Matchmaking for Beginners(59)

Three months, three months.

My whole family is going to be so upset! And I’ll miss Jeremy. Taking a three-month break from him is not what I would have chosen. Oh, and Amelia, too. I was just getting situated back in Florida, beginning to feel connected and secure. Damn it, I’ve been happy there . . . and after such a big, huge unhappiness, this has felt like a gigantic gift.

Blix, what have you done to me? I’ll need a coat. And sweaters. And what will I live on?

And, oh my God, then there’s Noah.

I look over at him. He’s holding a piece of paper in front of him, which I happen to know is a checklist of questions that he’s been directed to ask by his mother.

He starts in, his voice heavy and serious. Might there be another will that’s more current somewhere? How do we know Blix was of sound mind? Can this will be contested? Blah blah blah.

When he asks Charles Sanford point-blank if I had any input into the terms of this will, and when exactly was I informed about it, I bristle and make a little squawking noise of protest. But Charles Sanford is patient, explaining that I had nothing to do with the terms of the will, but I can tell he’s getting fed up with Noah and his family, and anyway there’s a loud buzzing sound in my ears that means I can barely pay attention anymore to what’s being said. I work on rubbing the little nails in the chair and wonder what in the world Jeremy is going to say when he hears this news.

Do I even want this?

Yes. Yes, darling. You want this.

Somehow while I’ve been consumed with my own anxieties, Charles Sanford seems to have found the combination of words to make Noah shut the hell up, and then we all say more words and apparently I’ve agreed to everything because I’m signing papers, and it is growing darker outside, like the sun has disappeared, which I don’t think has anything to do with the fact that I’ve just signed a scary legal document, but you never know.

A thunderstorm is coming, LaRue says. Would anyone like some coffee? Or some bottled water? But no, we say we’re fine.

“Wait. One more question. So what if she doesn’t live here for the three months?” Noah is saying in a voice that feels like it’s coming from the bottom of a well, distorted and strange. “What happens to the property then?”

Charles Sanford clears his throat and starts looking through the papers. “She was actually quite certain that Marnie would meet the stipulations. You know how your great-aunt was. There’s hardly anything that she had doubts about. But in a separate document sent in right before she died, she said that if Marnie didn’t accept the terms, the house would go to several charities she named.”

“To charities,” says Noah flatly. He glances over at me in shock. I shrug.

“Yes, Mr. Spinnaker. I know.” Charles Sanford clears his throat again. “She did leave you a bit of money. Not what you’re hoping, I’m certain, but still . . . your great-aunt did mention once that you’re the heir to a rather large family fortune, so perhaps she didn’t think it necessary to provide for you in her own will.”

“Well. That remains to be seen,” says Noah in such a small, defeated voice that I feel sorry for him. I see him as a boy with his hand tucked into his great-aunt’s hand, and maybe she is telling him something, and he is gazing into her face. Aunt Blix. Kiss your Aunt Blix, Noah.

Charles Sanford is looking at him kindly. “Please know that this kind of thing happens all the time. There’s no accounting for what people want done with their property when they’re gone.” He turns to me. “And here, Marnie, is a private letter she requested that I give to you, to be opened when you wish. There’s another letter in the vault for when the three months are up.”

I reach over and take the letter. I still feel dazed. Perhaps it’s not too late to speak up and change my mind. In one second, I could reverse course and my life would go right back to normal.

Still, I can’t help but notice that I am keeping silent.

Charles Sanford stacks all the papers, and then he stands up to signal that the meeting is over. “So if you don’t have any more questions, I’ll file the necessary paperwork and get things moving. Marnie, feel free to contact me with any questions you might have, or if you have any problems going forward. Because you’ve chosen to accept the terms of the will, Blix has provided a stipend for you for your living expenses. I would suggest you open a bank account here and I’ll see that checks are deposited to the account as needed. Blix also wanted you to know that she’s paid the taxes on the property for the next five years, and she’s also provided some gifts for the tenants, which I’ll be disbursing.”

The blood is beating in my ears so hard that I can only barely hear what he’s saying.

It’s time to go, apparently. Noah, walking along beside me, is reading his phone. “Just so you know, I’m pretty sure my folks will want to contest the will,” he says.

We’re in the waiting room by then. Charles Sanford frowns. “They are welcome to try, of course, but I assure you it’s a waste of money and time. Your great-aunt was knowledgeable in how to make her wishes known.”

Just then there’s a huge clap of thunder, and Charles Sanford says, “Hi, Blix,” and everyone laughs.

“You both have my deepest condolences on her loss,” Charles says, and he shakes our hands, and says we’ll be in touch.

Maddie Dawson's Books