your makeup,” Marion said with a smile.

Leaning over me, Mom thrust a granola bar, along with a Coke, into my hands. “You need to eat that, sweetheart. We don’t want your blood sugar acting up on today of all days.”

Even though I was too nervous to be hungry, I appeased my mother by unwrapping the granola bar and taking a bite. As I chewed, I couldn’t help the smile that formed on my lips. The day I had met Jake my hypoglycemia had reared its head. How could I ever forget passing out right after seeing AJ, Brayden, and Rhys and realizing I wasn’t on my brothers’ bus? Of course, it was the moment preceding that when I had found myself in Jake’s bed that meant the most. Our worlds had collided in that moment, and neither one of us would ever be the same again.

Once I finished eating, I took slow sips from the Coke out of a straw. Marion checked my lips to make sure I hadn’t smudged the liner or color while eating. “Okay, make-up is done. Now for the dress and veil.”

I eased up from the chair and came to stand in the middle of the room. My mom and Mia brought the dress out of the closet and then out of its massive bag. It was satin and strapless with a heavily beaded bodice. It fell into yards of satin. It was a little impractical for a beach wedding, but I didn’t care. The moment I had seen it, I knew it was the dress of my dreams. I took off my robe, leaving me in a bustier and underwear.

Once I stepped into the dress, Mom went about zipping up the back. I loved the fact that a row of intricate buttons covered the zipper and gave the effect that I had been buttoned in. Jake would probably freak when he saw it, thinking he had to undo all the buttons to get me naked. I laughed at the thought.

After I was secured into the dress, I realized it was going to be tough breathing for the rest of the day between the bustier and the tight bodice. “Oomph,” I muttered, as I smoothed my hand over my chest.

“Little snug, huh?” Mom asked behind me.

“Yep, just a bit. I probably overdid it last night at dinner.”

Mom laughed. “I don’t think so, sweetheart. They altered it to fit that way, remember?

“I guess.”

“You’ll get used to it.”

I grinned. “I hope so, or I’m going to pass out before the day is over.”

“I don’t think I breathed the entire day of my wedding,” Lily mused, as she fluffed out the bottom of my dress.

I shook my head. “What we sacrifice for beauty.”

“Now for the veil,” Marion said, as she lifted it out of the box.

The intricate lace was interwoven with pearls and sequins. It fell to the floor where it intermingled with my long train. It was held in place by a glittering tiara—an heirloom piece that I had actually rented from Tiffany’s. I considered it my ‘something old’ and ‘something borrowed’. My something ‘old’ also came in the form of Susan’s pearls, which Jake was thrilled I was going to be wearing, and my new was everything from the dress to my underwear.

After she fixed the tiara on the top of my head, Marion stepped back and smiled. “You’re ready now.”

Turning left and right in front of the mirror, I took in my reflection. I blinked furiously as I tried processing what I was seeing. “Wow, I’m really standing here in my wedding dress about to get married, huh?”

Marion had worked quite a transformation with my makeup. It was softer than she usually did it for the shows, but it was also dramatic enough to bring out my eyes and highlight the peaches and cream complexion I’d been blessed to inherit. My hair, which was pulled back on the sides with sparkly combs, hung in curly waves down my back.

“You look…” my mother’s voice choked off. Tears once again filled her eyes, and she bit her lip.

“Just like an angel,” Mia finished with a smile.

“Which will make Jake so very happy,” Lily added.

Mom nodded. “Yes, you do look absolutely angelic, sweetheart.” She drew me into her arms to hug me tight. “I can’t believe you’re all grown up. It seems like just yesterday you were a baby in my arms.”

Instead of telling my mother to stop with the over the top emotions, I just hugged her back. I knew that after today, everything would change between us. I would always be her little girl, but I was going to be Jake’s wife. Someday in the future, I would be starting my own family. “I love you, Mom,” I said, as I squeezed her.

“I love you, too.” When she pulled away, she smiled. “No matter what, I’m so very happy for you. To love and be loved is one of the greatest miracles in life. You’re truly blessed.”

I smiled. “I believe I am.”

After smoothing her hand over her pale pink suit, she nodded. “Well then, I think it’s time we got you married.”

Allison appeared with my bouquet. I brought the fragrant mixture of pink roses and white lilies to my nose. The blush-colored flowers brought out the deep pink hues of the bridesmaids’ dresses while the stark white lilies were in memory of Susan, Jake’s mother. Her favorite flowers had been lilies.

I drew in a deep breath and then made my way out of the bedroom. Mia and Lily trailed behind me making sure my train didn’t get caught. When we got out onto the porch, I could hear the strains of the string quartet playing the pre-ceremony music. Mom hugged me one last time before she went on to be escorted to her seat by Eli and Gabe.

Katie Ashley's Books