
I shrug.

“So that wasn’t you marking your territory?”

“I’m not a dog, Hollywood.”

He bites his lower lip. “Can’t just admit it, huh? Nothing comes easy with you, does it?”

“I would say that was pretty easy.”

“That’s not what I meant. You’re a ballbuster, and you know it. And please don’t mention anything about your mother while my cock is still inside you.”

He kisses my shoulders, my collarbone, my chin, cheeks, nose, and lips. I’m so incredibly high, I can’t imagine the crash. He rests his weight on his forearms next to my head as he continues to kiss me.

“You can’t be comfortable,” I mumble against his lips.

“This, beauty,” he whispers softly, “this is bliss.” After another thorough kiss, he pulls away. Taking his discarded T-shirt, he cleans between my legs, the act so intimate, I redden a little with embarrassment. He does this so carefully, I can’t help but to close my eyes and push his hands away.

“Oh no you fucking don’t, not after that show,” he says, gently spreading my legs and pushing his fingers inside before running them through my folds. His mussed-up hair and nail-marked shoulders a sure sign of my own disheveled state. I’m finally crashing down with realization as he presses a kiss on the top of my mound and grins up at me. “I don’t think I’ll ever get over how perfect that felt.” The view is spectacular from where I lay as he touches me so gently, the pads of his fingers spurring me on even after I’m well spent. “You’re filthy,” he says matter-of-fact, “gotta say I wasn’t expecting that. And here I thought you’d never see me again.”

“I wasn’t planning on it.”

His brows draw as he frowns down at me. “Really? Because of what you saw in there?”

“No…I mean, kind of. I don’t know that I fit with you.”

“So, this was going to be it? Is this what you think you’re worth to me?”

“Of course not, give me a little credit. But we hardly live comparable lives.”

His eyes darken as he looks me over. “We were going to have to give in to this attraction at some point.”

“True, but—”

“You think you can’t have something real with me?” He frowns down at me, a pissed off edge to his tone before he lifts me by the arms to sit bare-assed on his table. “I didn’t plan on sleeping with you tonight, Mila, and you know it.”

I’m finding it hard to regret anything with the way he’s doting on me. It’s nothing short of the bliss he spoke of. I feel beautiful. I’ve just been thoroughly fucked in the trailer of a movie set, and somehow, I feel like a queen, his queen. I have no idea how he managed that. I’m pretty sure it’s his hands, the way they explore, adore, worship. Reality can go fuck itself, I want to live in my daydream.

Ashamed at my previous train of thought, I nod. “You’re right.”

He’s still aggravated, it’s in the set of his jaw. He tucks himself back into his jeans and places his hands on either side of the table, leaning down to get eye level with me.

“So, is this it? I kiss you goodnight, and have Paul take you home. Is that what you want?”

Tucking my lip underneath my teeth, I shake my head and look up at him.

“Why don’t you allow me to show you what you’re worth to me?”

It’s the second time I’ve been blindsided. I agree readily because it’s what I want. “Okay.”

I give him a shy smile before he cups the back of my head and takes my lips in a kiss telling me he means it. When he pulls away, I make idiotic small talk because all I want to do is beg him for more of what he just gave me. I’ve never had sex quite like that.

“Now onto that advice,” he says, smoothing warm hands down my naked arms before picking up my panties. He slips my feet into them and then pulls me to stand, sliding them in place before he grabs my bra. One side of his mouth lifts. “Maybe I should leave you naked, so I can get my way.”

“That’s not the way this works,” I say, reaching for my bra before he yanks me flush to him.

“Don’t test me,” he says, rubbing his fresh erection against me.

“Wow,” I mouth. “Don’t tease me.”

“Oh, like you just played fair?”


“So,” he says, slipping my bra on and fastening it without issue, “there is this extremely beautiful, intelligent, woman I’m crazy about and want to get to know better, but I have this work obligation coming up, and I was wondering if I should ask her to wait for me?”

“How long will you be gone?”

“Seven weeks. We’re doing most of the principal photography in Cairo.”

“Hmm…That’s a lot to ask from someone you’ve only been on two dates with.”

“Yeah,” he agrees, stroking my nipples through my bra with deft thumbs. I sink into his touch.

It’s his hands, definitely his hands.

“But I have this feeling she wants to wait for me.”

“You do?”

“I have to play this just right though. This isn’t just any woman.”

Kate Stewart's Books