More Than This (More Than, #1)(3)

I roll my eyes at myself in the mirror. I’m gonna look like an ultra douche walking out in suit pants and a wife beater. Fuck Logan.

I open the door and stop in my tracks when I see her, but it’s not the same girl that walked in. Her eyes are brimming with unshed tears and she’s fuming. I’ve only opened the door enough so I can just see her, I haven’t stepped into the hallway yet. She’s staring daggers into something, or someone. I take a tentative step forward and see her glaring at a couple standing in front of the women’s restroom. It’s like the couple are frozen in time, the blond girl’s hair is messed up and her dress is all twisted, her hands are on the guy’s face. I can’t see him properly. His back is to me. I can however, see that his hands are adjusting himself. It’s obvious this couple just screwed in the bathroom. At least their prom will be memorable.

I almost turn to leave when I hear her strained voice. “How long?” she says, her tone flat.

What? The guy turns to face her and it’s then I realize who this * is. It’s her boyfriend, I assume. Well, it’s the dick she walked in with.

“How long?” she asks again, a little louder, but still the same even tone.

“Baby…” * says reaching out for her.

“Two years,” the blond says, at the same time.


I look over at the cute brunette and wait for a reaction.

I feel like I should leave, like what I’m witnessing is too intimate, too personal. But my feet are locked to the floor. I have no idea why, but I can’t look away. I can’t walk away. I want to punch this * square in the face. If for nothing else but causing the pained look on this girl’s face. No way anyone deserves to be treated like that, especially this girl. I feel the need to protect her. I don’t even know her.

Two f*cking years, what the hell?

Asshole steps forward so his back is to the blond. The blond glares at the back of his head. “Baby…” he says. I ball my fists. “I love you, Mikayla.”


“WHAT?!” both girls yell.

Asshole and the brunette both turn to the blond, “Shut up, Megan!” they yell in unison.

“Megan,” the brunette says, taking a deep breath. “You’re my best friend. What the f*ck?” Tears start streaming down her face.

Megan looks at her, then at the *, “I’m sorry, Mick,” she shrugs. But she’s not sorry, not even a little. She walks away, brushing past me.

I still haven’t said a word. I still haven’t moved an inch.

Mikayla and this * are staring at each other. Neither know I’m standing here like a creeper.

“Jesus, James,” Mikayla whispers, her voice shaky now. “I’ve been with you for four f*cking years. And half that time you’ve been screwing my best friend!” her voice gets louder with every word.

There’s silence as he wipes a tear from his face. Why the f*ck is he crying?

“Why the f*ck are you crying?” she says forcefully. He flinches. Exactly Mikayla, I think to myself.

“For four years I never so much as looked at another guy. I was loyal to you when you weren’t even around, when you wouldn’t have even known, because that’s how much I loved you.” She’s in his face now, her words clear as day. She’s beyond the broken girl she started as, and now she’s just plain pissed.

“Were there any others?”

“NO! I swear it.”

Silence. The only sound is their heavy breathing.

“Why her?”

“C’mon, Micky. You don’t wanna know this shit. Let’s just go to prom and have a good time, okay?” He has an accent, Texas, I think.

“Why her?” she asks again.

He sighs, defeated, “The first time was when we had that away game a couple years back, where we stayed overnight to support the cheerleaders at some tournament they were doing the next day.”

“The one when my dad was out of town, and my mom and sister were sick so I couldn’t go with you?” she asks quietly, looking at the floor.

He nods. “Yeah, that’s the one, Micky, it was so stupid. We just… there was alcohol, and she wanted me and I didn’t think. Well,… I did, but not with my head.”

“And all the times after? God, how many times were there?”

He flinches at the question. Asshole.

“I’m sorry, baby.”

“Don’t call me that!”

“I’m sorry, Micky,” he sighs, “she just… I dunno. She’s always wanted me and it was always so easy.”

“What?” she asks quietly.

Then fire burns in her eyes.

“WHAT?” she says louder. “You’re going to put this on me? At what stage did you think that I didn’t want you? I gave it up to you whenever you wanted! I never said no to you. EVER! I wasn’t easy enough? Because we had to sneak around and wait for parents or brothers and sisters to not be around, or go to hotel rooms, or cars… Because she lived next door and her mom was never home? That’s why it was easy? What the f*ck, James!”

She takes a deep breath. “Oh my God… did you use protection? I mean, she’s been with a lot of guys… A LOT. And that’s only the ones I know about… I didn’t even consider the ones she didn’t…” she trails off. “James…?”

Jay McLean's Books