Mended (Connections, #3)(57)

“Hello?” I bellow, pushing the door open with my foot.

A roar from the TV catches me off guard and my gaze shoots to the figure moving in the kitchen. A head full of long dark hair rises above the counter. Her slender figure is wrapped in an apron over a navy tank top. “Xander.” She smiles at me.

“Amy? What are you doing here?” She tries to kiss me, but I turn my cheek as she gives me a hug.

“I ran into your mother at the supermarket this morning and I told her to let me take care of the food so she could concentrate on your brother and Dahlia. She let me in and said she’d be back in a bit. I’m so sorry to hear about the baby.”

She glances at the door. “I left the door open because I burned the brownies.”

I stifle a laugh. “Well, it’s nice of you to do this. I’m sure they’ll appreciate it.”

“We’ve all been friends for years. It’s the least I can do. It’s no big deal.”

I nod my head and take a step back, throwing my keys and phone on the counter. My gaze drifts to the TV, where the news is flashing a picture of two men being escorted in handcuffs to waiting police cars. The screen alert reads: OPERATION SHADOWDANCERS COMES TO AN END. It draws my attention because I think Caleb mentioned something about Ben Covington being involved with that case.

I focus on the woman reporting the news: “Two more members of the Mexican drug cartel have been arrested. Along with the bust—more than one hundred pounds of methamphetamine, ten pounds of cocaine, and half a pound of heroin were seized in the raid—vice squad detective Jason Holt said he estimates to have removed nearly five million dollars of trash from the streets. The almost five-year-long investigation culminated late last night when a long undercover operation targeting the remaining members of the Cortez family was executed. The Department of Justice said that they believe the trafficking organization run under this family is now completely shut down. In related news, Josh Hart, believed to be linked to the cartel, who was found guilty of aggravated assault and battery back in March, was sentenced to three years in prison today.”

She scans the stations and stops on Entertainment Today. “Oh, look, there’s your picture with Ivy.”

My head snaps back to the TV. It’s a picture of Ivy and me in Niagara Falls together.

“I didn’t know the band played there,” Amy comments.

I shrug, not clarifying that we didn’t play there. Then I focus on the banners scrolling across the screen. One reads: “Today marks the thirtieth anniversary of Dylan Wolf’s death. He was the prodigal son of Sheep Industries’ founder, Josh Wolf. His fraternal twin, Damon Wolf, now sits at the helm. Dylan’s life ended tragically when . . .”

“I didn’t know Damon had a twin brother.” I toss the comment off to Amy, ignoring the rest of the newscast.

“Yes, I think I heard he had a drug problem and overdosed.” She claps her hands together. “Okay, I’m all done in the kitchen.”

“What are you doing in town anyway?” I ask.

“The band has a few days off before heading to Bristow. Are you staying in town? Maybe we could go to dinner? You do owe me.”

I shake my head. “Actually, as soon as I make sure River and Dahlia are settled I have to get back. I’m leaving tonight, or first thing in the morning.”

I step around the counter and Amy crosses to the sink to rinse the bowls before loading them into the dishwasher. “We’ll catch up in Bristow, then,” she says with a smile.

I know I should tell her about Ivy, but I need to get out of here. “Listen, River’s waiting for me. I’m just going to grab some things.” I direct the statement her way, already walking down the hallway toward the bedroom. When I come back out she’s sitting at the breakfast bar drinking a cup of coffee.

“Pour a cup to go if you want. I just made it,” she says, motioning to the pot.

I do, then snatch my stuff off the counter, say goodbye, and jet.

? ? ?

My nerves are buzzing by the time I walk in my house well after ten. I’d picked River and Dahlia up at the hospital, helped him get her settled, sat and just talked to him while Dahlia slept, talked with my mother, with Bell, and with Jack when he came over after work with dinner in hand. At least Amy was gone by the time we got back from the hospital, so I didn’t have to deal with that guilt. The pain I feel for River and Dahlia, plus my mother’s crying, and Bell’s strange behavior, on top of not having talked to Ivy yet, are putting my temper into overdrive.

I flop down in a chair in my living room and run my hands through my hair. Then I decide to call Garrett. Fucking voice mail again. I’m the band manager—they should be answering when I call. I hang up and slam my phone down, then throw my head back, just closing my eyes.

I hear a faint ringing noise. Glancing at my watch, I notice I’ve been asleep for thirty minutes. It’s my phone. I quickly answer it.


“Hey, man, sorry I missed your call.”

I sit up and focus. “Anything going on I should know about? I’ve been trying to get hold of Ivy since I got home and she hasn’t picked up.”

He clears his throat. “I’m not really sure what’s going on. I would have called you, but I can’t find her.”

Standing up, I start to pace the room. “What the f*ck do you mean you can’t find her? Did she do the show?”

Kim Karr's Books