More Than Lies (More Than #1)(29)

I release him and stand. Tara sinks down on top of Mason, laying slightly off to his left side and looks up at me. “Don’t rain on my fun, Shawn. Now, if you want to join in . . .” She trails off as she gives a sexy, albeit drunken smile to me before glancing down, eyeing my shorts before returning her eyes to mine.

Did she? Did she just suggest what I think she suggested? Mason starts to laugh and Tara follows suit, while I stand looking down at both of them dumbfounded. She’s obviously wasted.

“Is that what you want, Taralynn? You want Shawn and me to fuck you together?” Mason runs his palm up her arm.

Tara goes silent. She looks from me to Mason as if contemplating it.

I don’t think so.

No fucking way.

Not waiting a second, I grab her by the wrist, pulling her up and in front of me before bending at the knees and tossing her over my shoulder. I don’t want to hear her answer. I’m afraid of what it might be. If it were ‘no’ I think that would solidify things. I know she is a good girl. Tara isn’t meant to do the things I’d do to her given the chance. But if it was a ‘yes’ I’m not sure I’d have the strength to turn her down. I know I couldn’t allow Mason to touch her, not in that way.

“Shawn.” She slurs.

“You’re drunk. You’re going to bed.”

I make my way across the yard and into the house. Trent nods in my direction, but I don’t address him. It should have been him to stop that shit. It should be him to put her in bed, not me.

“Put me down, Shawn.” I walk through the kitchen and down the hall, rounding the corner to my brother’s room. I should be placing her in Trent and Kylie’s bed, but I don’t. “Shawn, stop, please, I’m going to throw up.”

I halt, turning around and taking the two steps in the direction of the bathroom. I set Tara right side up and back on her feet, she grabs onto my shirt for support. I pull her closer toward me, telling myself I’m only doing it to steady her.

It’s a lie.

I want her heat, her smell, the feel of her body pressed against mine.

I open the bathroom door and guide Tara inside. She goes down on her knees in front of the toilet, making a gagging sound as I grip her hair in my hands.

She pukes her guts up for nearly a full minute. When I’m certain she is done, I release her hair and grab the hand towel by the sink. I wet it and pass it to her. She cleans her mouth off, and then goes down on her ass.

I squat, opening the cabinet under the sink. I spot what I’m looking for and grab the mouthwash. I pour a large amount into the cap, placing it on the counter top. Reaching for Tara, I pull her up into a standing position.

“No, I want to lie down.”

“This is the bathroom, you’re not going to lie on the floor.” I shove the cap filled with mouthwash in front of her face. Her head pulls back as she tries to focus her eyes. When she realizes the contents, Tara lifts her hands and takes it from me. She shoots it back into her mouth, but just to be on the safe side, I admonish her: “Swish that, don’t swallow.”

Tara tosses the cap onto the counter and grabs onto my waist before leaning to the side to spit into the sink. Then she pulls herself closer to me and lays her cheek onto my chest.

“Mmmm . . . you feel good.” She purrs.

“Let’s get you to bed.”

“And you,” she chimes.

“Tara,” I warn.

“Haven’t you ever heard the phrase, don’t knock it until you try it?” She’s serious, drunk serious, but serious none-the-less. Which is why I don’t like dealing with her when she is like this. Her brother should be the one here right now; she wouldn’t be spewing this crap.

Tara thinks she wants me.

She doesn’t, or at least she shouldn’t. She doesn’t need me like that.

She needs a man that can give her everything. I’ll never fit in with her family. I’d never get their blessing. Hell would have to freeze over first. Their opinions matter a little too much in Tara’s world. Given all that I know it’ll never work. Why torture myself with it?

“Wrap your arms around my neck.”

“With pleasure.” I scoop her up without addressing her previous question. Of course I’ve heard the saying, but if I never get a taste of something then I’ll never know what I’m missing.

Once I have her placed on the bed, I turn away to go in search of her clothes. Her bathing suit is a little damp. I don’t want her to sleep in a wet suit. She could get sick.

“Where are you going?” her voice is hopeful and it causes a heavy ache in my chest. I’m not leaving her; I don’t want her to throw up again and her choke on her puke.

“To find your clothes.” That seems to satisfy her. Her head falls onto Shane’s pillow and she closes her eyes.

I exit the bedroom and come face to face with a very pissed off Mason. I don’t care.

“If I were you, I’d stay away from me right now.” He’s lucky I don’t punch him for that shit after I warned him early today.

“Well I’m not you, Shawn. I’m not turning down the best thing offered, especially when it’s being offered so freely.”

“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”

“It means you have until graduation to make her yours. After that, I’m doing all I can to make her mine, and I won’t quit until I do, brother.”

N. E. Henderson's Books