Legend (Arizona Vengeance #3)(73)

For a moment, I just look at her lying in the bed. She’s reading a magazine and looks so peaceful for someone that was just shot in the stomach yesterday and had abdominal surgery.

When I take another step into the room, she turns my way, her mouth peeling into a beautiful smile. “Hey,” she says brightly, taking in the huge bouquet of flowers in one hand and a large white shopping bag in the other. Then her smile dims and she frowns at me. “You didn’t bring Charlie?”

I shake my head. “I wanted time alone with you today. I’ll bring her tomorrow assuming you’re still here.”

“I’ll be here,” she tells me glumly as she tries to push herself up a little in the bed. It apparently causes too much pain in her stomach and she goes still, deciding her current position is comfortable. “I’m ready to go now, but the doctor told me this morning it will be a few more days before he releases me.”

“You’ll survive,” I tell her as I make my way around her bed to the rolling table that’s holding her iPad and cell phone. I sit the bouquet down on it and step back to get her reaction.

She grins at me. “I love them.”

“What’s your favorite flower?” I ask her.

“Peonies,” she replies.

“Noted for the next time, but for today it’s roses.”

“Like I said,” she repeats. “I love them.”

“Good,” I reply and then move the table slightly so I can get near her bed. I set the shopping bag on the floor and lower the rail so I can sit on the edge of the thin mattress near her hip. There’s not much room but I’ll make it work.

    Pepper tries to scoot over and her face scrunches up in pain again.

I give her a pointed look. “See…the doctor knows you’re not ready to go home.”

“I miss your bed,” she mutters.

“I miss you in my bed.” I sit down gently and lean over to give her a soft kiss. “So I’ll just hang out in yours for a bit.”

Pepper laughs and nods toward the floor. “What’s in the bag?”

“A present for you.” I give her a sly smile then a wink before bending over to reach inside the white bag. I pull out the brown teddy bear I’d picked up.

She takes it from me and hugs it to her chest.

“That’s for you to have something to cuddle while you’re here,” I tell her.

“I love it as well,” she tells me as she tucks the bear into her side. Her eyes then turn serious. “How are you feeling today?”

“I’m okay.” I give her a confident smile to prove my point.

She cocks an eyebrow at me.

“Really,” I assure her. “I’m okay. Still a little rattled about what Lida did but mostly overjoyed that you’re alive and I have Charlie back. Is it bad I choose to focus on that?”

Pepper shakes her head slowly. Her voice is gentle as she touches my arm. “Of course, not. You should never feel bad about cherishing the good stuff in life.”

    Leaning over, I kiss her again. When I pull back, I keep my face close to hers. “I’m glad you said that, because I wanted to start today by letting you know how much I cherish you.”

It’s fucking adorable that her face flames red over the compliment. We had a really touching moment yesterday when we declared our love for each other, but putting our emotions out there is still new enough to be a little weird.

“I also don’t ever want to take anything in my life for granted, and that starts with you,” I tell her.

“With me?” she asks in surprise.

“You almost died yesterday and I got schooled on just how fleeting life can be. I don’t want to waste another minute without you by my side.”

“I am by your side,” she says as she gives me a skeptical look. “I’ve told you that.”

“How about agreeing to forever?” I ask her as I slip my hand into my front pocket. Pepper gasps when I pull out a ringbox.

I hold it up with a flourish before opening it. I tilt it so she can see the four-carat diamond set in platinum I’d picked out this morning. Her eyes go as big as dinner plates and my chest puffs out a little that I’ve stunned her with its enormity.

“I know this is really fast.” I pluck the ring from the box and take her left hand in mine. “We’ve known each other less than six months. But I have never been more sure of anything in my life. I want you to marry me, Pepper, because I don’t want to take another step in this life without knowing you’ll be mine forever. But more than anything, I want you to be Charlie’s mom. She’d be the luckiest little girl if you agree to have her.”

    “Oh, wow,” she murmurs as she stares at me.

“If it helps, I called your dad this morning and got his blessing.”

“Shut up,” she exclaims in awe.

“Will you marry me?”

“Legend,” she says softly with a tilt of her head. “I’m overwhelmed. I never imagined this would happen.”

“You’re not answering my question,” I tell her with a mock glare. “Let me put the ring on and see if that gets you to move things along.”

Pepper giggles as I slip the diamond on her finger. It fits perfectly because I looted her jewelry box this morning and grabbed one of her rings so the jeweler could size it. “Now…will you please answer my question?”

Sawyer Bennett's Books