Mischief in Mudbug (Ghost-in-Law, #2)(86)

Sabine smiled. “Helena sorta operates by her own set of rules.”

“Well, I never would have believed it if I hadn’t seen it, and I like to think I’m fairly open-minded. All the same, I’m glad she’s around.”

“Me, too,” Sabine said, “but don’t you dare ever tell her that.”

Beau laughed, and then his expression grew serious. “And what about me…have you given any more thought to having me around? I wouldn’t bill you for it, of course.”

Sabine sobered. “I don’t know. I’m drawn to you like I never have been to anyone else. I care about you, and more importantly, I respect and admire you, but I don’t even know what my own future holds. How can I ask you to live that way?”

“You mean one day at a time with you?” Beau placed his hands on both sides of her face and lowered his head, brushing her lips gently with his. He pulled back a bit and looked at her. “I love you, Sabine LeVeche. I don’t care if we have fifty years together or two weeks. What I do know is that I don’t want to live one more minute of either of our lives without you.”

Sabine’s heart pounded in her chest and tears filled her eyes. Everything around her seemed to blur, but Beau remained clear. It was a huge risk, but she knew she had to start living. It might be her last chance to do so. “I love you, Beau. God help us both. I don’t want to spend another minute without you in my life, either.”

Beau pulled her close to him and hugged her as if he would never let go. And the wonderful thing is that Sabine knew he wouldn’t.

“We’re going to do everything possible for you, Sabine,” Beau promised. “Even if it means extorting bone marrow from Frances.”

Sabine leaned back a bit and looked at him, her eyes filled with tears but her heart full of the love for this man who had put everything on the line to protect her. “That won’t be necessary. Mildred was tested last night in the hospital. She’s a match.”

Beau’s eyes lit up with the hope and promise that Sabine felt for the first time in a long time. He lowered his lips to hers and she melted into his embrace, hoping she had a long, long time to feel as good as she did right now.

[page]One week later

Sabine closed her shop and walked upstairs to her apartment. She could hear soft music playing inside before she even opened the door, but nothing prepared her for the gorgeous man standing in her kitchen, chopping vegetables and wearing nothing but an apron and a smile.

“I’m making you my famous spaghetti,” he said.

She walked into the kitchen and pulled his apron to the side, laughing as he playfully slapped her hand away. “Tease,” she said. “So does your secret recipe call for cooking in the nude?”

He pulled her into his arms and kissed her. “No. You call for me cooking in the nude. For some reason, when I’m around you I don’t feel like wearing clothes.” He eased back from her a bit and studied her face. “How are you feeling?”

Sabine smiled. “No side effects from the radiation at all. I think Maryse may be up for a Nobel Prize some day.”

“And did the doctor call with your test results?”

“Just before I closed up. He said I’m responding well to treatment and everything looks great.”

The relief on Beau’s face was apparent. “Then I have a surprise for you.”

“What kind of surprise?”

“The kind that involves you leaving this state for the first time. And it has a beach, and a private hut, and a minister waiting for a phone call from me. That is, if you’re willing to marry a naked chef.”

“Well, I don’t know. You might want to put on clothes before we meet with the minister.”

“Is that a yes?”

She leaned in and kissed him gently on the lips. “That’s a definitely.”


To my friend, Tracey Stanley, for being a constant reminder that there are truly good people in this world. To my fabulous critique partners and friends, Colleen Gleason, Cari Manderscheid, and Cindy Taylor for keeping me on task and propping me up with wine and homemade cookies. My parents Jimmie and Bobbie, brother Dwain, sis-in-law Donna, and incredible niece Katianne, for all your support. My mentor, Jane Graves, for all your support, whether it was a plot problem or career advice—I’m lucky to have you. To my agent, Kristin Nelson, for taking a chance on something different and always believing in my ability to write, even when I sometimes forget. And to my incredible editor, Leah Hultenschmidt, for your brilliant editorial comments that always take my story to another level. And a huge THANKS to the cover artists for the absolute best covers in publishing—I love the shoe!

Critics Are Charmed by Jana DeLeon!


“DeLeon brings her spunky style to a novel that’s plenty of fun to read. The characters are easy to indentify with and demonstrate their multifaceted personalities in their actions and words. DeLeon is excellent at weaving comedy, suspense and spicy romance into one compelling story.”

—RT Book Reviews

“Funny and exciting Deleon manages to keep you guessing and laughing from start to finish…I would recommend this to anyone.”

Jana DeLeon's Books