
It’s a shame because Blake was insanely handsome, extremely talented, and I always got the feeling he didn’t know his worth. Staring into his office, my eyes water when I recall the last time I saw him.

Blake was ushering a grimacing Lucas into our house when I spotted them at our door.

“Oh my God, what happened?”

Blake grins at me like he just found a million-dollar bill as they brush past me toward the living room. “You married yourself a real cowboy, Mila.”

“Fuck you,” Lucas growls as Blake deposits him on the couch and he lands with a groan.

Blake belts out the standard western showdown whistle before bursting into laughter and turning to me. “Your husband decided to take an unusual route to infertility. Looks pretty serious,” he says before snapping his fingers and pointing at me. “You know,” his eyes trail down my body. “I’ve been divorced a hot minute. Need someone to keep the home fires burning? Or maybe I should make a deposit just in case he no longer has any swimmers.”

I shake my head unamused. “Be serious, Blake, he’s hurt.”

Blake raises a perfectly arched brow. “Oh, I can assure you I’m quite serious. I’m your huckleberry,” he drawls out before pointing a thumb over his shoulder. “And it’s a good thing because I think they might be changing his script name to Engorged Nuts Ignacio.”

“Dame,” Lucas whispers hoarsely, ignoring Blake’s rants as if he’s dying. I race to his side. “I need ice.”

Scrambling to the kitchen, I grab a ready pack I keep for after our workouts and start scrounging for a towel to wrap it in while Blake grabs a beer from the fridge. Lucas groans. “Shut up, you pansy!” Blake taunts from the kitchen. “Pansy, can you believe that was actually an insult back in the day that constituted fighting words? My, my, how humanity has depreciated. We’ve gotten so much uglier over the years.”

“Come on back in here, I’ll be happy to show you just what ugly is,” Lucas sounds from the couch.

“Cut the shit, Blake, what happened?”

Blake grins, and when he does, I can’t help but note just how good-looking he is—rugged, blond with golden brown eyes and full lips. He holds a finger up to me indicating he needs another infuriating minute while downing his beer before grabbing another. Satisfied with my growing annoyance, he exaggerates his exhale. “He got fresh with his horse.”

“The hell I did! That horse had it in for me the minute he saw me. Get the hell out, West,” Lucas shouts from the couch.

Blake pulls out some prescription pills from his pocket, pops the top and swallows two of them down with his beer before handing them to me. I raise a brow. “It’s Oxy and this buzz is my severance for playing nurse. He gets one every four hours, and he’s all yours.”

“Why didn’t anyone call me?”

“He was trying to tough it out,” Blake says with another throaty chuckle. “That lasted all of ten minutes. You know,” he says, jutting his chin toward the living room, “I’ve never seen him cry before. At least not unless it was on cue.”

“As soon as I’m able, I’m going to feed your nuts to you, asshole!” Lucas yells from where he struggles, exasperated. “Baby! Please! Ice!”

Rushing back into the living room I see my man has his pants and underwear at his ankles, cupping his dick, his hand outstretched for ice.

Blake rounds the corner, and once he sees Lucas, he bursts into fresh laughter. I hand Lucas the ice and he thanks me when I turn my attention back to Blake.

“What were you doing there?”

He sets his beer down next to the coaster on our coffee table and knuckles the top of Lucas’s head. Lucas slaps his hands away attempting to get comfortable. “I came to see our boy.”

“That’s enough,” I snap as Lucas looks at me with helpless, pain-filled eyes.

Blake holds his hands up. “You two are highly unappreciative. I might just not get you the fondue set I’ve been eyeing for you both for Christmas.”

Lucas rolls his eyes. “It was great seeing you, bro,” he snaps. “Really, if it weren’t for you, I would probably have some dignity left.”

“Anything to help,” Blake retorts without missing a beat. “And you know damn well you missed me,” he coos. They share a smile, Lucas’s more of a grimace and it’s obvious the statement is true. Blake slides his hands in the back pockets of his jeans. “Get that nut iced. Mila, my offer stands. Happy to donate to the growth of the family.”

I can’t help but smile because Blake’s is infectious. Over the years I’d learned he’s just the type of man you begrudgingly love. Where his charm is just enough to offset the asshole. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

“The hell you will,” Lucas grunts out. “Thanks, asshole. I’ll call you.”

“I’ll hold my breath, later bro,” Lucas taunts as he makes his way toward the front door.

“You’re the devil,” Lucas yells, wincing before he eases himself down on the pack.

“Heaven for the weather,” he grins back between us both, “hell for the company.”

I speak up then. “Did you seriously just misquote Mark Twain? It’s ‘Go to heaven for the climate, and hell for the company.’”

Kate Stewart's Books