More Than Lies (More Than #1)(122)

“A few weeks ago, an uppity blonde, looking more like white-trash than even me, came into the club with her bitch of a friend. Being this far along I can’t dance, so I was their server. I don’t remember the blonde’s name. Mandy, I do remember she called her dark-haired friend that, though. They offered me cash, a grand, to pay your girlfriend a visit and convince her that I got knocked up by you.”

By the mention of a club and dancing, I don’t think it’s a stretch to say this chick is or used to be a stripper.


Fucking perfect.

My girlfriend is off somewhere, thinking God knows what. Probably that I haven’t changed. That I’m still the same man that used to fuck anything easy and in a skirt.

I’m not that man any more.

I hate that I ever was that person.

I’ve got to find her.

“Get out of my house.” Without giving another ounce of my time to her, I pull out my cell phone from the pocket of my jeans. Finding Tara won’t be hard as long as her cell phone isn’t shut off.

Unlocking my screen, I scroll until I find the app that will show me her location. This isn’t stalking or creepy, I assure you. Tara has the same capabilities as I do. We both know each other’s phone ID and password.

Within seconds the GPS within the app locates her, giving a small amount of relief to my chest.

I recognize the location instantly. She’s at the shop. Why, I don’t know, but I’m not sticking around and I don’t attempt to call her. I need to see her face-to-face. A part of me is afraid that if I call, she won’t answer.

I grab my keys and I’m out the door. My friends don’t stop me and I don’t ask them to come with.

Typically, the drive to work takes close to fifteen minutes. I make it to Wicked Ink in less than ten. Her car is parked outside. That’s good, I hope. I pull the truck to an abrupt stop, slamming the gear into park before hopping out and running inside.

I won’t let anyone cost us our happiness. I fought tooth and nail to get her back. It didn’t happen overnight. Tara didn’t let me back in that easy; not all the way until recently. When I showed up at Jacob and Katherine’s house, I got her to listen to me and she believed me. Not at first, but by the time we woke up the next morning she believed me. But that didn’t get us back together. I had to work my ass off to get back into her good graces, to get back to her trusting me again. She was hesitant with us for months. We’ve just recently gotten back to the relaxed easiness we had before I messed up.

I will not let another lie ruin us. We’re more than lies, and we’re damn sure stronger than them.

When I walk in, I scan the room, looking for her. Everyone turns, and I notice they are eyeing me strangely.

Shit, that can’t be good.

Finally, I spot her, but when my eyes land on her, I suck in air in a long pull.


She is lying on Adam’s table, on her stomach with her hair pulled up, baring the back of her neck. That tells me exactly what’s going on. Knowing she is letting someone else ink her, has a tightness constricting around my heart that hurts like a motherfucker.

I don’t want her being tattooed by anyone but me.

This isn’t making sense, but I speak before I realize words are coming out of my mouth.

“Stop, Adam. Get your hands off her.” My words boom across the large room.

He complies. His hands shoot into the air in a surrender motion as he stands up, followed by his feet retreating backwards. That’s when I notice he didn’t have a tattoo gun in his hands. I’ve either gotten here just in time or just too late.

I stalk in their direction as Tara takes a sitting position. Her face is flustered, but she hasn’t been crying. She looks angry. Her eyes are trained on me, but I’m lost. I don’t know what to say or do. Up until this point, my goal was getting to her. I never thought about what I’d say when I found her.

“Tara, baby . . . what . . . no.” My words are soft and broken, not even making a complete sentence. I come to stand in front of her.

“Shawn.” She says my name, but I feel numb. My eyes shut and then snap back open. I’m going to kill Adam.

“Whoa, man.” He must realize my intent when I open my lids and stare directly at him. “Look, dude . . .” I cut him off.

“The best thing you can do right now is not breathe in my direction. What the fuck, Adam?”

“Shawn.” Tara calls out my name again, but with more bite. I look back at her as she hops off the table. “Come with me.” When I don’t move, she grabs my arms and yanks on me to follow her. I still don’t budge. “Now!”

I can murder him later.

I follow Tara. Her hair is hanging down, covering what I do not want to look at. Is this her way of getting back at me for something I didn’t even do? I can’t see another man’s work on her body. I can’t.

When we walk inside, I close the door. Tara walks a little further inside, but doesn’t make any moves to turn around to face me.

“Tara, I didn’t sleep with that woman. That kid isn’t—”

“Stop, Shawn.” No, I can’t. I have to make her believe me once again.

“No, you have to believe that I wouldn’t screw this up again and I wouldn’t do that to you.” I wouldn’t. She is everything I’ve ever wanted and every day I learn she’s even more than I knew I wanted.

N. E. Henderson's Books