Mended (Connections, #3)(31)

I stand up. “This ought to be good. You haven’t beaten me in anything since . . . oh yeah, never. Unless you cheat, that is.”

“Yeah, whatever,” he says and starts to play.

I lean against the window to watch. But under her breath I hear Ivy mutter, “That’s the pot calling the kettle black.”

I’ve had just about enough of leaving the past in the past. It’s time to have that conversation I’ve been holding back on. So when Nix walks in the room, I ask him, “Nix, why don’t you take over for Ivy? I need to talk to her about something.”

She glares at me with a fierceness in her eyes I’m not used to seeing, but I’m ready—it’s time to come clean. I nod toward her bedroom and she stands with a huff, throwing the controller down. “Xander, I told you let’s leave the past in the past,” she tells me in a whisper.

Leif’s phone rings and when he looks at the screen, he heads our way. “Mind if I go in your room, Ivy? It’s Amber and I think I should grovel in private.”

“Take your time. I’m fine out here,” she tells him, directing all her coldness my way.

Garrett looks up at me. “Everything okay?”

“Peachy,” I answer and head for the front lounge for another cup of sludge, but as I walk I wonder if telling her the truth even matters.

? ? ?

Less than an hour later we pull into the Hyatt Regency at the Cleveland Arcade. I’m in the galley on the phone with Ena making sure the merchandise for this week’s shows will arrive on time, not late like last week.

“It doesn’t f*cking help to have Tshirts at a concert once the concert is over,” I tell her.

“I know, Xander, but I can’t control the pace at which UPS decides to move.”

“Ena, just overnight the shit for next week. We’re missing out on a huge financial opportunity.”

“Okay, I will. But just remember when you pay the bills, it was your idea.”

“Right. I gotta run. I’ll check in tomorrow.” I hit END and hoist my bag onto my shoulder—so ready to get off this bus.

Entering the hotel, I glance around. This place is completely cool. It’s two large buildings linked together by a wall of glass-framed windows. By far one of the most beautiful pieces of architecture I’ve ever seen, with its old railings and wooden trim. In its day it must have been a place to see.

I get us all checked in and luckily we each have our own room. Garrett takes the room keys while I sign for everything. When I turn around, everyone has disappeared. The lobby is oddly quiet, but the bar is not. A happy hour sign reads TWO FOR ONE. The elevators are to the right of the bar and Leif stands near them, just staring off into space.

Approaching him, I ask, “How’d it go?”

“Not well. She’s in love with someone else. That’s the real reason she wanted to break up.”

“I’m sorry. That sucks. But better to find out now. How about I take you out tonight? Get your mind off everything,” I ask as I press the UP button.

“Just tell me where and when.”

“There’s a club in the warehouse district with a band playing I’ve heard a lot about. I’m going to check them out later. Meet me in the lobby around ten.” The elevator doors open and we get in.

“I plan to get really shitfaced. I’m just warning you now.”

“Nothing I can’t handle.” I remember the shit River and Dahlia went through last year when I had to take care of his sorry ass after he tried to drown himself in booze rather than tell her what he knew. Not that I haven’t done the same many times. So, shit, a guy whose girl broke up with him—I can handle that.


Blurred Lines

Ordinarily, I love staying in a hotel—a room to myself, privacy, a decent shower, and a comfortable bed. But by the time I exit the elevator a few hours later, I already miss having Ivy close. So I’m not only surprised but somewhat elated when I hit the lobby and see her sitting in a plush chair near the lounge. I didn’t realize she was coming with us—not that I mind. She’s on the phone, so I just nod a quick hello to her. She gives me a slight smile in return. She’s a knockout in a black minidress and flat sandals. Her hair is down and straight, with a few strands draping over her eyes. I wish I could push them aside so I could see the deep blue of her eyes. I find Nix and Garrett standing near the bar, deep in conversation. Leif doesn’t seem to be down here yet. The bar is open to the lobby, so as I walk up to them I catch the conversation.

“Who’s Phoebe?” Garrett asks Nix.

“That teacher I met at the party at the Pelican. She’s from San Francisco.”

“Sorry. No recollection of you hanging with any girl, especially a smart one.”

“Fuck off,” Nix snaps.

“What’s all the talk about a girl?” I ask them.

Garrett knocks shoulders with Nix. “This guy over here invited a chick to fly out and meet him, and she arrives tonight.”

“No shit. Are you serious?” I’m somewhat impressed that Nix cares about anyone enough to make an extra effort. It’s the first I’ve ever seen him do something like this.

“Fuck, I remember her now. She was the one wearing that slinky purple number with the really low-cut neck, wasn’t she?” Garrett makes a gesture with his fists on his chest and shakes them.

Kim Karr's Books