Missing in Mudbug (Ghost-in-Law #5)(46)

“It’s not bad,” she said. “I didn’t figure because it had stopped bleeding already. Just let me clean it out. All it needs is a bandage and lucky for us Bart stocked the waterproof kind, but I hope your tetanus shot is up to date.”

“Working in the swamps without a viable tetanus shot would be akin to walking in an Alaskan blizzard wearing only your underwear.”

An instant vision of Colt walking in a blizzard, wearing only his underwear, flashed through her mind, and she felt a blush run up her face. Horrified at her complete lapse from reality and relieved that he wouldn’t be able to see her blush in the dim light, she gave a nervous laugh and reached for the peroxide and cotton balls.

“This won’t take a minute,” she said as she cleaned the wound. “So what is the plan? Wait until tomorrow morning, then leave? It’s less of a risk in the daylight, right?”

“Yeah, but there’s a small problem with that plan.”

Jadyn froze, already certain she wasn’t going to like what he had to say. “What problem?”

“That last shot hit the side of the boat. It was sinking fast when I ran for the camp.”

[page]Chapter Eleven

It was almost ten o’clock when Maryse finally called Mildred. She’d had Luc text the hotel owner hours ago that she was safe and at home, but Maryse knew Mildred wouldn’t sleep a wink unless she heard directly from Maryse. And although she had every right not to care, Maryse couldn’t help wondering if Helena had made it out of the swamp.

Mildred answered on the first ring. “It’s about time.”

“Sorry,” Maryse said. “I was held captive by that ass Ross for hours, then once Luc rescued me, I got a serious butt-chewing from him.”

“He’s been chewing you out for the past three hours?”

Maryse blushed. “Uh, not exactly.”

“I see. Well, I hope you enjoyed your marital activities while I sat here worried to death.”

Maryse smiled, knowing the hotel owner was joking. “I definitely enjoyed them. Might go for a second round later on.”

Mildred sighed. “Must you rub it in? Your daddy’s been dead a long time.”

“So find someone new. Do you really think he’d want you to sit around pining for him?”

“Maybe a little.”

“Ha. You’re probably right. Anyway, back to business.” She gave Mildred a rundown of her and Helena’s fallout with the FBI and her day with Stepford. “Did Helena make it back?”

“Yes, Jadyn and Colt found the boat drifting and out of gas. Once Colt realized the boat belonged to Ross, he decided to leave it, but he unknowingly hauled Helena back to shore.”

“Wow. I wonder how Jadyn made that work.”

“I can’t imagine and don’t trust a word Helena says. She always makes herself sound like a lot less trouble than she is.”

“You haven’t asked Jadyn?”

Mildred hesitated before answering and Maryse sobered, knowing something wasn’t right.

“The thing is,” Mildred said, “she hasn’t come back just yet.”

“What do you mean just yet? It’s been dark for over an hour. Did you call the sheriff’s department?”

“Of course, but Eugenia hasn’t heard from them, either. Deputy Nelson tried to raise him on the CB, but he’s not getting a response. So he went to other channels and asked the fishermen about them, but no one’s seen them since late this afternoon.”

Maryse clenched the phone. “Something’s wrong. No matter how involved they are in finding Raissa, they would have checked in by now.”

“You think I don’t know that? Deputy Nelson is going over the map Colt left and getting a plan together to send out a search party tonight.”

“Let me go talk to Luc.” She disconnected the call and hurried back into the bedroom to wake her sleeping husband, already knowing how unhappy he was going to be with this news.

And with the fact that she had every intention of joining the search party.

“Luc.” She shook his shoulder until he rolled over and opened one eye.

“You wore me out,” he said. “Let me sleep.”

“Jadyn and Colt haven’t returned.”

Luc popped up in bed. “You’re sure?”

She nodded and repeated her conversation with Mildred.

Luc rubbed his cheek. “That’s not good.”

“I know. If they ran into boat trouble, they would have used the CB. If they needed backup, they would have used the CB. So either the CB has been disabled, they can’t get to it, or they’re…”

“No. I refuse to believe that. Colt’s too sharp to let someone get the better of him in the swamp.”

“But Jadyn is new. What if she slowed him down, or distracted him? I think they might like each other…you know?”

Luc shook his head. “I don’t believe for a moment that sexual attraction is enough to reduce their concentration enough to become vulnerable. They’re professionals and they’re on the job.”

“Deputy Nelson is putting together a search party. They’re going out tonight.”

Luc studied her face for a while, then sighed. “And you want to go.”

Jana DeLeon's Books