Mended (Connections, #3)(89)

Charlotte is talking to Dahlia and I start to make my way over to them. Dahlia and I have spent a lot of time together. We talked about her miscarriage and she told me she and River are taking it one day at a time. The pregnancy was unplanned, and right now they want to enjoy each other and not stress about getting pregnant again. I was so happy to hear that, because so many couples go down that road. They are so happy together, and I know they will face what comes their way together with love—it’s so obvious how they feel about each other.

We could not have had any more fun putting my album together. Xander, River, and Dahlia all worked together. Xander took charge and managed every detail. River took care of coordinating with producers he thought would best enhance each song. And Dahlia designed my cover, using photographs she took of me—it really is a work of art. When we weren’t all working together in the studio, we were hanging out—going out to eat and even running trails together. Dahlia and I have a common bond—she doesn’t have any family, and in a way neither do I. We seem to be drawn to each other because of it.

“Ivy—there you are.” Bell appears, interrupting my thoughts.

I haven’t spent as much time with her as I have with River and Dahlia, but I’ve known her since she was ten, so I feel a connection to her as well. Tonight she seems nervous, much like Xander, and I have to bite the inside of my cheek to stop from laughing at the similarities between the two of them—similarities of course that neither would ever admit to.

“No more pictures, Bell,” I joke.

She laughs. “Oh God, no, I think Xander might lose it if I ask him to smile one more time.” With that we both laugh.

“What’s so funny?” he asks, putting his arm around my waist and pulling me to him.

“Nothing. Nothing at all.”

Bell’s phone dings and I watch as she pulls it out of the pocket of her little romper. A slight rosy color blooms on her cheeks. “Who’s that? A guy? Maybe a boyfriend?” I tease.

Xander snorts. “You don’t know Bell well enough yet—she always has a boyfriend.”

She puts her hands on her hips. “I’ll have you know, brother of mine, I have not had a boyfriend since Tate.”

Xander raises his arms in surrender. “Wow, calm down. I didn’t know. But I’m just teasing you.”

She quickly slides her phone back into her pocket and gives him a giant smile before slipping a stuffed mushroom in her mouth. “Ummm . . . these are so good.”

“Hey, little sis, aren’t those your favorite?” he asks, pointing to a silver tray with scallops wrapped in bacon.

“Very funny.”

“Why don’t you try one of them for old times?” Xander asks, the tone of his voice dropping.

“No, thank you,” she says almost menacingly.

“I dare you,” he challenges.

Her gaze flits over him in an assessing manner as she reaches for the appetizer. She squishes her nose in disgust and pops it right into her mouth. I think she swallows it without even chewing. Then she covers her mouth as if to stop from gagging.

“Happy?” she says, suddenly waving her hands in the air.

“What? Are you going to throw up?” Xander asks, now with concern in his voice.

She covers her lips again and I think she’s gagging. Her next words are muffled. “I just remembered. I forgot the Bellinis. I’ll be back.”

She scurries off amid the clacking of her gold and silver heels against the floor.

I turn around and catch Xander shaking his head.

“What was that about?” I ask.

“Oh, long story, but Bell has hated scallops wrapped in bacon ever since she ate too many of them years ago and threw them all up. And here’s something else you don’t know about my sister—she can never, I mean never, back down from a dare.”

I lift a brow.

“What? She’s a bundle of nerves. She needed to calm down.”

I put my hands on his chest. “So are you. I think we all are.” The glimpse of his stubbled cheeks makes my fingers itch and I forget all about the fact that I meant to scold him. Instead I run my palms up the side of his face and look into his eyes. After a few minutes I ask, “Everything okay with Aerie?”

“She just wanted me to know who the new owner of Sound Music Magazine is before it’s announced on Monday.”


“No one I really give a shit about or want to talk about now. I’ll tell you later.”

I step closer and kiss the place where my hand was just resting.

He stares at me. “Fuck, you look incredible. I know I already told you this, but I can’t keep my eyes off you,” he whispers.

I can feel the heat blazing in my cheeks from the way he says it. I run my fingers up his shirt, thinking of his tattoo lying just underneath it. The tattoo he got for me. The one I love to trace with my eyes, my fingers, my tongue. I take a deep breath, then rub my hand over his stubbled jaw again.

A wicked grin crosses his lips. “Sorry. I didn’t have time to shave. Someone hijacked me before getting ready.” My pink flush turns to red instantly, I just know it. “Don’t be embarrassed. Feel free to hijack me anytime,” he says, unabashed.

With my hand still on his jaw, I rub the slight stubble one more time. “I like it when you don’t shave.”

Kim Karr's Books