More Than Lies (More Than #1)(50)

If something doesn’t fit into her square little box, it’s wrong.

“That’s just not going to work, and you know it.” Our food arrives at the same moments those words spill from her lips.

“What is that supposed to mean?” I can’t help myself. Writing is the one thing in my life that centers me. I can get lost inside my head, letting everything bottled up inside me flow out into words, exiting forever. I can’t do that any other way. And she can’t take that from me. I won’t let her take that from me.

“Your father and I have built our name from the ground up. You and Trent have a duty to uphold and honor it. Trent is doing that well. You, on the other hand, are not. Writing fairy tale trash is not only laughable, it is disgraceful. You might as well label the word garbage across your chest.” She neatly cuts her food and takes a bite as her words sink in. She’s never been this harsh before.

I’ve lost my appetite. Eating will only make the food come back up.

She really is a bitch.

That’s loud and clear to see.

“Mother,” I don’t get further than that word. My voice cracks and I won’t allow her to see my tears. Never will I allow that. I breathe in through my mouth and exhale the same way.

“Young lady, you have six months until graduation to make the right decision for your future. I’ve done all I can do. The rest is up to you.” She takes another bite of food. She obviously isn’t having the same issues in the eating department that I am.

“You’re going to have to explain better than that, Mother.”

“Preston will make a fine husband and son-in-law to your father and me. He will make our family proud. You would be smart to grab him up before someone else is smart enough to do so. Do you understand what I’m saying, now?”

“My plans don’t include getting married anytime soon. I don’t like Preston. I thought that was obvious months ago.” There was zero chemistry. It’s not going to happen. She can bet her most expensive Louboutin heels on that.

“Yes, well he is still interested in you. God only knows why. He has long-term plans for the future. Don’t be dumb, wasting your time on a boy who doesn’t want you, not to mention doesn’t fit into our family.”

She’s talking about Shawn. She knows I like him and have liked him since I was a little kid. I told her so when I was a small child, when I still believed in the possibility of having a mother-daughter relationship that I so desperately craved.

Just because Shawn doesn’t fit into her idea of what our family is, doesn’t mean he doesn’t fit into mine. Hell, I don’t think I fit into my family. I never have and evidently never will.

“Stop judging him. You know nothing about Shawn.” She should, since he’s been around since I was five years old.

“I know more than you think. About him, and about you, young lady. I know that you work in a low-life bar and hang around that tattoo place Shawn Braden calls a job. I mean really, that boy will never grow up. He will never be husband material, Taralynn. Stop dreaming, and start making an effort in this family.” She polishes off her omelet. I haven’t even touched my breakfast. I don’t plan to either, and I don’t plan on staying here any longer. I’m sick of her crap. I’m sick of being her daughter, and I’m sick of taking her verbal abuse.

I’m done!

“Shawn is a tattoo artist. He has more talent than you’ll ever know.”

“You call that talent? Oh, please. Wake up, Taralynn. I’m trying to help you. What he does is not talent, and neither is what you call writing.” She takes a sip of her water as I push back my chair. “Where are you going? We aren’t done, and you haven’t even touched your meal. If I’m paying for it, the least you can do is eat. After all, you’re the one that ordered it.”

“I’m done, Mother. I’m not hungry any longer, and that tattoo place I hang around,” I form air quotes to drive my point home, “is a job.” After Shawn found out Adam wasn’t paying me, he made sure the following week I was writing myself a paycheck, too. I have to admit, I’m making more there working a few hours a day than I do in crappy tips at Mac’s three nights a week.

I stand, but she isn’t finished.

“Think about what I’ve said. I’m serious, Taralynn, you have until graduation. If you make the wrong decision, then your father and I have no choice but to make a decision of our own. If you want to continue being a member of this family you will grow up.” She looks down at her empty plate as if dismissing me.

I don’t respond. Instead, I walk away knowing that if my parents want to give me an ultimatum regarding my life, then so be it. I’m a big girl, and I’m determined. I will make it.

What she says will not affect me.

As much as I want that to be the truth, I’m not sure I believe it.



Tara arrived two hours ago. She told me the day before that she’d probably be late because she was having brunch or breakfast or some shit like that with her mother. She wasn’t, though. In fact, she arrived a few minutes after I did. I was setting up my station for my first client of the day when she walked in.

I don’t think her encounter with the evil queen went so well. Tara wears her feelings across her face, so it’s easy to tell when she is upset. She normally masks it when it comes to her parents, though. That shit has got to bother her. The way they treat her, it would bother anyone, except maybe me. I don’t let petty stuff get to me so easy.

N. E. Henderson's Books